Scammer Report Lukeburnsred

Discussion in 'Report A Scammer Archive' started by purepk244, Nov 12, 2010.

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Scammer Report Lukeburnsred
  1. Unread #1 - Nov 12, 2010 at 10:01 PM
  2. purepk244
    Jun 27, 2010
    Sythe Gold:

    purepk244 Forum Addict

    Scammer Report Lukeburnsred

    Hello, I got scammed by Lukeburnsred out of 30 USD dollars. I have all the proof, on msn.

    Summary of what occured: Basically what occured, I entered into a trade agreement with lukeburnsred. I was going to sell him a 50 million GPS trick, and in return I was going to get the payment of 30 dollars. I went first as he told me he had done 1000s of dollars in deals, and his reputation seemed solid. I took 48million GPS in items into a PvP world, confirmed that his runescape character was 'mere'. I then let him kill me. Now, basically, I took him to a safe zone, however there was 10 seconds to allow him to kill him, I took off my chest bandows, and torags legs (torags was at his request, so I took them both off to ensure he got the kill, was still wielding a ZGS. Now, when I died he got 1.8mil loot with appropximately 63% EP or so he claimed. He then said, that I dropped the items, and attempted to scam him. He claimed I didn't have a risk... yet he got 1.8mil. What did I then let him do? log on the account and see the bank which had litterly less than 5mil proving I had conducted the PvP trick. He claimed, I dropped it in an attempt to ban him and started spinning a bunch of Bull Shit. Although he claimed after he had already stated he had logged in he hadn't logged in. Basically the base of his arguement was that I'm a hacker (no proof), he shouldn't pay me on that basis, and the fact that I couldn't prove the pvp trick, even though I was wielding at least 20mil, and you can't drop items in combat. The other issue is, I let him log in the account proving I had done the trick.
    At the end I asked for his sythe name..... even though I had it, and he wouldnt respond.

    The proof I provided was allowing him to log on the account, yet that wasn't enough...... because he claimed I could have dropped the items. I'm sorry but what would I have had to gain from dropping the items? Then he claimed i'm a hacker.... the truth is he got unlucky and got 1.8mil.
    I paid 15 dollars for this account and wanted to cover costs.... won't be able to now. should work a link to the entire conversation seems he has tried to scam before. just so you know its not just me
  3. Unread #2 - Nov 19, 2010 at 6:12 AM
  4. FireZ
    Dec 3, 2009
    Sythe Gold:
    Detective Top Striker Sythe Awards 2013 Winner Sythe's 10th Anniversary Heidy Not sure if srs or just newfag...

    FireZ BRZ Club Member (2014)
    Retired Administrator Highly Respected

    Scammer Report Lukeburnsred

    Banned for evasion
< streetknowledge is a scammer | LukeBurnsRed, apparent scammer >

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