Champboost Offsite/Black Hat Activities

Discussion in 'Report A Scammer Archive' started by Vivi, Mar 10, 2019.

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Champboost Offsite/Black Hat Activities
  1. Unread #1 - Mar 10, 2019 at 1:20 AM
  2. Vivi
    Sep 16, 2018
    Sythe Gold:
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    Vivi Be The Change You Want To See In The World
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    Champboost Offsite/Black Hat Activities

    Scammer's profile link: champboost

    Discord ID + Unique Discord ID: Hazed#0001, Unique ID: 230418466514010112

    Proof that it's their Discord:


    Screen capture - 41b5ce118f791d7c2ec91c6393a32b3a - Gyazo

    Proof of offsite scam/blackhat:

    This reddit thread was created several days ago and it does a decent job outlining the scam.

    "Trinity PVM" Clan Scamming : 2007scape


    I was contacted a month ago by the discord user PvM Syndey, now PvM Havoc in regards to some RSN's. One of which he was looking to sell. He claimed to be a "somebody" on Sythe, so I told him he might have better luck posting it for sale himself, and he did, using the Sythe account Champboost. I didn't think much of it at the time, just made a mental note that they were the same person (Champboost aka Hazed has his own Discord account that he uses to advertise selling gold, and PvM Sydney also would advertise selling gold on alternate trading Discords).

    About a month later I was approached on one of my accounts at the GE by the RSN Julie Juuls, attempting to perform the above mentioned scam. I played along because I was curious, but right away when they invited me to their discord "Trinity PvM" (now changed to "Infinity PvM") I noticed that I recognized who the Owner AND the "Member Initiator" were. Champboost uses his picture for sythe and discord and it's pretty recognizable, and still held the same pseudonym name Hazed. PvM Sydney also had the same girl picture and same name from when he contacted me about the RSN. Since the reddit post went up he's changed his account names in game, his discord names (except Hazed), and changed the discord name itself.

    Here is the "member recruitment" post he sends you, including the phishing website he requires you to access. (when I went to screenshot this myself, he had already deleted it so I wouldn't have the evidence. This screenshot is from someone who commented on the reddit post, which is also why his name is changed AGAIN here to Pvm Eris). I brought this to @video attention on discord but because I lacked the actual link to his website at the time I felt it wasn't conclusive enough evidence to make a full report. However now I feel the evidence is pretty damning.


    And here is my conversation with him originally. Between where I say "sure man", and "cool man" was the block of deleted text with the link to his "forums"




    This is the same conversation, just screenshot at a different time, after he changed his name.


    and this is afterwards, posting on his Sythe account Champboost (all on Feb 6th), note the UNIQUE ID in his signature.


    Him selling gold on both accounts in the Trade Bungalow




    So to recap, Champboost is using his own Discord to phish/hack accounts, where he steals the RSN's (if they have any value) and their bank wealth. And then uses the sythe markets/discords to sell the gold.

    Not going to lie it's pretty ingenious scam, and I'm sure Jagex would never be able to catch him for this at all, as it almost entirely occurs off-game. However you're still a massive piece of shit for doing it, and shouldn't be given an easy way to funnel off your stolen goods via Sythe.
    ^ xJumpman, I l PK l I, Hiugy and 2 others like this.
  3. Unread #2 - Mar 15, 2019 at 1:08 AM
  4. video
    Dec 22, 2007
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    Former OMM Extreme Homosex

    video Add video#0001 to sell gold or bitcoin many methods
    Sythe Veteran Knight video Donor Retired Administrator

    Champboost Offsite/Black Hat Activities

    3 month ban + DNT for scamming/blackhat/phishing
< Battleslayer (sheckwes#5575) scammed | Scams in graphics >

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