I would like to add something to my high pardon request if I may

Discussion in 'Dispute Forum Archive' started by Triplesix*, Jan 10, 2011.

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I would like to add something to my high pardon request if I may
  1. Unread #1 - Jan 10, 2011 at 8:47 PM
  2. Triplesix*

    Triplesix* Guest

    I would like to add something to my high pardon request if I may

    Hi. I'm sure It's slightly against the rules to be prowling on this site with a proxy but I've been I.P. banned and there's no other way to do this, forgive me for being "sneaky" but the only thing I'm doing is posting this. I wanted to add a few things onto a thread I have made in the "Request a high pardon" section, just so everything gets said and I have a chance to fully explain myself. Just to verify that I'm the owner, my username is Triplesix and my password is jennifer. Below is the addition I would like to be placed onto my high pardon request. If this is not possible then I'm sorry for the inconvenience. If you find my actions today innapropriate, please do not let this effect your descision. If it's possible just quote this, highlight the last section, and add it as a post in my thread or whatever you want to do.

    The text that is already present in the aforementioned post is in bold text, and the addition I would like to be placed in the post is in regular text.

    When I first started here on Sythe, I scammed someone for a pin, and was never officially tried. Since then I've developed somewhat of a reputation and a much higher appreciation for this site and the way I conduct myself on it. Not to mention the other users. I am completely aware that I may be permanantly banned for my actions and am completely willing to accept the consequences. I most certainly did scam someone, and I believe personally now that scamming (reguardless of how insignificant) is not acceptable under almost any circumstance, however, please take solice in the face that I did indeed confess and I ask you to please let that show how much I have matured (even though that sounds cheesy). On a completely serious note guys, If I did not feel guilt or remorse for my actions I would not have been making this thread here today, I'm smart enough to know that this is not something that you guys just shrug off. If you are considering a permanent ban on my account, I plead for you to please consider other options, such as banning me for a limited amount of time, or banning me from the market section only. If it is in the cards for me to leave this site forever then I want to say good luck to you all and have a wonderful year. I truely ejoyed being here.Father please absolve me of my sins so that I may be saved and continue down my path of righteousness. AMEN
  3. Unread #2 - Jan 17, 2011 at 9:12 PM
  4. FireZ
    Dec 3, 2009
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    I would like to add something to my high pardon request if I may

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