Rules draft

Discussion in 'Guides' started by R, Apr 30, 2013.

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Rules draft
  1. Unread #1 - Apr 30, 2013 at 11:45 AM
  2. R
    Apr 4, 2011
    Sythe Gold:
    In Memory of Jon <3 n4n0 Sythe Awards 2013 Winner

    R Legend
    Retired Administrator Roary Donor Mudkips Legendary

    Rules draft

    The Sythe.Org Official Rules​

    This is how it works here at
    • Users will be given infractions when minor rules are broken.
      • Infractions expire after 1 month.
      • A user who accumulates 5 infractions will receive a 3 day ban
      • A user who accumulates 7 infractions will receive a 7 day ban
    • Users will have more severe punishments as outlined below when major rules are broken.
    • If a user commits any unconscionable act not explicitly in the rules, or has repeatedly broken rules, the staff reserves the right to punish the user in any way.
  3. Unread #2 - Apr 30, 2013 at 11:45 AM
  4. R
    Apr 4, 2011
    Sythe Gold:
    In Memory of Jon <3 n4n0 Sythe Awards 2013 Winner

    R Legend
    Retired Administrator Roary Donor Mudkips Legendary

    Rules draft

    Site-wide rules​

    These rules apply everywhere

    1 Infraction:
    • Spamming:
      • Posting short, unhelpful comments (such as "cool", "nice acc,", "added" etc), including free bumps on other's threads
      • Posting for the sole purpose of increasing post count
      • Posting comments with little to no relevance to the topic
      • Creating multiple threads advertising the same thing, regardless of the section.
    • Flaming, Harassment, Trolling:
      • Using excessive profanity, insults, or derogatory comments towards another user
      • Partaking in behaviour intended to disturb or upset another user
      • Deceiving members or staff for fun, humor, or to cause drama
      • Posting purposely to anger or to elicit a negative response from others for fun, humor, or to cause drama
    • Excessive bumping*: -No double posting / delete posts within 8 hours (spam rules still apply)
    • Accusing Someone of Scamming Without Proof:Chat logs do not count as proof
    • Begging: asking to receive anything for free or asking for a staff position on
    • Thread Hijacking: Offering your services/Sales on the thread of someone else's services or sales
    • Trying to Sell Something that is Free: for example, Sythe's old autos or some free bot. However, selling the method of how to acquire these items is permitted in the relevant forum.
    • Oversized Signature**: Maximum of 350 pixels in height including all quotes/text/pictures in it and a maximum of 650 pixels in width with all text/quotes/pictures. Additionally, images in your signature may not exceed a file size of 2.5 megabytes. If this offense is repeatedly broken, you will simply be banned from having a signature.
    • Oversized Avatar: Avatars have a maximum size of: 80x80 for users, 150x100 for staff and donators (width x height)
    • Advertising MM Services: in any place except the User Services and MiddleMan Application forums
    • Referrals: posting referral links(referrals are allowed in signatures only) for sites, surveys, other games, etc. This includes sites such as Share-cash.
    • Grave Digging: If a thread hasn't had a post in several weeks or months, do not post in it (Except in the spam forum and some other forums / threads. Use discretion when posting)
    • Requiring Vouches: You may not promise/require a vouch in the market. Vouches are given when the user you're dealing with feels you deserve a vouch, and no one is obligated to vouch under any circumstances.
    • Exploiting Site Glitches: Blank posting and other things that exploit glitches in vBulletin / / the Donation Center are not allowed and punishment will be handled on a case by case basis. Use of unicode to blank post in the Spam Forum is the only exemption to this rule.
    • Ignoring Staff Decisions: Ignoring staff orders, recreating locked or deleted threads or posts, evading censors, etc, will normally result in an infraction although any punishment is permitted on a case by case basis.
    • Posting links to "Screamer/Shock" sites.: Misleading links/sites that lead to "screamer" or "shock" type sites is prohibited and will result in an infraction. Repeat offenses may result in forumbans/revocation of signature rights.
    • PIN Sales: Sale of membership PINs is strictly prohibited. Any discussion of this will be infracted. If it continues, you will be banned for 1 month.
    • Advertising - Posting or private messaging links to other sites is allowed if there is a legitimate purpose in doing so that benefits Sythe. Market threads may only link to websites if business is conducted on Sythe and alternative methods of contact (Skype, AIM, etc) are given. Accounts specifically created for advertising will be banned. To purchase advertising space email [email protected].
    • Copyright Infringement: posting direct or indirect downloads that infringe on copyright or links of websites related to copyright infringement, including: movies, television shows, games, shareware programs, pirated software, cracks, books, etc. Multiple offences permit up to a month ban.

