Disputing DNT - theboatyfozi

Discussion in 'Dispute Forum Archive' started by Theboatyfozi, May 23, 2024.

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Disputing DNT - theboatyfozi
  1. Unread #1 - May 23, 2024 at 5:54 PM
  2. Theboatyfozi
    Aug 5, 2019
    Sythe Gold:
    Vouch Thread:
    Click Here
    Discord Unique ID:
    Discord Username:

    Theboatyfozi Grand Master

    Disputing DNT - theboatyfozi

    • hello members and staff&mods
    • Your profile link: Theboatyfozi
    • All of your Sythe Accounts: fuzki93
    • Report/post/reason that got you banned:
    • for making another sythe account (since forgotten password and even forgotten that i had sythe acc in the past i was study medicine in another country since then)
    • Proof of contacting victims for repayment or repayment of victims: i didn't recovered any account on my old sythe account (fuzki93) i didn't done that at all , when he reported me on my old sythe acc he made report thread and i was offline for month's that time . sthat why , i had exams on my university and i didnt even open the computer and i stopped playing runescape for while.
    • Anything you weren't banned for but want to confess to now: No
    • i got scammed for over 2000$ past 1 year of now @Andy know everything and all lost nothing refunded to me at all.
    • Detailed description of the events that took place and why you think we should forgive you: so again on my OLD SYTHE ACC FUZKI93 i got DNT for recovering account which i didn't done , i got DNT because i was offline for while and he made false report on me and win it because i was online i never recovered acc and if i done i would give it back for him. i dont know i tried contact him in the past he didnt answer i searched for his discord or something without help. and about why i made another sythe acc ? because i was study medicine dentist in another country and i wasn't online for while and when i back to my original country i decide to back to play rs and i tried to remember if i had acc but at the end i made another account on sythe because i forget about the old one (fuzki) hope u understand me i can provide my I.D and i can provide my CERTIFICATION date ! and u can then compare date's. its so sad because a lot of high quality member on this site want to F**k other just because they want. i didnt done anything wrong all my life here , mistake sometime happen but really alot of member tried to bring me down and they success at the end.
    • I understand that I have made a mistake and I sincerely apologize for it.I paid for that with 10 request and more , I recognize the impact of my actions and I am willing to take responsibility for them. I am committed to learning from this experience and strive to make better decisions in the future. I am asking for your forgiveness and a chance to prove that I can make things right. I am ready to do whatever it takes to regain the trust of the staff and the community.
    • so i want to add an important thing , almost 4 year's trying to dispture so i can get back to normally work on the forum , 3 years ! and almost more than 12 request all of them denied , i mean logically 3 years its enough and alot of time , people would be jailed for killing some one on brazil for 3 years , i didnt killed anyone all i did and im being honest is bad work got me DNT
    • please i really want to get back to the forum and i promis i will be the best , thanks
    • Did you fully read and follow this sticky thread in the pardon section?: Yes
  3. Unread #2 - May 26, 2024 at 6:12 AM
  4. Yoshiki
    Nov 12, 2016
    Sythe Gold:
    Vouch Thread:
    Click Here
    Discord Unique ID:
    Discord Username:
    Typhlosion Umbreon Milotic Lairon Politoed Chansey Le Wubba Lubba Dub Dub Why is there BACON in the SOAP!? The Glizz
    The Mortyest Morty Wait, do you not have an Archer rank? Not sure if srs or just newfag... TOKI! AM'S YOU WEARINGS MY PANTS? Extreme Homosex Detective Two Factor Authentication User Staff of the Quarter Winner

    Yoshiki Runestake.com - Slots & Original Games

    Disputing DNT - theboatyfozi

    Hello @Theboatyfozi,

    Profile: Theboatyfozi
    Report(s): theboatyfozi
    Theboatyfozi stolen vouch

    Profile: fuzki93
    Report(s): Fuzki93 Recovered his Osrs Acc

    Profile: boogleman
    Report(s): boogleman

    Profile: fozi1993
    Report(s): NA

    Profile: 138 cb for sell
    Report(s): theboatyfozi pardon DNT

    Profile: buyingpure
    Report(s): NA

    Profile: goooele1231
    Report(s): Ban evader [goooele1231 / buyingpure]

    Profile: petermak
    Report(s): User trying to impost scam gold

    Profile: libarote9921
    Report(s): TWEETER ! 1625$ scammed

    Profile: libarotee
    Report(s): TWEETER ! 1625$ scammed

    Disputes/Pardons: Disputing DNT - theboatyfozi
    Request to remove DNT
    Request to remove DNT
    theboatyfozi pardon DNT
    Request to remove DNT
    Theboatyfozi DNT remove request
    Theboatyfozi DNT remove request
    Disputing DNT - theboatyfozi
    Disputing DNT - theboatyfozi
    Disputing DNT - theboatyfozi

    As there are no debts and no signs of evasion this can now move into voting. Results can take up to two weeks and when a verdict is reached, your name will be shown in this thread.

    Until then, please remain patient, thank you.
< Pardon request | Eren request pardon >

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