Red Dwarfs Free MM Service.

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Red Dwarf, Oct 15, 2007.

Red Dwarfs Free MM Service.
  1. Unread #1 - Oct 15, 2007 at 5:12 AM
  2. Red Dwarf
    Oct 7, 2007
    Sythe Gold:

    Red Dwarf Apprentice
    $5 USD Donor

    Red Dwarfs Free MM Service.

    As I'm starting to know people and make friends on Sythe I've decided to open an MM Service =)

    Middle manning// Free but would appreciate a vouch.
    Note:I will take screen shots at every step.
    -Account Trades
    #I gather both players Sythe and Runescape names + dates and times
    #We arrange a meeting spot and world
    #I collect money or items of the buyer
    #I show the seller the money or items.
    #I collect the account details, including membership information, previous passwords from the seller.
    #I check the account to see if its as stated by the seller - eg. That theres no recoveries, bank pins etc.
    #Once I'm happy with it, I pass the account details to the buyer.
    #When he/she is sure its secured I give the money to the seller.
    ~Everyone leaves happily~

    -Pin Trades:
    #I gather both players Sythe and Runescape names + dates and times
    #I collect items or money off the buyer
    #I show the seller the items or money
    #Seller gives me pin
    #I collect user and password from the buyer
    #I activate the membership pin
    #I pay the seller
    ~Everyone leaves happily~

    Runescape GP for RL Cash
    Coming Soon
< BUYING Mills Gp /-/ PayPal/WU/E-Gold! | creating characters and doing tut island for free! >

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