    1 week ban:
    • Defacing user photographs: Defacing someone else's picture (drawing on it, photoshopping etc.) without that user's full consent will receive a 1 week ban.
    • "Trade With Caution" Rank Evasion: If your account has been given the "Trade With Caution" rank (a TWC) and you use another account to evade the rank, all accounts used in the evasion will receive a 1-week ban as well as a TWC. Subsequent offences will result in a permanent ban on all accounts.

    2 week ban:
    • Self/Fake Vouching: If you fake vouches, steal vouches or in any way attempt to pass off illegitimate vouches as legitimate; you will be banned for 2 weeks and TWC'd. Future offences will result in a permanent ban.
      NB: Offsite vouches are not honored or allowed on Sythe.
    • Interacting on Two or More Sythe Accounts/Sharing Sythe Accounts: We do not advise having more than one account. But, if you do, ensure that the accounts do not interact. Sharing accounts is not allowed.

    1 month ban:
    • Porn/Gore: posting pictures, videos, links to websites related to porn/extreme gore, etc. The staff will decide what constitutes porn or gore. It is not for you to decide. Steer clear of posting anything which could be interpreted as this.
    • Plagiarism: plagiarism (including the ripping of GFX and RS/User Ed Guides) results in a forumban from the pertinent forum as well as a one month ban the first time it happens.
    • Disclosure of Others' Personal Information: posting information such as private emails / MSNs, private Skype accounts, Facebook accounts, addresses, phone numbers, private photos, etc. of someone other than yourself without explicit consent of that person will result in up to a 1 month ban regardless of whether or not the information is publicly available.

    Permanent ban:
    • Scamming: or any suspicious behavior similar to scamming (i.e. attempting to scam), this includes Runescape name Sniping. This also includes:
      • Impersonating other members, and any other similar behavior.
      • Impersonating ranks through the use of your signature.
    • Malicious Off-site Activities: If you are found to have committed offences elsewhere (as in, on other sites) which would constitute a ban here on had they been committed here, we may use these offences as an indicator of your character and choose to ban you from Offences committed prior to your membership may also be considered depending on the nature of the offence.
    • Posting Infected Files/Malware: Keyloggers, viruses, trojans, etc...
    • Returning After a Ban/Ban Evading: If one of your accounts has been banned for whatever reason and you return under another account, that account will also be banned. Frequent ban evasion will result in an IP ban.
      • Evading a temporary ban will result in both accounts being banned for the length of your current ban plus an additional week
    • Selling your Sythe account: Self explanatory.
    • "Blackhat"/Malicious Activities: Using software tools for deceptive, malicious, or harmful intent (Hacking/DDoSing/Social Engineering). Punishment for these offences will be dealt with on case-by-case basis, but will most likely result in a permanent ban.
    • NB: 'Counter-scamming' (i.e. attempting to recover your property from a scammer) is not against the rules, but attempting to scam someone who previously scammed you is. There is a big difference between the two. You should be aware that if you attempt to recover your property from a scammer, that scammer may attempt to report you on If you have insufficient evidence to back your claims that you were indeed recovering your stolen property the staff may be forced to ban you.

