I need a gift card in re-turn you get some game keys or whatever.

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Rks90, Apr 14, 2008.

I need a gift card in re-turn you get some game keys or whatever.
  1. Unread #1 - Apr 14, 2008 at 7:41 PM
  2. Rks90
    Mar 8, 2008
    Sythe Gold:

    Rks90 Member

    I need a gift card in re-turn you get some game keys or whatever.

    Hi, I need a VALID WORKING Gift card that has atleast $2.00 or more in it maybe a Visa one preferred

    I just need it to activate my paypal they take $1.95 for the confirmation process but just to be sure i ask for atleast $2.00 in it (OR MORE)! if you familiar with paypal you will know the money gets put back in the credit/debit card once there done with the actavation..

    The following Information i would need:

    The long digit in-front of the card and i need the CVV number which is the 3 digit security code on the back, and the date it expires and weather if its a visa gift card or something else.

    In re-turn i will give out keys for Starcraft: i have 200 keys for them. 1 key is worth $15.00 i dont know if it still sells for that much now-days since the game is old but ill give you more if there is more money put in the card.

    OFFER NOW!!!! Or you can message me on aim which is: DarkSage1212
    You can also contact me on msn which is: [email protected]

    You can also e-mail me at: [email protected] (ITS YAHOO)
  3. Unread #2 - Apr 14, 2008 at 9:12 PM
  4. Trench101010
    Apr 1, 2008
    Sythe Gold:

    Trench101010 Active Member

    I need a gift card in re-turn you get some game keys or whatever.

    freeee bump, and i would butt im poooor =/
  5. Unread #3 - Apr 14, 2008 at 9:43 PM
  6. Rks90
    Mar 8, 2008
    Sythe Gold:

    Rks90 Member

    I need a gift card in re-turn you get some game keys or whatever.

    thanks and darn i really need it!!!!
  7. Unread #4 - Apr 14, 2008 at 9:52 PM
  8. x3mvess
    Nov 14, 2005
    Sythe Gold:

    x3mvess Apprentice

    I need a gift card in re-turn you get some game keys or whatever.

    ok a few things wrong with this post.

    #1 - Visa has only credit cards not GIFT cards and indeed you need a CREDIT CARD to activate a paypal account

    #2 - CREDIT cards are not "fillable" visa or master card or whoever gives you CREDIT that you use... those usually come in $500+ ATLEAST so there is no way you can find one with only $2 on it

    #3 even if by some miraculus ways som1 decides to give you their credit card, this would be a big mistake because as soon as they pay off the debt to that card it will automatically go back to its original value and you will be able to use $1000s of the persons credit to your own use

    #4 to activate paypal you need a credit card that is billed to your bank account.. meaning that if a person was to give you their credit card they would also have to give you their bank account info... which is just retarted.

    good luck though!
  9. Unread #5 - Apr 14, 2008 at 10:34 PM
  10. Rks90
    Mar 8, 2008
    Sythe Gold:

    Rks90 Member

    I need a gift card in re-turn you get some game keys or whatever.


    My friend has a VISA (GIFT CARD) from COMMERCEBANK and he did put money on it but he use's it for himself he wouldent let me use it. And fine it might not just $2.00 on it it might have more but whatever i just need enough for the activation process

    No they woulden't have to give me their bank account info (If your talking about the checking number on the checks) i would just need the long digit on the card CVV number (The social security thing with 3 digits on back) expiration date and the type of card it is like (DEBIT/Credit)!

    (YES GIFTCARD'S work cuase my friend acutally let me login to his account and i saw that he was able to pay but then i logged off and he changed the password) .-_-.

    and he showed me the card he used it and it said GIFT CARD ON THE BACK!
  11. Unread #6 - Apr 15, 2008 at 4:57 PM
  12. x3mvess
    Nov 14, 2005
    Sythe Gold:

    x3mvess Apprentice

    I need a gift card in re-turn you get some game keys or whatever.

    ok... trust me i have a paypal account and i've set 2 for my buds... as you said they ask for CREDIT/DEBIT card.... those cards have to be connected to the BANK ACCOUNT that you will be withdrawling funds from... can somebody else tell him plz.
  13. Unread #7 - Apr 15, 2008 at 6:51 PM
  14. Rks90
    Mar 8, 2008
    Sythe Gold:

    Rks90 Member

    I need a gift card in re-turn you get some game keys or whatever.

    yeah i know that but i dont need to withdraw anything i already got the money in the paypal account it-self i just need to activate the account so i can spend it MY funding source will NOT BE FROM THE CARD
  15. Unread #8 - Apr 15, 2008 at 6:58 PM
  16. pkerdumin
    Mar 21, 2008
    Sythe Gold:

    pkerdumin Forum Addict

    I need a gift card in re-turn you get some game keys or whatever.

    yeah. you need a bank account for it, i have a credit card on my paypal and it says in order for me to finish the process i need to add a bank account
  17. Unread #9 - Apr 15, 2008 at 7:29 PM
  18. x3mvess
    Nov 14, 2005
    Sythe Gold:

    x3mvess Apprentice

    I need a gift card in re-turn you get some game keys or whatever.

    yes i understand that. but you CANNOT spend your money unless your paypal is verified. and your paypal cannot be verified unless you add a credit card that matches a bank account. because they verify it by sending a small sum of money to the bank account and then they ask you how much you sent and ask you to send it back. thats how they make sure you are the real owner of the credit card/bank account.

    i recommend you ask your parents to let you use their credit card and bank account. explain the situation to them and show them that paypal is one of the most trusted internet wire transfers out there and hope they let you use their info.
  19. Unread #10 - Apr 15, 2008 at 8:10 PM
  20. Rks90
    Mar 8, 2008
    Sythe Gold:

    Rks90 Member

    I need a gift card in re-turn you get some game keys or whatever.

    I understand everything and i understand your point of view but if you add a Card YOUR PAYPAL DOSEN'T HAVE TO BE VERTIFIED YOU CAN STILL PAY BUT IT WILL SHOW UNVERTIFIED FROM THE BUYER.

    No, they wont let me use their info and my savings account cant be used online since the card type isnt supported.

    $1.95 is a fee to link the card with the paypal account and send it back automatically there not going to ask you....

    And my friend who had a visa gift card from commerce bank when i took a look at it THERE WAS NO NAME but it still worked on his account probably cuase it was from a bank....

    So maybe ill re-phrase my request....

    May i please have a gift card from a bank with some money on it to vertify my paypal account and in-return ill trade you something for it.
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