New In-Game OSRS Gambling Idea

Discussion in 'RuneScape 2007 General' started by 1time4the1time, Mar 11, 2019.

New In-Game OSRS Gambling Idea
  1. Unread #1 - Mar 11, 2019 at 4:53 AM
  2. 1time4the1time
    Mar 11, 2019
    Sythe Gold:

    1time4the1time Newcomer

    New In-Game OSRS Gambling Idea

    Teleport mechanics place you in a random spot within a defined area. At the GE there already exists lines making large square tiles.

    I noticed that teleing to the GE, you end up more in one area than another. These areas are defined by a line running North/South, that is right next to Brugsen Burnsen at the GE entrance. You usually end up to the West of this line more often than East. After running 100 test teles, I ended up West only 24 times. Although the sample size is small, there is an obvious bias between West/East, at around 4 wests to 1 east teleport.

    This can be utilized as an in game gambling mechanism. No more bots where you can't be sure if they're random or not, this is completely game generated RNG.

    Using the GE tile line running North-South, right next to Brugsen Burnsen, while GE teleporting you end up West of this line ~75% of the time. This could turn into game generated GE gambling.
  3. Unread #2 - Mar 11, 2019 at 7:09 AM
  4. GoldBoy007
    Nov 6, 2018
    Sythe Gold:

    GoldBoy007 Member

    New In-Game OSRS Gambling Idea

    Cool idea! Hit me up @ discord: GoldBoy007#6475, if you want to figure something out with me.
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