    Additional Notes/Clauses:
    • If there is a banned account on your IP address, other accounts attached to the IP will also be banned. Moreover, if there is any interaction between accounts attached to the same IP address, all accounts will be banned.
    • If your Sythe account is hacked, and the hacker scams, your Sythe account will be banned. You must reimburse all scammed members before the staff will consider unbanning you.
    • Name changes are only given to staff who wish to have a more professional name. They are not a donation perk in any way.
    • Businesses/Partnerships: Anyone running a business or partnered service implicitly agrees to share responsibility for the actions of their co-owners, as well as any workers they employ. Thus, if a partner or worker scams, all owners of the business will be banned until the debt is repaid. Workers, however, are not liable for anyone's actions but their own (although it is up to the staff to determine who falls into that category).
    • Posting on behalf of banned users is strictly prohibited unless the post pertains to a pardon, report, dispute, or other serious events which they may have information for. Doing so will result in an infraction, and quite possibly a forumban from the section the post was made in.
    • Anyone found cheating in/manipulating competitions or other such events will be punished:
      • 1st Offense - One month competition ban.
      • 2nd Offense - Two month competition ban.
      • 3rd Offense - Perm Ban from competitions.
      All of these will include an automatic disqualification from the competition and the user will be given the "BANNED FROM COMPETITIONS" usertitle.

    * How bumping infractions are handled:
    • First Violation: single-point infraction and removal of posts in violation
      [*] Second Violation: 3-day forum ban from the particular forum in which you were over-bumping
      [*] Third Violation: 1-week forum ban from the particular forum in which you were over-bumping
      [*] Fourth Violation: 1 month forum ban from the particular forum in which you were over-bumping

    **How Signature Violations are handled:
    • First Violation: Warning
      [*] Second Violation: 2 Week Signature Disable
      [*] Third Violation: 3 Month Signature Disable
      [*] Fourth Violation: Permanent Disable

    NOTE: Signature violations do NOT expire. Just because the infraction has expired, does not mean the warning has also expired. Signature Violations are PERMANENT.
  5. Unread #3 - Apr 30, 2013 at 11:45 AM
  6. R
    Apr 4, 2011
    Sythe Gold:
    In Memory of Jon <3 n4n0 Sythe Awards 2013 Winner

    R Legend
    Retired Administrator Roary Donor Mudkips Legendary

    Rules draft

    RuneScape: Item Exchange rules​

    These rules apply to the item exchange section found here:
    Forum-wide rules still apply: Site-wide rules

    Thread lock:

    • Not providing picture proof of the items being advertised after being asked to provide them. A new thread must be created after this.
      • All items that are being sold in the seller's inventory, price checker, or bank
      • The seller's username in the chatbox
    • Multiple topics of the same description/offering the same items. One will remain unlocked. Failure to stop creating these threads will result in an infraction.
    • Threads in the wrong section - although alternatively a thread may be moved, moderators do not have to.

    Permanent ban:

    • Selling items that are hacked, scammed or otherwise illegitimately obtained
    • Knowingly buying items of the above description
    • Using pictures that are not your own and passing them off as your own or used in an attempt to bypass the requirement
  7. Unread #4 - Apr 30, 2013 at 11:45 AM
  8. R
    Apr 4, 2011
    Sythe Gold:
    In Memory of Jon <3 n4n0 Sythe Awards 2013 Winner

    R Legend
    Retired Administrator Roary Donor Mudkips Legendary

    Rules draft

    RuneScape: Account Sales rules​

    These rules apply to the account sales sections found here: and
    Forum-wide rules still apply: Site-wide rules

    Thread lock:

    • Not providing picture proof of the items being advertised after being asked to provide them. A new thread must be created after this.
      • Screenshot of stats/levels
      • Screenshot of wealth (if listed)
      • Screenshot of lobby (if membership is listed)
      • Offence history
    • Multiple topics of the same description/offering the same items. One will remain unlocked. Failure to stop creating these threads will result in an infraction.
    • Threads in the wrong section - alternatively a thread may be moved to the correct destination, however moderators do not have to do this.
      • This includes accounts in the wrong subsection for their type & combat level

    Permanent ban:

    • Selling accounts that are hacked, phished, without the owner's permission or otherwise illegitimately obtained
    • Knowingly buying accounts of the above description
  9. Unread #5 - Apr 30, 2013 at 11:45 AM
  10. R
    Apr 4, 2011
    Sythe Gold:
    In Memory of Jon <3 n4n0 Sythe Awards 2013 Winner

    R Legend
    Retired Administrator Roary Donor Mudkips Legendary

    Rules draft

    RuneScape: Name Sales rules​

    These rules apply to the name sales section found here:
    Forum-wide rules still apply: Site-wide rules

    All name sales threads must:
    • Specify whether the name is ready for transfer or not

    Thread lock:
    • Posting price check/valuation threads. Instead, post here: Name price checks.
    • Having multiple threads in the Name Sales section. All names must be in ONE thread.
    • Name give-aways. Sales only.


