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Discussion in 'Report A Scammer Archive' started by BoostedMMO, Apr 23, 2023.

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  1. Unread #1 - Apr 23, 2023 at 12:08 AM
  2. BoostedMMO
    Jun 14, 2020
    Sythe Gold:
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    Doge Why is there BACON in the SOAP!? Valentine's Day 2022 CoolHam Christmas 2019 Halloween 2020 Halloween 2021 Hoover Rakashrug Christmas 2016
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    Easter 2015 Valentine's Day 2021 Potamus (4) Lawrence (5) Heidy (4) Gohan has AIDS (2) <3 n4n0 (3) Extreme Homosex (4) Homosex (6)

    BoostedMMO BoostedMMO | Conquer the Game! | Join today!
    Chad Donor

    [Denied request to delay payment]

    Scammer's profile link: StDash
    Amount scammed: Hacked an Ironman.
    Discord ID + Unique Discord ID: Dalbert#2465 - 281963027367198720
    Proof that it's their Discord:
    Explanation of the trade:
    We've had a ticket opened and actively ordered since June, 13th of 2022.
    Everything has been taken care of in this ticket. All orders done from 13th of June 2022 to 23rd of April 2023.

    On 21st of April, 2023, his bank was fully emptied.

    I've spoken to the customer and resolved it with him regarding compensation.


    So this is what has been told about the situation, coming personally from Dalbert.

    Now here's the stupidity that this specific person doesn't understand.
    I am the owner of the company you work for. I hold all the responsibility that occurs within the company. I understand you don't have any braincells left, but try to keep some for this report.

    "why would we risk such a big debt, to scam a customer that we've been working for more than a year now? on this specific situation?"
    First of all, I don't know what risk of debt "we" would be. I would be in a big debt, as an owner of the company that holds all responsibility. I know "we" have been working with him for more than a year.

    Now let's get things clear about this. We both know I am not responsible for clearing his bank. You are.

    Here's why I say that, without assuming or accusing. This is spitting facts, my dear son.
    And here is the hidden reason why you haven't received your payment as well.



    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    [Redacted 1]

    I have a whole lots of more pictures that are given to me daily and taken by myself.
    Here's from another perspective as well.


    Pre-warned regarding payment:

    So The amount of warnings I've given him and said there will be consequences.
    He's always thought I was joking and always took it as a joke. Here's your joke.

    Here's his updates:

    If you followed things you agreed to, you'd not be in the position of hacking an Ironman account.

    You mentioned this:
    the final decition that i made to post this reporting thread, it's because i know what's chaddy attitude gonna be against me, after seeing the yahoo's scam, he's gonna

    1) point finger at me like he does every single situation
    2) delay the payment more, or make me pay out of it, or even take it from me completely

    How come you haven't given a single update to the customer?
    How come YOU HAVEN'T UPDATED ME so I know what's going on in the ticket?

    I don't know if you recognize, but Sythe rules goes as following:
    Businesses/Partnerships: Anyone running a business or partnered service implicitly agrees to share responsibility for the actions of their co-owners, as well as any workers they employ while the worker is on shift and acting on behalf of the business.
    • If a partner or worker scams, all owners of the business will be banned until the debt is repaid. Workers, however, are not liable for anyone's actions but their own.
    I know you have a tough time understanding, but it means that your actions becomes my problem.
    So what you're telling me, is that I'd hack an IRONMAN for 1B+, and not another customer that is a normal account which would be easier to compensate given the fact it's only Gold Coins, at my own business, with my own reputation and feedback?
    Honest to god, you seem to be having fun with Pablo Escobar or something. Let me remind you that YOU DON'T GET AFFECTED, I DO.

    Fun fact is, you chose the only customer that had any bank value you could profit some from, and along the way, get your payment for work done, as well as put me in "big debt".

    You are legit too stupid to understand how to run a business.


    Back to the main subject, here are cuts of my replies that makes valid point within the report.

    Ah, so you'd accuse me of hacking my own customers? Beautiful. And out of all the active orders I personally have, or any other managers. I'd go for your active order? To delay your payment or accuse you? Unfortunately I can't prove it was you, so why would I do such?

