Abe, scammed over $5k USD

Discussion in 'Report A Scammer Archive' started by Gladiator Guest, Feb 10, 2023.

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Abe, scammed over $5k USD
  1. Unread #1 - Feb 10, 2023 at 2:17 AM
  2. Gladiator Guest

    Gladiator Guest Guest

    Abe, scammed over $5k USD

    Profile: Abe | Sell & Trade Game Items | OSRS Gold | ELO (sythe.org)

    I wanted to start by saying that I deeply regret getting involved with this individual who ruined everything for me. I've never scammed on this site, I've never had a report against me where I've wronged someone. I've been a veteran on this site for 10 years and a staff member for ~5. I've processed the most donations on this site and this site has been been an integral part of my life. I have a nearly perfect trading history (about as perfect as one can have on Sythe), and even at this very moment where I'm banned and everything has been stripped from me, I don't have any debts against me, nor have I scammed anyone. This has been extremely sensationalised to try get the biggest community reaction over a genuine mistake which anyone can fall for. I just wanted to expose this individual for his lies, manipulation and deceit. I feel the DNT/Ban are unjustified given that I haven't scammed anyone, I have no debts and I'm not a threat.

    Unfortunately after Abe scammed me, this wasn't enough for him, he wanted to go a step further and bring down a staff member down because he had that leverage on me. He has a history of social engineering people, manipulating them and scamming them, dating back to 2015 from his first pardon, my only regret is that I only saw this after he started to recover the accounts. He's tried to pull this scam on other staff members before, and sadly I fell for his tactics - some of the Staff know this and are quite familiar with him approaching them. Sometimes you don't see all the red flags until it's already too late and you're already too deep into the mess.

    He approached me originally 7-8 months ago, told me he was in a dire financial situation IRL and that he couldn't sell his account(s). He said he needed money to visit his parents abroad, he told me he couldn't afford diapers for his single child and I felt sorry for him, I could relate to some of his financial difficulties and I just wanted to help him out (big mistake). He asked for my help and I don't know what overcame me, but I regretfully decided to help him and bought his accounts. I listed the account(s) as OO (which I should never have), and he used that as leverage/to blackmail me. I only managed to sell one account, which was later recovered and I instantly paid back my buyer 3.5k BTC and delisted all of his other accounts at the very same time(staff know this already). I went a step further and put all of the accounts he sold me, onto the Sythe Account blacklists so that no one else was scammed by him (staff can verify this and check the dates). And yes, I did edit out those threads but they were already locked for months, which staff can again verify - I didn't try to hide the fact that I was selling his accounts, rather I locked those threads immediately when the first recovery happened. Everything has been twisted against me because of the lies he's told.

    The moment he recovered that one account, I instantly refunded my buyer and took all the loss on myself for everything else, as I knew he would only cause more damage. Andy knows this already, I was away on holiday at the time when I refunded my buyer. In the following weeks, he recovered back each and every single account that he sold me.

    Furthermore, there was a two letter ($4k) rsn on the account I sold, which Abe recovered and tried to sell. Through quick thinking and with Assassin's help, I helped anti that name and returned it back to the innocent buyer.

    Here is proof of the account Abe recovered, and him trying to sell it back on Facebook as he was banned on Sythe. You can see the two letter rsn mentioned in the next picture (Andy, Assassin and the victim knows the rsn in question which I helped return back to the victim - and this is after I was banned). All of this has been taken down, including his Facebook profile. I know he scammed some people IRL in Toronto and they are chasing him down for it.



    Abe was very clever, he would mostly use telegram where he could delete all of his messages. Thankfully I took screenshots of a few messages where I confronted him about recovering back all the accounts he sold me (some of whom he was OO of, and others which he told me were inactive from 2004) - he always told me they were completely safe and nothing would ever happen to them, but he lied and recovered them back all himself over the space of a few weeks. I confronted him about paying over 5k usd for them, his justification was "they were worth at least 10k", which is why he scammed me. Despite not finding any buyers for months on Sythe and getting others banned for trying to help him sell them.

