Get real 300 to 600 Instagram followers

Discussion in 'Digital Currency and Non-Game Sales' started by rero2, Mar 16, 2014.

Get real 300 to 600 Instagram followers
  1. Unread #1 - Mar 16, 2014 at 12:33 PM
  2. rero2
    Mar 16, 2014
    Sythe Gold:

    rero2 Newcomer

    Get real 300 to 600 Instagram followers

    Now I know I am new here but I have previous experience with forums so when you're buying you should know that you are buying from someone trusted
    Followme app for iPhone iPad and iPod , and I'm selling GOING TO SELL the coins for really cheap prices. The followers are 100% real.
    1)Download the app from this link :
    (it is a very very popular app and has thousands of members)
    2)You PM me with your instagram account and you send the payment via paypal (as a gift) or Bitcoins.
    3)Price is $1
    4)You get the coins!(2000 COINS)

    I am happy to sell in bulk as well, you can then use them to resell and make even more.
< Buying 1btc | [email protected] >

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