    But the fact that you pulled it off, and posted this report one hour later says a lot. You wouldn't think of posting this immediately after his bank got hacked. You've had this as a plan to get away with it. No tickets has had any hacking situation.

    Bosh me for being so stupid!

    But wait, if a customer gets hacked, why did you not reach out to anybody? You tagged nobody, you told nobody about the hack. But you WhatsApp me half an hour after your report.

    [Redacted 2]

    Why were you on this account before trying to sign into Yahoo's account?

    Hmmmm, why does it look like a RWT Mule?


    How come all of a sudden you could log on a minute after he said I'm changing password? So you could show him an empty bank.
    Why did you even try to log onto the account after he said "I'm changing password"?
    If someone gets hacked. The first thing you're thinking is "I'mma report Chaddy", not warn the customers to change their password until further.
    You warned the customers 20-30 minutes AFTER posting the report.

    Also, the fact that you're accusing me or my Managers.
    Here's you falsely accusing:



    BEFORE these accusations began, this is what originally happened:

    I also pre-warned you months ago:

    Perhaps it wasn't you who hacked him, perhaps it was your worker? They seem to be so stupid nowadays. But you trust them so much. You wouldn't dare to take a deposit from them.

    You created your report 1 hour after Yahoo got hacked. Sounds to me like it was planned. And 30 minutes after you created the report, that’s when you decided to text me on WhatsApp, and even give me a phone call.


    Those that you’re questioning if they stole his items, has been in that channel for months and months. Not once has anything gone missing from his account. Not even a single dime.

    But damn, we seem to be running a circus. Because as soon as Yahoos account gets hacked, that’s when I get accused of hacking someone that has had his ticket ACTIVE since JUNE 2022.

    And now we’re not talking about a normal Ironman that has absolutely nothing.
    This is an Ironman that has reached almost end-game and has almost maxed the account, which surprisingly you’ve done work on for a few months now without any issues.

    I’ve also sent evidence to President as to why it was not me because I was busy with IRL.

    I can see you’ve put time onto this and planned very well to accomplish this.

    So now if you think about it, you went from having 20+ active orders to having below 10 active orders. I didn’t want to make you aware because I had more on the line to lose if I evidently paid you.
    That’s why you have highly trusted people on tickets, which in this scenario would be the Managers you also accused of hacking and scamming multiple times which I proved was false. I asked them to keep an eye on your tickets. You made it more suspicious.
    So at last you actually went ahead and hacked Yahoo to put me in a very bad spot, then on top of that report me for having a sum not paid to you.
    How would it of been if I had paid you and then you ended up hacking him.

    I do something you never do. I take safety precautions in order to keep it stable. While you don’t care about people’s banks or you think soooo highly of your team yet they’ve back-stabbed you and you still think they’re legit.

    I guess now we wait if Sythe deems you or me guilty for the action of Yahoos account. But regardless of their response, even if I get DNT or TWC, I’m gonna do what I’m going to do. I’m going to take responsibility which you never have, and I’m going to make things right as you worked for me, I think… I don’t exactly know when you left BoostedMMO because you didn’t tell any of us anything. You directly went into Sythe. (Planned).

    How they scammed: Read above.
    Other relevant trade screenshots:
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 23, 2023
  3. Unread #2 - Apr 23, 2023 at 12:58 AM
  4. Dalbert
    Mar 16, 2019
    Sythe Gold:
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    Dalbert Formerly known as StDash
    $200 USD Donor New

    [Denied request to delay payment]

    Bal, Sensei, Mr.Peaceful were on Yahoo's ticket as well, it could be one of them

    i'm 100% it wasn't my worker, i know the people who i work with, and this one, lives right next to me, he was with me when the hacking ocurred because he came to my house when he couldnt log, and informed yahoo inmediatly, you clearly were betraying me with the payment delay, and my orders were going lower and lower without a reason, some of my workers had to quit, and started looking for new IRL jobs, so i was preparing a report and taking evidences, covering my back, but was afraid to post a report because i was hoping that you could pay, texted you day after day, with no response, also, i never found guilty the "740M scammer", thats when i started to suspect about your managers. after a long investigation into his bank accounts and crypto account, i couldnt find any evidence that proved it was him, yet, i took the responsability to protect my job, because you're some1 that you can't argue with, and you made me think it was my worker, when it didnt happen that way, just like i took the responsability when you made me pay 233$ because Jagex banned a mule that i had.