    Proof of him scamming 5k+ and his own admission:

    Proof of me paying him over 5k USD (through paypal and interac):

    Paypal: https://i.imgur.com/MPKiGWd.png $1100 USD

    [email protected] (his interac email). I would send crypto to Moda (Chick employee) who would send interac payments to his email:

    https://i.imgur.com/e1uX6VT.png $2040 USD
    https://i.imgur.com/6nCai4G.png $500 USD https://i.imgur.com/JyrLhrv.png
    https://i.imgur.com/aJ8RJBM.png $900 USD
    https://i.imgur.com/1bGHq7c.png $750 USD

    As someone who has been on this site for as long as I have, I should have known better, I should have seen through the lies - sadly Abe preyed on my kindness and when he managed to sell one account to me, he knew he could continue selling more.

    I'm sorry that I've let everyone down. But I'm not a malicious person and despite getting myself into this mess, I've tried to do the right thing throughout. I understand the unfair position I put the admins in, I regret the mistake I made and am deeply sorry for the trouble caused. You are in a situation where you have to take extreme caution and I get that, I hope that my body of work on the site will show through and you reconsider the punishment.

    Kind regards,
    ^ Ankie, Bert, aops and 50 others like this.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 10, 2023
  3. Unread #2 - Feb 10, 2023 at 8:39 AM
  4. Aber 2

    Aber 2 Guest

    Abe, scammed over $5k USD

    Couple points to make here, first of all our supposed TOS was that I am not bounded to anything after selling the acc to him which is clearly stated here by him himself @Gladiator - Discord (gyazo.com) which is a no brainer as he himself was selling the accounts as "OO" when he clearly wasn't.

    Secondly, just to give some context for everyone and not asking for any sympathy but making it clear because gladiator seems to always be on his high horse for some reason.. he offered to help sell my accs and keep in mind I was at the lowest part of my life, homeless/jobless with a family.. I shared all those details and showed him proof of all this yet didn't care and gave no regard and just wanted to make as much money as he could.. I also could not refuse or say anything as he was in a place of power and he tried to give me as less money as he could at the time just for the mere fact that he could and I couldn't say or do anything otherwise. In terms of him "helping me" to sell the accs, he was only helping himself as I offered him to not take any money until after the sale was made but he didn't want to split 50/50 he simply wanted to give me 20 percent if not less and take most of the profits for my hard work and money spent.

    Thirdly, that so called "evidence" of me "admitting" can be easily forged by anyone as it is telegram and anyone can put any name and say anything about anyone.

    Fourthly, I will not post this but he had his own spouse message and harass friends/family on facebook, if staff need this I can provide it via message I wont post any sensitive information as he has.

    Also in terms of the 2277, this was banned for RWT before our fallout so that is inaccurate and can be proven if anyone goes to search up the name it has been banned in december before our fallout which was by the customer so he already got 5k+ for it so idk where he is getting "abe owes me 5k" not correct.

    Also the "work" you did over the years, you shattered that yourself by selling accounts you claimed you are the "OO" yet failed to disclose where it actually came from and used staff tools to cover it up so please come off your high horse and stop acting you are more superior in terms of morally or otherwise because you wouldn't be banned/demoted if that was the case @Gladiator

    If staff need anymore information or proof I have actual proof from his discord not some random telegram that anyone can make and talk from..

    The 2277 for record login is "[email protected]" if staff search up that account and get the display name which is some random characters(can't recall) but you can get that via the jagex system, I also gave him the email with it.

    If staff need anything else, feel free to message me.

    Forgot to mention something, I gave him the recovery information of all the accounts which he confirmed and also "deleted" from the chat at his request which is shown here @Gladiator - Discord (gyazo.com)

    Aside from being freed from any obligations of any accounts once given to him as clearly stated by him before, I don't owe him 5k at all.
  5. Unread #3 - Feb 10, 2023 at 9:18 AM
  6. Gladiator Guest

    Gladiator Guest Guest

    Abe, scammed over $5k USD

    It's amazing that he's denying owning those telegram accounts, but I have two whatsapp numbers of his and a heap of other deleted messages, I will post them all.

    Full context of the conversation: [Redacted] - no explicit ToS was discussed, he said he was bound by a higher power (i.e. he would never recover the accounts). The truth is, every account he sold me was recovered 4-5 months later.

    He still has access to each and every single account.

    He scammed 4b 07 gp from The Sparkey46 account, when he recovered that from me (worth over $1k usd). Even if you deduct $1000 from the total that he scammed me, he owes 4b 07 gp.

