WTT 77 NE hunter for rs!!!!

Discussion in 'RS3 Main Accounts: Levels 3-99' started by baddudejohn1, Jan 27, 2009.

WTT 77 NE hunter for rs!!!!
  1. Unread #1 - Jan 27, 2009 at 9:35 PM
  2. baddudejohn1
    Jul 2, 2007
    Sythe Gold:

    baddudejohn1 Forum Addict

    WTT 77 NE hunter for rs!!!!

    I would like there to b at least one good 99 and atleast a good amount of gold so that i can get going w/o having to farm some money for a few months. I am the OO owner of this account and will provide all the info i have for the account, ty, my msn is [email protected], pst me with ur offer or post here, TY :D

    ingame proof:
< trading a wow account for runescapei really need a runescape account if intrested get | Selling level 95! >

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