    all the scams had your managers in, i asked you a couple times to leave me alone on tickets, that way you could prove it was us. you need to learn who to give your trust, and if you're gonna betray someone like you did to me and my workers, that could starve to day and you wouldnt care, you could betray anyone else, be it a customer, or someone else. you say i made this up, i say you made this up.
  5. Unread #3 - Apr 23, 2023 at 1:02 AM
  6. BoostedMMO
    Jun 14, 2020
    Sythe Gold:
    Vouch Thread:
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    Doge Why is there BACON in the SOAP!? Valentine's Day 2022 CoolHam Christmas 2019 Halloween 2020 Halloween 2021 Hoover Rakashrug Christmas 2016
    Summer 2021 St. Patrick's Day 2019 Baby Yoda Poker Chip Le Monkey Valentine's Day 2017 Some like it hot Summer 2019 Easter 2018 Christmas 2021
    Easter 2015 Valentine's Day 2021 Potamus (4) Lawrence (5) Heidy (4) Gohan has AIDS (2) <3 n4n0 (3) Extreme Homosex (4) Homosex (6)

    BoostedMMO BoostedMMO | Conquer the Game! | Join today!
    Chad Donor

    [Denied request to delay payment]

    I know how much you love attention. You probably get turned on by attention.
    You want so much attention, that you took your time to Private Message a lot of people that you reported me.
    You're legit an entire girl. You come with toxicity, manipulation and gaslightning.


    Gabro resigned and he had a pretty solid reason as to why he decided to do it which I respect.
    But you didn't have the guts to resign. You've been a disappointment for over 4 months.
    When I hear managers come and complain to me about your actions, then you know. Dalbert is a clear issue and not my staff that he accuses so much of. Why I tell you that you are a big issue, is due to that when managers complain to me, and I have to take care of you, you legit tell me:



    This comment shown above is from 28th of September, 2021.
    This comment shown below is from the exact same person, 7th of February, 2023.


    Do you want to know why this was caused? Because you don't care about the customers. You care about the money.
    This is the reason as to why you hacked Yahoo, and accused me for it. You legit showed no evidence whatsoever that could reflect that it was me.
    Yet I brought so much evidence, that at the end of your own report against me, you had nothing to say about Yahoo anymore.

    So out of respect, I would appreciate it if you could stop spreading false accusations about me.
    This comes to prove that you're running around, private messaging customers about me, without showing any evidence of me scamming you.
    As of matter of a fact, it's defined as "safety precaution".
  7. Unread #4 - Apr 23, 2023 at 1:10 AM
  8. BoostedMMO
    Jun 14, 2020
    Sythe Gold:
    Vouch Thread:
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    Discord Unique ID:
    Discord Username:
    Doge Why is there BACON in the SOAP!? Valentine's Day 2022 CoolHam Christmas 2019 Halloween 2020 Halloween 2021 Hoover Rakashrug Christmas 2016
    Summer 2021 St. Patrick's Day 2019 Baby Yoda Poker Chip Le Monkey Valentine's Day 2017 Some like it hot Summer 2019 Easter 2018 Christmas 2021
    Easter 2015 Valentine's Day 2021 Potamus (4) Lawrence (5) Heidy (4) Gohan has AIDS (2) <3 n4n0 (3) Extreme Homosex (4) Homosex (6)

    BoostedMMO BoostedMMO | Conquer the Game! | Join today!
    Chad Donor

    [Denied request to delay payment]

    Make up your mind.
    One guy lives near you, one guy lives with you, one guy lives in Venezuela, one guy lives in the ocean, another guy is struggling, 7th guy lives beyond the earth.
    This is why you haven't earned a hoodie. You don't know how to take the blame when it's your fault. You always blame it on somebody else, for example the 7th guy that doesn't even exist.