    Permanent ban:
    • Selling names sniped (by you) from other users.
      • If questioned: proof must be provided that you bought the sniped named unknowingly from someone else.
    • Knowingly purchasing sniped names.
  11. Unread #6 - Apr 30, 2013 at 11:45 AM
  12. R
    Apr 4, 2011
    Sythe Gold:
    In Memory of Jon <3 n4n0 Sythe Awards 2013 Winner

    R Legend
    Retired Administrator Roary Donor Mudkips Legendary

    Rules draft

    RuneScape: User Services rules​

    These rules apply to the User Services sections found here:
    Forum-wide rules still apply: Site-wide rules

    You may not require a vouch as a term of service.
    You cannot require free services, however, you can OFFER them.
    Services for Oldschool RuneScape must go in the relevant sub-forums

    Account upgrades

    Infraction & thread deletion:
    • Any mention of pins or the sale of pins as opposed to the upgrader logging on to the account and applying membership.

    Permanent ban:
    • Upgrading accounts through illegitimate means such as with numbers or credit cards which aren't your own

    Firecape, Kiln & Defender services

    Threads with 5+ vouches specifying the server the service was completed on do not need future pictures.
    Thread lock & infraction:
    • Not posting at least 1 completed Fire Cape/TokHaar-Kal picture showing your Sythe username spoken in RS, rather then typed in the chatbox. Example photo.
      • Pictures must reflect the server that the service is for.
    Permanent ban:
    • Using pictures which are not your own or passing someone else's pictures off as your own.
    Questing & Torso Services

    Thread lock:
    • No picture proof of a torso showing Sythe username
    Permanent ban:
    • Using pictures which are not your own or passing someone else's pictures off as your own.

    Other services
    Thread lock:
    • Offering staking services - not allowed
    • Not providing completed void pictures with Sythe username
  13. Unread #7 - Apr 30, 2013 at 11:45 AM
  14. R
    Apr 4, 2011
    Sythe Gold:
    In Memory of Jon <3 n4n0 Sythe Awards 2013 Winner

    R Legend
    Retired Administrator Roary Donor Mudkips Legendary

    Rules draft

    League of Legends: Marketplace rules​

    These rules apply to the LoL Market section found here:
    Forum-wide rules still apply: Site-wide rules

    LoL Boosting and Team Sales

    • You must provide a screenshot of your Tier and Division
    • Services offering above Platinum I must be verified by a boosting verifier. They will spectate a game.
    • If you are offering a Promotion Game service, you must complete the best 3 of 5 and advance into the Tier you promised your customer. If you lose the 3 of 5 these, you must refund the customer AND return the customer to their original standing or re-attempt at their agreement.
    • If you cause a customer's account to receive a ban for anything other than offences related to boosting/account sharing, you must give a refund and compensation for the value of the account (only if the ban is permanent). This can be proven by procuring the email you will receive from The Tribunal, which will list the specific offence you were banned for.

    Thread lock:
    • Not including screenshot of Tier and Division
    • Offering ranked services higher than your screenshot proof
    • All threads that reflect ELO services using Season 2's rank system will be locked and archived to ensure that everyone is up to date with the new ranking system.

    • Requesting free services in exchange for a vouch or verification

    LoL section ban:
    • Losing points or dropping the division of your customer will result in a LoL service forum ban if you do not return the account to its original rank. You must provide a refund if you do not complete the job you were paid for.