    He scammed two white brothers IRL in Toronto over the RSN he tried to sell, when he recovered the Sparkey46 account. Proof of that: [Redacted]

    Video of Abdullah (right at the end): I shared the video with @President

    Whatsapp messages again, re-assuring me that the accounts would never get recovered:

    (he used two numbers/deleted a lot of messages from the second one):
    [Redacted] - admits he messed up on all angles (i.e. screwed me over by recovering all the accounts) / another confession on Whatsapp
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 10, 2023
  7. Unread #4 - Feb 10, 2023 at 2:04 PM
  8. Andy
    Jan 2, 2018
    Sythe Gold:
    Vouch Thread:
    Click Here
    Discord Unique ID:
    Discord Username:
    Verified Hardcore Hoover CoolHam Battleship Champion Team Fight Tactician Rupee Detective Member of the Month Winner Homosex Two Factor Authentication User
    Pokémon Trainer Poképedia Nitro Booster (3) St. Patrick's Day 2024 Wooper Shitting Rainbow

    Andy Rainbet.com - Casino & Sportsbook

    Abe, scammed over $5k USD

    Are either of you able to provide proof that one of the accounts was banned?

    Also @Abe are you suggesting that you did not recover these accounts?
  9. Unread #5 - Feb 10, 2023 at 2:58 PM
  10. Aber 2

    Aber 2 Guest

    Abe, scammed over $5k USD

    Apologies for the late reply, on my phone atm.

    The login for the main is [email protected] and if you search it and get the display name you will see it is banned.

    In terms of the account recovery, he requested me to delete the info and cleared any record of it at his request and I didn't recover it although he said he had an issue with one of them and demanded 5k from me.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 10, 2023
  11. Unread #6 - Feb 10, 2023 at 4:51 PM
  12. Aber 2

    Aber 2 Guest

    Abe, scammed over $5k USD

    Deleted post for staff
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 10, 2023
  13. Unread #7 - Feb 10, 2023 at 8:16 PM
  14. aber 2

    aber 2 Guest

    Abe, scammed over $5k USD

    For the record, @Gladiator trying to come off as "innocent" and as if I am the predator in the scenario, I understand you had rep and what happened is very hard and I really can't blame you but, the only reason you are making this report is not because of me.. it is simply because you got caught and you want some sort of sympathy and a lesser punishment.

    Trying to make me out the monster here is your only game right now and that is totally fine, staff ultimately will decide what happens.. however you didn't do anything because you "felt sorry" for me.. on the contrary, you did this to make as much money and take as much advantage as you can of me. You have always been dry and clear cut and only for the profits and many other people can testify to this as well.

    The difference here is, you got caught and for the record, I never wanted to bring any of this to light nor did I want to make the report.. but attacking me IRL and harassing my family and friends and using your wife to do the dirty work just because she speaks Arabic and you used her, well that is when you crossed the line. Not to mention giving out my personal information and trying to manipulate everything to your own narrative.

    I can go on and on and have a lot of other screenshots, but in conclusion, you had the power and rep and you wanted to abuse and use this to your advantage as much as you could, which is something arguable you have been doing for a while, you didn't even have the decency to admit that the main account was banned in the equation for whatever reason.

    Just for the sake of argument, assuming everything you are saying is true, why do you pick and choose what you want to say to make yourself look good? if you were merely honest here you would mention that this account was banned, aside from the claims you are making, I gave you all the info and the majority of the accounts I am not the original owner, aside from our TOS which basically states I have no responsibility over them once I transferred them to you along with the recovery info which you verified and told me to delete at your request. @Gladiator - Discord (gyazo.com) so for all I know you could have the "accs" or someone you sold them to or whatever the case may be but this is why we agreed on the TOS that I am not responsible for the accounts in any way shape or form once I transferred them to you along with the info.

    Making excuses for what you did and making me the monster is a sorry excuse for someone who supposedly has been on this site for years, I have many screenshots but just an example here, telling me here to tell someone else to "report" his own thread just so you could hide it and post what you wanted and cover it up. @Gladiator - Discord (gyazo.com)
  15. Unread #8 - Feb 12, 2023 at 11:56 AM
  16. Abe Guest

    Abe Guest Guest

    Abe, scammed over $5k USD

    Scammer's profile link: Gladiator | Sell & Trade Game Items | OSRS Gold | ELO (sythe.org)
    Amount scammed: n/a
    Discord ID + Unique Discord ID: @Gladiator - Discord (gyazo.com)
    Proof that it's their Discord:@Gladiator - Discord (gyazo.com)
    Explanation of the trade: to sell him multiple accounts, however I didn't know he would attempt to sell as "OO" when he wasn't and try to hold me liable when I am not.
    How they scammed: lie and manipulate
    other relevant trade screenshots:

    accusations: claiming I scammed two "innocent people in cold blood" as dramatic as he is, that isn't true.