    Here's the difference when I spit facts while you're bullshitting.
    I spend my time and hours gathering information, investigating. You investigate 10 minutes and write a text with absolutely no pictures to come with.
    I was surprised you used pictures when it comes to your report. But you sure as hell showed absolutely no pictures whatsoever when it came to the Ironman account. Am I wrong? No, I know I'm right. Wanna know how I'm right? Read the sentence behind the previous sentence.

    Perhaps you start proving how it's not you, because I can guarantee you that saying "it wasn't me" isn't enough for me. I've heard that too many times. So start sharing some god damn pictures, please. You run around telling people I scammed you, and link them a Sythe report.

    You take responsibility because I show you too much evidence, that you can't even prove anything. You can show pictures when it comes to money, but you can't show pictures when something occurs on a customers account. Which I always take care of to hold you viable of causing it.
  9. Unread #5 - Apr 23, 2023 at 1:23 AM
  10. BoostedMMO
    Jun 14, 2020
    Sythe Gold:
    Vouch Thread:
    Click Here
    Discord Unique ID:
    Discord Username:
    Doge Why is there BACON in the SOAP!? Valentine's Day 2022 CoolHam Christmas 2019 Halloween 2020 Halloween 2021 Hoover Rakashrug Christmas 2016
    Summer 2021 St. Patrick's Day 2019 Baby Yoda Poker Chip Le Monkey Valentine's Day 2017 Some like it hot Summer 2019 Easter 2018 Christmas 2021
    Easter 2015 Valentine's Day 2021 Potamus (4) Lawrence (5) Heidy (4) Gohan has AIDS (2) <3 n4n0 (3) Extreme Homosex (4) Homosex (6)

    BoostedMMO BoostedMMO | Conquer the Game! | Join today!
    Chad Donor

    [Denied request to delay payment]

    Excuse me? You didn't take responsibility. I made myself clear that if you don't sell the gold, and get banned with the gold, the debt is on you.
    This is what I mean:


    "How come it's my fault" is not responsibility.


    All I heard are excuses. This reflects on misbehavior.
  11. Unread #6 - Apr 23, 2023 at 1:49 AM
  12. BoostedMMO
    Jun 14, 2020
    Sythe Gold:
    Vouch Thread:
    Click Here
    Discord Unique ID:
    Discord Username:
    Doge Why is there BACON in the SOAP!? Valentine's Day 2022 CoolHam Christmas 2019 Halloween 2020 Halloween 2021 Hoover Rakashrug Christmas 2016
    Summer 2021 St. Patrick's Day 2019 Baby Yoda Poker Chip Le Monkey Valentine's Day 2017 Some like it hot Summer 2019 Easter 2018 Christmas 2021
    Easter 2015 Valentine's Day 2021 Potamus (4) Lawrence (5) Heidy (4) Gohan has AIDS (2) <3 n4n0 (3) Extreme Homosex (4) Homosex (6)

    BoostedMMO BoostedMMO | Conquer the Game! | Join today!
    Chad Donor

    [Denied request to delay payment]

    Can you prove anything you just said? You legit go based on your own wording. Perhaps a picture or two would be highly appreciated.

    I just proved my innocence with a post deleted above.

    I'm dumbfound on how much you talk about stuff that doesn't even belong to the subject.
    You're still talking about money. I'm here talking about a customer and his account's safety.

    Prove to me at least so I can feel a bit more relaxed that the person who lives next to you, was with you at that point of the occurance.
    I don't want words, I don't want promises. I want pictures. I want proper valid evidence.
  13. Unread #7 - Apr 23, 2023 at 2:06 AM
  14. BoostedMMO
    Jun 14, 2020
    Sythe Gold:
    Vouch Thread:
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    Discord Unique ID:
    Discord Username:
    Doge Why is there BACON in the SOAP!? Valentine's Day 2022 CoolHam Christmas 2019 Halloween 2020 Halloween 2021 Hoover Rakashrug Christmas 2016
    Summer 2021 St. Patrick's Day 2019 Baby Yoda Poker Chip Le Monkey Valentine's Day 2017 Some like it hot Summer 2019 Easter 2018 Christmas 2021
    Easter 2015 Valentine's Day 2021 Potamus (4) Lawrence (5) Heidy (4) Gohan has AIDS (2) <3 n4n0 (3) Extreme Homosex (4) Homosex (6)

    BoostedMMO BoostedMMO | Conquer the Game! | Join today!
    Chad Donor

    [Denied request to delay payment]


    Sensei: RSPS. IRL Friend, lives 15 minutes away from me. His family is my second family. He's manager to sort your payments and gp sales. As many as he's taken from you, the fact that you deem him as a suspect is disloyalty towards him.

