[1830+ Total] [QC=277][Diaries=Hard(x)] [2kc Callisto Cub] [233 KC Dwh] 105CB [Barrows=Complete]

Discussion in 'OSRS Main Accounts: Levels 3-79' started by Luke Sells, Jul 3, 2020.

[1830+ Total] [QC=277][Diaries=Hard(x)] [2kc Callisto Cub] [233 KC Dwh] 105CB [Barrows=Complete]
  1. Unread #1 - Jul 3, 2020 at 4:41 PM
  2. Luke Sells
    Jul 19, 2010
    Sythe Gold:

    Luke Sells Newcomer

    [1830+ Total] [QC=277][Diaries=Hard(x)] [2kc Callisto Cub] [233 KC Dwh] 105CB [Barrows=Complete]

    THIS IS REAL, Pics/Proof will only be shown to INTERESTED SERIOUS BUYERS, NOT TRYING TO WASTE TIME/OR RISK HACKING OF MY ACC[[I WILL NOT GO FIRST,I WILL ONLY TRADE WITH A TRUSTED MIDDLEMAN OR EQUIVALENT, ONLY AFTER TRIPLE CHECKING THEY ARE LEGIT, UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCE WILL I GIVE YOU THE NAME OF THE ACCOUNT, ALL I POST HERE IS TRUE, I'VE NO REASON TO BULLSHIT, IDC IF I EVER SELL THIS ACCOUNT, I ENJOY PLAYING IT MYSELF. SO IF YOU'RE LOOKING FOR THIS ACCOUNT TYPE, YOU WILL UNDERSTAND MY REASONING FOR POSTING IN THIS WAY. So much more I can't post all of the unique rarities in the description, got as much as I could though, furthermore, My iron is fully quested, 94farm/83herb/86craft/65rc/ for some noteables.. Elite Void full set/ yes 233 kill count for a dragon warhammer drop, 2 kill count at callisto for the pet, multiple of each peice of blessed dragonhide/saracoif/zammyboots for gwd. also arma/bandos/zaros/guthix along with guthix d'hide shield, [HUGE RARE= TWISTED SLAYER HELM (i)] from twisted leagues rewards, along with all tier 3 cosmetics, 4 kc zenyte, Ring of Suffering (ri) made. all onyx jewellery made/obbyarmor/weapons,every single ring from DKs except for zerker. 83 Slay atm, had manacles since 20combat tho, New Quest Done(Sins of The Father) Fullpyro/tome/rogues/graceful, every LMS Cosmetic available(halos/deadman) including swift blade(1h RPG for TOB raids) (LOTS of Clue rewards mostly hards, a couple Elites tho, and STASH units are built completely almost) Zammy Book done, Ancient Book Missing page 4, arma Book Missing page 3, inf Boots/B2p malediction shard 3 and odium shard 3, Robin hood hat xD (i mentioned barrows is complete, 2 k tops/2ah tops/2vhelms/3vskirts/ ballista spring, zerker necklace (or) kit, rune pouch/herb sack acquired. 131 zulrah KC, no uniques yet but 26k scales, lesser demon champscroll. dragon harpoon/axe salve (ei). I really have no idea what else to add, left out all things like bgloves/fcape/torso/ddefender/etc. i have it all though if it's essential, I have it. Or close to getting it, if I don't sell the account soon, i'll be going on to do Gwd and then raids 1, I really have no idea what this account is worth, i know i've got a lot of hours in it, I don't expect to get what I've put into it, but im sure anyone who knows what they're looking at here knows that it's worth more than your avg 2k total ironman with quest cape.. Biggest things are [[[HighLIGHTS?]]]******Twisted slay helm(hardly any ironmans have it, i've never seen another other than myself) Callisto Cub (i've seen a few irons w it, not 2 kc though) 233Kc Dwh (Dwh is just Pog af anyways so u kno)(d'hideshield/no irons have it hardly)(LMS cosmetics-swiftblade-most ppl have no idea what this item even is. and the ones that do don't have it from most i have seen)(onyxjewellery-includingregen-andROS(ri)) *******[[[HIGHLIGHTS?]]] idk maybe it's not that grea t of an iron, but i think it's pretty sick, and any SERIOUS Person Interested in making a deal can contact me through a PM on here, or send a text to +1 (252) 238-7651, it's text only, so don't try calling. just mention the Thread, and I'll be sure to return your message ASAP, Thanks Guys, and if this is in the wrong Spot[[[[FORUM MODS]]]] then please move to the appropriate thread, stay safe guys.
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2020
  3. Unread #2 - Jul 3, 2020 at 4:44 PM
  4. Luke Sells
    Jul 19, 2010
    Sythe Gold:

    Luke Sells Newcomer

    [1830+ Total] [QC=277][Diaries=Hard(x)] [2kc Callisto Cub] [233 KC Dwh] 105CB [Barrows=Complete]

< Selling my Iron woman account 81 fm Hand trained | Searching 99 agi hcim >

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