READ THIS FIRST! Account Recovery Guidelines and Template

Discussion in 'Account Recovery & Creation' started by Andy, Nov 7, 2023.

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READ THIS FIRST! Account Recovery Guidelines and Template
  1. Unread #1 - Nov 7, 2023 at 4:38 PM
  2. Andy
    Jan 2, 2018
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    Andy - For all your OSRS needs

    READ THIS FIRST! Account Recovery Guidelines and Template

    Frequently Asked Questions
    1. All threads posted in this section are HIDDEN until approved by an Admin.
    2. All sensitive information will be REDACTED before a thread is made public.
    3. All account recoveries MUST be handled in this section, not anywhere else.
    4. You can post in this section as a guest, you do not need another account, see this thread for more information.
    5. If you have your 2FA backup code saved, use this when prompted to enter your 2FA code to disable your own 2FA.
    6. If your 2FA codes are not working, ensure that the clock on your 2FA device is set to the correct time.
    Recovery Procedure

    An admin will review your recovery request to determine if the information provided is sufficient to proceed with the recovery.

    Request: If the information provided in the initial recovery request is determined to be insufficient, the admin handling the recovery may request additional information to aid the review process.

    The admin processing your request may provide hints for certain things (email, recovery phrase, etc.) if you are prompted for more information.

    Rules and Requirements
    1. Your recovery MUST use the proper template and thread title format posted below. Account Recoveries are also required to be posted from a home IP. No proxies or VPNs allowed.
    2. Recovery requests that do not provide sufficient information may be denied at the discretion of the admin handling them. Failure to provide sufficient information may also result in delays.
    3. DO NOT EDIT any information into your thread. To reply to a recovery request please post a new thread titled merge instead.
    4. Do not post the same thread/reply multiple times unless requested to. Threads are hidden until reviewed by an admin.
    5. Do not contact an Admin outside of this section regarding your recovery. They need to be handled here.
    6. Third party account access (such as Discord) are not substantial verification methods and will not be considered here.
    Thread Title Format
    [Your Username] account recovery
    Andy account recovery

    Recovery Template
    Your profile link:
    Reason for your request:
    Current registered email:
    Previous ISP/Log in locations:
    Recovery phone number if applicable:
    Recovery phrase if applicable:
    Exact donation date, donation amount, and proof of donation: (MM/DD/YYYY)
    If your registered email contains your real name, provide proof of this in the form of an ID: (Optional)
    If your registered birthday is your actual birthday, provide proof of this in the form of an ID: (Optional)
    ^ Zulu and Yoshiki like this.
< IMPORTANT! How to post without an account or to reply to an already existing Account Recovery | >

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