    On his 5th nightmare, dreaming of you.

    Absolutely active on his PC.

    Here's valid proof of each manager of their status. Yours is the only one being active.
    ^ CozyCoaster likes this.
  15. Unread #8 - Apr 23, 2023 at 4:19 AM
  16. BoostedMMO
    Jun 14, 2020
    Sythe Gold:
    Vouch Thread:
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    Discord Unique ID:
    Discord Username:
    Doge Why is there BACON in the SOAP!? Valentine's Day 2022 CoolHam Christmas 2019 Halloween 2020 Halloween 2021 Hoover Rakashrug Christmas 2016
    Summer 2021 St. Patrick's Day 2019 Baby Yoda Poker Chip Le Monkey Valentine's Day 2017 Some like it hot Summer 2019 Easter 2018 Christmas 2021
    Easter 2015 Valentine's Day 2021 Potamus (4) Lawrence (5) Heidy (4) Gohan has AIDS (2) <3 n4n0 (3) Extreme Homosex (4) Homosex (6)

    BoostedMMO BoostedMMO | Conquer the Game! | Join today!
    Chad Donor

    [Denied request to delay payment]

    14th of February, 2023

    I like this photo a lot. Wanna know why? It goes against everything you just said. He's asking for money and he's in debt. Too obvious why he stole the money.
  17. Unread #9 - Apr 23, 2023 at 8:15 AM
  18. President
    Jul 24, 2009
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    Gohan has AIDS

    President Hero
    $200 USD Donor New Retired Sectional Moderator

    [Denied request to delay payment]

    To sum it up, @BoostedMMO you're saying that you did not pay back Dalbert because you accuse him of having hacked the account and this is therefore an indirect way of anti-scamming him. That is why you're posting this thread, correct?
    ^ owned likes this.
  19. Unread #10 - Apr 23, 2023 at 8:31 AM
  20. BoostedMMO
    Jun 14, 2020
    Sythe Gold:
    Vouch Thread:
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    Discord Unique ID:
    Discord Username:
    Doge Why is there BACON in the SOAP!? Valentine's Day 2022 CoolHam Christmas 2019 Halloween 2020 Halloween 2021 Hoover Rakashrug Christmas 2016
    Summer 2021 St. Patrick's Day 2019 Baby Yoda Poker Chip Le Monkey Valentine's Day 2017 Some like it hot Summer 2019 Easter 2018 Christmas 2021
    Easter 2015 Valentine's Day 2021 Potamus (4) Lawrence (5) Heidy (4) Gohan has AIDS (2) <3 n4n0 (3) Extreme Homosex (4) Homosex (6)

    BoostedMMO BoostedMMO | Conquer the Game! | Join today!
    Chad Donor

    [Denied request to delay payment]

    I did not pay him for multiple reasons.
    He decreased enormously on orders, did not follow protocol agreed on (he was warned that there would be consequences), which he was fine with because he would improve according to him.
    So at first, it was held as safety precaution in case he would scam quit upon receiving the money, which he technically did without receiving the money.

    Edit: But Yes. There are too many connections to put him as the hacker. Every accusation he had, there’s been evidence as to why the accusation is false.
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2023
  21. Unread #11 - Apr 23, 2023 at 3:20 PM
  22. President
    Jul 24, 2009
    Sythe Gold:
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    Gohan has AIDS

    President Hero
    $200 USD Donor New Retired Sectional Moderator

    [Denied request to delay payment]

    The withholding of the funds is unjustified, given that there is no proper basis for it. There was no anti-scam report, and it cannot be proven who hacked the account (there were more than five people in your ticket when the account details were shared - it could have been anyone). Furthermore, your initial response to my inquiry about your delayed response did not indicate that it was an attempt at offsetting a debt.

    Note that this does not address the issue of liability.
    ^ Gator90, ChellBell, JohnCeena and 9 others like this.
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