    LoL Accounts

    Thread lock:
    • Not including pictures of all features advertised on your sale thread

    Permanent ban:
    • Hacked or illegitimately obtained accounts are not allowed to be sold on Sythe
  15. Unread #8 - Apr 30, 2013 at 11:45 AM
  16. R
    Apr 4, 2011
    Sythe Gold:
    In Memory of Jon <3 n4n0 Sythe Awards 2013 Winner

    R Legend
    Retired Administrator Roary Donor Mudkips Legendary

    Rules draft

    World of Warcraft: Marketplace rules​

    These rules apply to the WoW Market section found here:
    Forum-wide rules still apply: Site-wide rules

    WoW Accounts

    • When an account is sold, the e-mail address must be changed to the buyer's e-mail
    • When an account is sold, your secret question and answer should be given to the buyer
    • Any other information (besides credit card info) should also be given to the buyer to avoid any scams

    Thread lock:

    WoW Gold Exchange

    ALL sales should be tagged with the payment method, faction and realm. Please have this in the topic of your thread; it makes everything look cleaner and people have it easier to find.

    WoW Membership

    Thread lock:
    • CC Membership services. These aren't allowed.

    WoW Services

    Thread lock:
    • Threads without proof of things such as Loot Cards, Blizzard Store Pets/Mounts, In-game items, etc

  17. Unread #9 - Apr 30, 2013 at 11:45 AM
  18. R
    Apr 4, 2011
    Sythe Gold:
    In Memory of Jon <3 n4n0 Sythe Awards 2013 Winner

    R Legend
    Retired Administrator Roary Donor Mudkips Legendary

    Rules draft

    MMO's: Marketplace rules​

    These rules apply to the MMO Market section found here:
    Forum-wide rules still apply: Site-wide rules

    MMO Account Trading

    Thread lock:
    • Not providing pictures showing the features/items/accounts specified and your Sythe username.
  19. Unread #10 - Apr 30, 2013 at 11:45 AM
  20. R
    Apr 4, 2011
    Sythe Gold:
    In Memory of Jon <3 n4n0 Sythe Awards 2013 Winner

    R Legend
    Retired Administrator Roary Donor Mudkips Legendary

    Rules draft

    Other Games: Marketplace rules​

    These rules apply to the Other Games Market section found here:
    Forum-wide rules still apply: Site-wide rules

    General Rules

    • Pictures of items are required - including CD Keys/BETA keys
    • ALL sales should be tagged with the payment method, server, and NA or EU. Please have this in the topic of your thread; it makes everything look cleaner and people have it easier to find.
    • Selling hacked or otherwise illegitimately obtained accounts is not permittedd. This is a permanent ban offence.

    Realm of the Mad God

    Thread lock:
  21. Unread #11 - Apr 30, 2013 at 11:45 AM
  22. R
    Apr 4, 2011
    Sythe Gold:
    In Memory of Jon <3 n4n0 Sythe Awards 2013 Winner

    R Legend
    Retired Administrator Roary Donor Mudkips Legendary

    Rules draft

    Xbox/Playstation: Marketplace rules​

    These rules apply to the Xbox/PS section found here:
    Forum-wide rules still apply: Site-wide rules

    Xbox Accounts

    Thread lock:
    • Posting anything but Xbox live accounts
    • "Vulgur" Gamertags
    • Threads without proof of ownership in the form of a picture
    • Threads without proof of downloadable content

    Permanent ban:
    • Selling hacked or otherwise illegitimately obtained accounts

    Miscellaneous Xbox Sales and Services

  23. Unread #12 - Apr 30, 2013 at 11:45 AM
  24. R
    Apr 4, 2011
    Sythe Gold:
    In Memory of Jon <3 n4n0 Sythe Awards 2013 Winner

    R Legend
    Retired Administrator Roary Donor Mudkips Legendary

    Rules draft

    Steam: Marketplace rules​

    These rules apply to the Steam section found here:
    Forum-wide rules still apply: Site-wide rules

    • You may not put up an disclaimer that you aren't responsible if the password of an account you've sold is lost. If proof is given, you'll have to replace any recovered account you may have sold.
    • Threads with accounts that are 4 digits* or lower have to be verified by a staff member.
    • Threads that have ongoing disputes over the legitimacy of the accounts may be asked by a staff member to have accounts verified.

    Thread lock:
    • Threads selling keys without a scanned picture with Sythe username next to it.
    • For steam accounts; pictures of Steam ID, Email/VAC status and games are required. If you're selling more than 8 accounts contact a staff member for verification.
    • For Gifts/Games; you must provide proof of ownership for everything listed.
    • Threads selling Humble Bundle accounts or similar. Those are for personal use and the money is for charity.

