[IMG] Introducing Vision OSRS The Ultimate Color-Based Bot Vouches: • View My Vouches Here • Discord: rare_scripts_dev • Discord ID:...
[IMG] Introducing Vision The Ultimate Bot for Brighter Shores Vouches: • Click here to view my vouches • Discord: rare_scripts_dev • ID:...
Hello! I want to share my services as a private coder for OSRS bots. I've developed for the past year a custom and private color bot which I've...
So I've created an autoswitcher that is written in C# and scripted with Python. It works with computer vision and is very simple to work with....
edit ; not avaliable
Hello, right now I use my own personal color bot for mining. So far I've gone from level 1-50 without being banned and I've ran for it many hours...
I'm a scripter from OSBot and TriBot. I will link profiles and send you pms on either sites. I am currently creating color bots for all RSPS....
[IMG] All vouches here: Rare Scripts Vouches! Sold me a custom made script, easy to communicate and work with, and the script runs great, big...