    Claiming I recovered a main and it had supposedly 4bill+ on it, for the sake of argument, assuming that was true, you or the person could of recovered the account as you have all the details for it and verified it before buying, not to mention we can never be sure of how much was on the account or who had it.

    Trying to gain some type of sympathy from the community for his malicious actions and behavior, once again, this all was never going to come to light if he didn't bring my family and their wellbeing includes mines so he brought this upon himself.

    Demanding 5k+ from me for something I am not responsible for nor did he mention the account which was banned after he sold it for 5k+ and tried to cover it up and make me liable for it.

    Claiming he was trying to help because he "felt sorry" but on the contrary he was just money hungry and wanted to take advantage of my weakness and prey on that.

    There will always be a bias towards @Gladiator as he has been here for a while and has a following, regardless what anyone thinks of me personally or feels, feelings aside.. facts are clear and he tried to use his power to cover and manipulate everything to his own advantage and narrative with no regard for IRL safety or anyone but his self centered egotistical self.

    My concluding argument, assuming everything he is saying is true and I am the monster here and he is the innocent prey as he is trying so hard to be.. first of all, why did you make this report after you were caught and exposed? why were you hiding the fact that you weren't the "OO" of the account? why do you blackmail and dox me and put me and my family in danger to run your own narrative? If you had any remorse or regret for what you did and actually cared about the community, you would of came clean before getting caught but the fact is, you only made this report to hinder me and use me as a scapegoat to get a lighter punishment for your malicious actions which are exposed.

    If you were 1 percent honest, you would mention the account that you sold for 5k+ which was banned by Jagex when it was in the possession of the customer, why did you attempt to hide the fact you sold that account and hold me liable for something I have nothing to do with? Why are you putting all the blame for your actions on me? and the list goes on.

    So get off your high horse and smell the coffee, you are not 100 percent innocent nor do you care about the community or the rules or values, you care about one thing and one thing only.. that is your own self and self interest.


    Asking me to delete account and any record of it including info at his request: [​IMG]

    Asking to have people report their own thread so he can delete and hide it any record of the account being sold, as he is lying about being "OO": [​IMG]

    TOS: [​IMG]

    Lying about a 2277 banned infernal main which he sold for 5k+ with and trying to cover it up and hold me liable, login([email protected]): [​IMG]

    Blackmailing and harassing IRL family/friends:
    Deleted post

    Fake vouch to cover up what he really did:
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 12, 2023
  17. Unread #9 - Feb 12, 2023 at 7:21 PM
  18. Gladiator Guest

    Gladiator Guest Guest

    Abe, scammed over $5k USD

    9 oo#3990 (the victim) you scammed $1000 CAD IRL, in a cafe in Toronto by attempting to sell an RSN which you just recovered and never owned, when you recovered the Sparkey46 account. The same RSN which you listed on your Facebook, which you've taken down - which we've already
    seen screenshots of. The victim links the same Facebook as your name (Same AK initials as your full name) in case you try to deny that as well, which is where the Facebook screenshots come from as seen from the Discord convo:

    What he found especially weird was, your intent to use snapchat and your intent to hide his name so no one found out you were selling the account/name) - common theme here with Snap and Telegram; apps which allow you to delete messages.


    Video of you (at the end - smug) [redacted] and the poor brothers who fell victim to you. Is it unjust they wanted to punch/beat you up IRL or take this to Authorities IRL? Absolutely not, you scammed them in cold blood, how can you be upset if they go to local authorities? That's their prerogative and they have every right to, as does Tendyies that you scammed (amongst god knows how many other people on Sythe/IRL since we know you've been doing account recovery scams dating back from 2015).

    Are you going to lie and deny that's you in the video?

    You lied to the entire world and claimed you were hacked on Sythe: MY PC AND DISCORD COMPROMISED/HACKED. Which is also what you told me when you started to recover the accounts.
    Here you use a second Discord account to keep up with your hacked Story: https://i.imgur.com/DaRMAS9.png (Mapole#5644, UID: 998457453568065587), now you're magically back to your main Discord with full access.