    Permanent ban:
    • Hacked, phished or otherwise illegitimately obtained accounts are not allowed.
    • Cracks are also not allowed under the Warez rule (1 month ban).
    • Server laggers, RCON password hackers/crackers etc. cannot be sold/given away on
    • Anyone selling carded gifts will be banned for fraud.

    *Digit is the length of the Steam ID. The lower it is, the more unique it is. A 5 digit would for example be STEAM_0:1:23456. Also, all the 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 digits and low 7 digits are made in 2003, which was the year Steam was made.
  25. Unread #13 - Apr 30, 2013 at 11:45 AM
  26. R
    Apr 4, 2011
    Sythe Gold:
    In Memory of Jon <3 n4n0 Sythe Awards 2013 Winner

    R Legend
    Retired Administrator Roary Donor Mudkips Legendary

    Rules draft

    Real life sales rules​

    These rules apply to the real life sales section found here:
    Forum-wide rules still apply: Site-wide rules

    Non-virtual sales

    Thread lock:
    • Threads lacking pictures to prove ownership. These pictures should include close-ups of any relevant damage and include your username (written on a piece of paper, etc).
    • Threads selling the following are not permitted:
      • Virtual items
      • Paypal accounts
      • Contraband. For example; weapons [to include knives, paintball markers, airsoft guns], drugs and drug paraphernalia, tobacco and tobacco related products
      • Pornography (including accounts for adult websites)
      • Anything stolen or "absurd"/deemed a "joke"
      • Hosting and domain names
      • Website invites
      • Gift Card CODES (You may still sell the cards)
      • Virtual Bank Accounts, Virtual Credit Cards, or any other form of Paypal Verification
    • Keys which are not on the box of the product cannot be sold. Provide pictures of the key physically on the product with the key blocked out and your username on display

    Permanent ban:

    • Stolen items

    Gift Card Market

    Thread lock:
    • Threads without valid pictures of the cards. Your own images, with Sythe username on display.
    • Paypal Accounts (limited or otherwise). These cannot be sold on
    • Virtual Bank Accounts, Virtual Credit Cards, or any other form of Paypal Verification

    Permanent ban:

    • Stolen items
  27. Unread #14 - Apr 30, 2013 at 11:45 AM
  28. R
    Apr 4, 2011
    Sythe Gold:
    In Memory of Jon <3 n4n0 Sythe Awards 2013 Winner

    R Legend
    Retired Administrator Roary Donor Mudkips Legendary

    Rules draft

    Digital Currency and Non-Game Sales rules​

    These rules apply to the digital currency & non-game sales section found here:
    Forum-wide rules still apply: Site-wide rules

    Thread lock:
    • Trading Paypal accounts
    • Any account that has personal identity i.e. name, address, CC #, etc. attached.
    • "Invest in me" threads
    • Purchase or Sales of Virtual Bank Accounts(VBA's) or Virtual Credit Cards(VCC's)
    1 month ban:
    • Selling Facebook accounts
    Permanent ban:
    • Trading stolen goods
    • Carding, stolen credit cards or any other forms of or activities relating to; fraud.
  29. Unread #15 - Apr 30, 2013 at 11:45 AM
  30. R
    Apr 4, 2011
    Sythe Gold:
    In Memory of Jon <3 n4n0 Sythe Awards 2013 Winner

    R Legend
    Retired Administrator Roary Donor Mudkips Legendary

    Rules draft

    Guide & eBook Sales rules​

    These rules apply to the Guide & eBook section found here:
    Forum-wide rules still apply: Site-wide rules

    Runescape Guide & eBook Sales

    Thread lock:

    • Threads requesting guides. Post here:
    • The following guides:

