CherryTree (CherryTree19) Service Scam

Discussion in 'Report A Scammer Archive' started by Bigballahbill, Dec 20, 2020.

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CherryTree (CherryTree19) Service Scam
  1. Unread #1 - Dec 20, 2020 at 11:58 PM
  2. Bigballahbill
    Nov 21, 2020
    Sythe Gold:

    Bigballahbill Newcomer

    CherryTree (CherryTree19) Service Scam

    Scammer's profile link: CherryTree
    Amount scammed: 1763m 07 Gp
    Discord ID + Unique Discord ID: CherryTree#3320 - 415616224236404737
    Proof that it's their Discord: Screen capture - 394813b1057755f1fa7c351270914cde - Gyazo
    Explanation of the trade: I was asking friends around for a good person that could service my main for the following stats: 88-99 Runecrafting, 86-99 Agility, 82-99 Mining. I paid CherryTrees 1763m Gp for the service. At first he was going hard and doing good, then he just ghosted me and disappeared. My account ended at 91 Runecrafting, 98 Agility, 83 Mining.
    How they scammed: He started the service at 9/14/2020. He went from replying to me to completely ghosting me starting on 11/20/2020. He has not posted yet to this day, nor has he bumped his forums either (12/20/2020). He informed me that he was going through some stuff IRL so I gave him some time but I feel that this is too much time that I've given him.
    Other relevant trade screenshots (and gifs):
    Screen capture - afc42b7764e1f43f822d75310f2a0a10 - Gyazo
    Screen capture - c1d75c46a2b3db5b43c0b656b8282090 - Gyazo
    Screen capture - 01cf2cd4b893f3f0a9dbdb69f07a2e45 - Gyazo
    ^ John60 and Alibabas Gold like this.
  3. Unread #2 - Dec 21, 2020 at 12:10 AM
  4. MohtasaUnique
    Sep 1, 2007
    Sythe Gold:
    Discord Unique ID:
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    MohtasaUnique Grand Master
    Retired Global Moderator

    CherryTree (CherryTree19) Service Scam

    I'm sorry for your loss @Bigballahbill, I'll place a ban and DNT on @CherryTree. He hasn't been active on sythe since your last message, so he's either scam-quit, or he really does have issues IRL.

    If he returns, he may make a dispute stating his case. If he refunds you and can provide an adequate excuse for his absence, we can reopen this report and consider alternative actions. Same if you guys come to some sort of agreement to resume his service if he returns; just PM me and let me know if he does return.

    ^ Bigballahbill likes this.
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