
Discussion in 'Report A Scammer Archive' started by John Devola, Jul 6, 2018.

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  1. Unread #1 - Jul 6, 2018 at 7:16 PM
  2. John Devola
    Nov 2, 2015
    Sythe Gold:
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    Two Factor Authentication User Stay a while and listen Twitter Tier 1 Prizebox (7) Dolan Duck (2) Member of the Month Winner Creamy Tier 5 Prizebox Tier 4 Prizebox Tier 3 Prizebox
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    Tier 2 Prizebox

    John Devola Apprentice
    $500 USD Donor


    Scammer's profile link: Ex
    Explanation of the trade: Ex sold an account to @Mentarley . Was recovered
    How they scammed: My account was recovered - Payment plan was made, never paid.

    tldr: Account I bought from Ment gets recovered. Ment pays me 200$, Ex (person who sold to ment), owes me 300$. I set up payment plan with @Ex for 50$ a month, he only pays me the first month.

    I believe technically that @Mentarley owes me 250$. This is because when he sold me the account he assumed the full burden of repayment. I was being nice and accepted the repayment of 300$ from Ex directly (instead of requesting 500$ from Ment and making Ex pay him 300$ over time). I believe now that Ex has scammed, Ment should feel the burden of this scam and not myself.

    Not even making a big deal of the 250m+ that was on the account, maybe @Pendulum can confirm? He screen-shared me a couple times as I was failing to do vorkath.

    @Mentarley discord has since been hacked and he has a new one I believe, so the "deleted user" is Mentarley, he can confirm I am sure.

    I originally bought this account from @Mentarley in late 2017 for 500$.

    Selling 1.8K+ Total [124 cb] Owner Retired Sythe Mod. [130+ Vouches][20,000+ USD Traded][100$ Donor]

    The OO wasn't actually Ex, it was his irl friend as he told me. Here is me pming Ex after it being recovered. Obviously back to its original email


    Ment and Excelont discussed it and agreed that Ment would pay me 200$ and Ex would pay me 300$ (original $ that he sold it to Ment for)


    Ex agreeing to pay me 50$ a month for 6 months


    Ex paying me the first 50


    Ex falls off the map (hasnt been on here since mid June)

    ^ Mentarley and Pirate like this.
  3. Unread #2 - Jul 6, 2018 at 8:02 PM
  4. John Devola
    Nov 2, 2015
    Sythe Gold:
    Discord Unique ID:
    Two Factor Authentication User Stay a while and listen Twitter Tier 1 Prizebox (7) Dolan Duck (2) Member of the Month Winner Creamy Tier 5 Prizebox Tier 4 Prizebox Tier 3 Prizebox
    Tier 6 Prizebox Baby Yoda Nitro Booster Hey... this isnt a fun rank Garchomp Pikachu Lawrence Chansey Penguin Dragon Claws
    Tier 2 Prizebox

    John Devola Apprentice
    $500 USD Donor


    This report can be closed (please change title) - got in contact with him via snapchat. If needed I will remake.
    ^ PandaBot and Mentarley like this.
  5. Unread #3 - Jul 6, 2018 at 8:03 PM
  6. Pendulum
    Jul 13, 2012
    Sythe Gold:
    Vouch Thread:
    Click Here
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    Detective Member of the Month Winner Two Factor Authentication User Writing Competition Winner Air Fryer Sythe's 15th Anniversary Verified Ironman

    Pendulum Catch me at Midwest Furfest!
    Retired Administrator Knight


    Yes sir
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