      - $0.01 Auth Guide
      - 500k p/h fletching guide (just mith bolts, addy bolts, or broad bolts)
      - ANY guide containing fraud!
      - Alching guides
      - Anything to do with Crystal Seeds
      - Any unbanning guide
      - Cooking using grapes + wine
      - Dice game/trust/gambling guides
      - Dragon/Kingly impling hunting
      - Dragonscale method
      - Enchanting bolts for exp/gp.
      - Fire Arrows
      - Flipping/Merching Guides
      - Free auth guides
      - Free pin guides
      - Helm of neitiznot money making guide
      - Jangerberries or whiteberries
      - Mole Trading Guide
      - Non-glitch Staking Guides
      - Pineapple pizza house money making
      - Recovering accounts guides
      - Ring of lifes/Diamond rings
      - Spirit Kalphite Money Making Guides
      - Steam Battlestaffs enchanting money making guide
      - Using crafting with onyx items
      - Using fletching to make bows (u)
    • Selling an exact copy of a similar guide or a guide that is commonly made
    • You cannot sell another user's guide unless you get their permission (resale rights). It doesn't matter if you purchased the guide, or found it free on another site. If you do have permission to redistribute the guide from the author, remember to give them credit!

    • Attempting to guess a guide or leaking a guide
    • Requesting a free guide to review
    • Posts saying "I'll buy when it's verified"/"I'll review it for you"/"I'll take it for free" or anything along those lines

    Market ban & 1 month site ban:
    • Selling ripped guides

    Real Life/Miscellaneous Guide & eBook Sales

    Thread lock:
    • Threads requesting a guide. Use the guide request sticky.
    • You cannot sell another user's guide unless you get their permission (resale rights). If you do have permission to redistribute the guide from the author, remember to give them credit.
    • Methods such as:
      PPA sites this includes, PTC (pay to click) and GPT (get paid to) or anything of a similar nature
      Article flipping​
    • Selling an exact copy of a similar guide, or a guide that is commonly made.
    • Requesting a free guide to review
    • Posts saying "I'll buy when it's verified"/"I'll review it for you/I'll take it for free" or anything along those lines
    Permanent ban:
    • Selling ripped guides
  31. Unread #16 - Apr 30, 2013 at 11:45 AM
  32. R
    Apr 4, 2011
    Sythe Gold:
    In Memory of Jon <3 n4n0 Sythe Awards 2013 Winner

    R Legend
    Retired Administrator Roary Donor Mudkips Legendary

    Rules draft

    Software Sales rules​

    These rules apply to the software market section found here:
    Forum-wide rules still apply: Site-wide rules

    • Programmers advertising their services for freelance jobs should try and follow this guideline:
      Simply listing languages will suffice, but sellers will find it easier to decide who to hire if you list APIs/SDKs you are familiar with using.
    • When hiring a coder for a project, be sure to mention the pay, language, platform and API to be used.
    • Vouches are allowed to be given at the discretion of the trading parties granted both parties are satisfied with the product.

    Thread lock:

    • Threads without proof of ownership for product keys
    • Serial keys for software and other legitimate software-related sales. Can be done in the non-virtual items market:
    Thread lock:

    • Posts stating that you'll be interested when a script gets reviewed/verified
    Permanent ban:

    • Asking for or selling malware
    Permanent software section ban then permanent site ban for second offences:
    • Taking credit for or selling someone else's work. You must have proof of consent for re-selling.
    • Leaking software or scripts bought on
  33. Unread #17 - Apr 30, 2013 at 11:45 AM
  34. R
    Apr 4, 2011
    Sythe Gold:
    In Memory of Jon <3 n4n0 Sythe Awards 2013 Winner

    R Legend
    Retired Administrator Roary Donor Mudkips Legendary

    Rules draft

    Market tools rules​

    These rules apply to the market tools sections found here:
    Forum-wide rules still apply: Site-wide rules

    Middleman forums

    Thread lock:
    • Thread hijacking/offering your middleman services on others' threads.
    Permanent ban:
    • Claiming to be an official middleman when you are not an official middleman on

    Vouches forum

    • Bumping a vouch thread
    • Replying to vouches
    • Vouching for graphics or dicing
    2 week ban and TWC rank:
    All accounts involved will receive this punishment.