    You showed a screenshot from October 2022 about "deleting info", but not these from September 2022(earlier on):


    Where you claim yourself that you don't keep info and delete it. How deceiptful of you to lie and twist everything.


    Terms of service screenshots:

    Amazing how you're using one line, completely out of context to support your narrative. Below I will show you four different instances of where ToS were discussed and how you constantly reassured me that nothing would ever happen to the accounts.

    1.) You took a snipet (one line) of the entire conversation, the full convo: https://i.imgur.com/eJCfFyJ.png - you said you were bound by divine/higher powers, i.e. these accounts would never get recovered (whatever BS you had to say, to get me to buy them).

    2.) Most damning screenshot of ToS, when I confronted you about how you sold me account which you had previous sold to tendyies (because that's what you do, sell & recover, and repeat):

    It's a miracle you didn't find this conversation on Whatsapp, or that
    would have been deleted by you too. Here you categorically tell me I won't have any issues with the accounts despite the report which you got banned. And me being the naive fool that I was, I actually believed you. Reassuring me, that I would have no issues with any of the accs.

    3.) Another account which you sold me, more ToS:


    [​IMG] - Telling me how safe the accounts are, and that I will never ever have any issues with them. Telling me, you'd never give me something which posed any risk or was malicious - reassuring me, they would never be recovered.

    4.) Another damning screenshot, telling me the accounts were made specifically to sell (you were OO)


    Proof of you deleting messages/your confessions of doing wrong (recovering accounts) / your convo with a mutual friend from a different Whatsapp number:


    You wanted to use evidence from your main Discord (which you claimed was hacked but now magically have full access to), let's look at your very last message on that Discord. Talk "tele" - tele being telegram, which you deny using:


    So now we know you did use telegram and all those confessions are indeed yours.
    Your confession on telegram after you felt guilty (for a day) when you recovered everything from me:


    I still have messages with that account, as can be seen here, but it looks like I'm talking to myself

    since you deleted everything:

    The really sad and heartless thing is, after crying and apologising to me, you continued to try recover the accounts the following days as seen on the telegram message by me, which just shows how sick and evil you are, to the very core.

    Yes, one account did get a RWT ban in my possession and for you to even have access to that information, means you would have had to recover it - again, proving you were behind all of these recoveries. Since you signed into the account and went to the account history. I already told this to Andy when he asked in the report.


    Pressuring me to buy more accounts/more manipulation:



    Original owner of accounts you recovered:

    You didn't just recover accounts which you promised would never get recovered (back from 2000s/inactive for decades/owned by your 'best friends'), but you even recovered accounts which you made/owned yourself.

    [email protected]
    [email protected]
    [email protected]

    Three pures you sold me, all with your intials as their usernames (which you're going to somehow deny) were recovered from me. And before you deny that, proof from your 'main' Discord:


    With these same usernames. I added all three to the Accounts blacklist Mid Jan, which staff can verify.


    Where did 5k come from? These are your own words from Whatsapp:

    telling me that the 5k I had given you, was nothing to you.


    Admission of your guilt from another source (Whatsapp), of you talking to a mutual friend:

    ^ Assassin, Robiiiiin, Sisig and 1 other person like this.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 15, 2023
  19. Unread #10 - Feb 12, 2023 at 9:29 PM
  20. Andy
    Jan 2, 2018
    Sythe Gold:
    Vouch Thread:
    Click Here
    Discord Unique ID:
    Discord Username:
    Verified Hardcore Hoover CoolHam Battleship Champion Team Fight Tactician Rupee Detective Member of the Month Winner Homosex Two Factor Authentication User
    Pokémon Trainer Poképedia Nitro Booster (3) St. Patrick's Day 2024 Wooper Shitting Rainbow

    Andy Rainbet.com - Casino & Sportsbook

    Abe, scammed over $5k USD

    This report has had a lot of back and forth so I'll try to be succinct.

    There's a deleted post above with proof that @Abe both recovered and attempted to resell one of the accounts that was sold to @Gladiator. As such @Abe must refund @Gladiator for the accounts that he sold the latter, not including the one that was banned.

    In terms of other offenses there isn't really anything here that hasn't already been noted on either user's ban reason.
    ^ Bert, aops, Ahmadht1122 and 6 others like this.
< Resolved | rsps scam >

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