    • Fake vouches (including vouches from off-site presented as vouches)
    • Vouches from IRL aquaintances
  35. Unread #18 - Apr 30, 2013 at 11:45 AM
  36. R
    Apr 4, 2011
    Sythe Gold:
    In Memory of Jon <3 n4n0 Sythe Awards 2013 Winner

    R Legend
    Retired Administrator Roary Donor Mudkips Legendary

    Rules draft

    RuneScape discussion rules​

    These rules apply to the RuneScape sections found here:
    Forum-wide rules still apply: Site-wide rules

    RuneScape 3 General

    Thread lock:
    • Threads buying or selling anything
    • Asking for free stuff including account sharing
    • No direct download links (homepages or links to videos or images)
    • No price checks
    • Threads relating to dicing/other games in RuneScape or videos/images - they belong in their respective sections
    • Competitions or giveaways offering accounts

    • Duplicate answers repeating someone else, only new information should be posted
    • Not giving reasoning when answering a question

    RuneScape 2007 General

    Thread lock:
    • Threads buying or selling anything
    • Asking for free stuff including account sharing
    • No direct download links (homepages or links to videos or images)
    • No price checks
    • Threads relating to dicing/other games in RuneScape or videos/images - they belong in their respective sections
    • Competitions or giveaways offering accounts

    • Duplicate answers repeating someone else, only new information should be posted
    • Not giving reasoning when answering a question

    RuneScape Cheating

    Thread lock:
    • Threads relating to buying/selling anything or giving away accounts.
    • "What bot should I use" threads - use the resources available in the section.
    • "Is X safe to use (yet)" threads - it's impossible to give an answer with too many factors to consider

    RuneScape Guides, Minigames and Servers

    Tag your thread [RS3] or [RS07]

    Thread lock:
    • Someone else's guide
    • Threads containing nothing but a download link
    • Selling guides
    • Responses such as "nice guide," "great guide," and "thanks" - proper feedback only
  37. Unread #19 - Apr 30, 2013 at 11:45 AM
  38. R
    Apr 4, 2011
    Sythe Gold:
    In Memory of Jon <3 n4n0 Sythe Awards 2013 Winner

    R Legend
    Retired Administrator Roary Donor Mudkips Legendary

    Rules draft

    Other game discussion rules​

    These rules apply to the other game discussion sections found here:
    Forum-wide rules still apply: Site-wide rules

    Livestream and media

    In order to embed your stream into a post, use the following code:

    When linking video content, please try to link to a discussion thread pertaining the game showcased in the video.

    Thread lock:
    • Anything that isn't your Livestream, gaming content, trailers or gaming videos.
    Permanent ban:
    • Displaying anything on your livestream content against Sythe rules like pornography or extreme gore.

    League of Legends

    Thread lock:
    • Anything to do with buying/selling
    • Any free "ELO" threads
    • Any off-topic posts including posts which do not offer discussion


    Thread lock:
    • Anything to do with buying/selling
    • Any giveaway threads
    • Any off-topic posts including posts which do not offer discussion

    Gaming general

    Thread lock:
    • Anything to do with buying/selling
    • Advertising gaming forums
    • Pirated game downloads
    • RuneScape servers
    • Duplicate discussion threads
    • Download links with no virus scan (Not copy and pasted, an image)
    • Recruiting threads - use the recruiting sticky
  39. Unread #20 - Apr 30, 2013 at 11:45 AM
  40. R
    Apr 4, 2011
    Sythe Gold:
    In Memory of Jon <3 n4n0 Sythe Awards 2013 Winner

    R Legend
    Retired Administrator Roary Donor Mudkips Legendary

    Rules draft

    General discussion & Something for all rules​

    These rules apply to the general discussion section and something for all section found here: and here:
    Forum-wide rules still apply: Site-wide rules

    General discussion

    Thread lock:
    • Help threads or request threads, they go in the help & request section
    • Market threads, they go in their appropriate sections
    • Begging
    • Gaming - has it's own discussion section
    • "Which do you prefer" threads
    • Asking for votes or likes in off-site polls and competitions (use the spam forum or sand box).
    • Threads which do not promote discussion
    • Referral links

    Something for all

    Thread lock:
    • Threads where the first post doesn't offer reasoned argument to start with
    • Non-debate or non-intellectual threads (move to general discussion)
    • Duplicate topics
    • Posts such as "I think God is real" with no reasoned argument
    • Replying to spam posts (Just report it)
    • Deliberately using bad grammar/spelling
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