
Discussion in 'Report A Scammer Archive' started by Fear, Aug 2, 2019.

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  1. Unread #1 - Aug 2, 2019 at 4:05 PM
  2. Fear
    Jun 27, 2009
    Sythe Gold:
    Discord Unique ID:
    Discord Username:

    Fear Cba, send addy.


    Link the current Sythe account: @Azie
    Which violation you are reporting the user for: Threatning to take action based on spam forum chats
    Why you think they're violating Sythe rules: User Hex reported me to Azie based on the screenshots below.

    Spam forums chat below: (Please note I have user Hex blocked on discord and ignored on sythe after he reported me which was a few weeks ago and I've kept my communication with the user to almost zero. I've unblocked him for the purpose of taking screenshots)

    Hex reported privately to the global Azie and the convesation with him was as follow:





    The convesation in question







    The report in question that azie mentions where i was warned concluded on the 21st of July. I clearly said that I would not communicate with hex as he his delibirately trying to ruin my reputation and business, and i have since kept my word. The report was regarding posting a screenshot of the chat through the search function of discord on the sythe general spam forum chat. It was concluded i would not post any pictures that he post without his permission.



    After the report concluded, I now ask the moderators to go through the chat or even an instance on sythe where I communicated with him let alone posting screenshots of his pictures. There is only one instance where I warned him that do not post religious violence inciting pictures (he drew a picture of the islamic prophet) on purpose to get a reaction out me, and I simply told him there's alot of muslims in the chat and he could geniunely be reported to the police as was sythe reported. He reported to richard to ban me for helping him and richard conlcuded saying that it's not a threat nor against any rules.

    @Azie you claim that I mentioned the thing with the gay guy and fiance while he was in chat, here's a list of tags he has done to get a reaction out of me while i'm talking, and not once did i respond back or react to them










    @Azie So he tagged me and says the most offensive shit and I don't react or respond, but when he doesn't tag me that makes you conclude that he was there?

    All of these tags are after the report he made on the 21st of july, feel free to use the function "from: Hex#1245 mentions: F.E.A.R#2671"

    You have access to deleted chat logs, go ahead and find one occassion where I communicated with him.

    I'm reporting @Azie for entertaining private reports, threatning to take action without being given the chance to defend and based on words which does not goes near to include him. Yes It does not mention him even though it would not be against rules of any sort that I did, i'm here saying challanging your intelect that it does not mention him. If you feel you need to take an action then why not ask the user Hex to report me? Why are you handling reports in private? why are you repremanding me for saying little shit that nobody cares about?. If it's a rule broken state which and take the action honestly.
    ^ Link and WantaCookie like this.
  3. Unread #2 - Aug 2, 2019 at 4:27 PM
  4. Azie
    Jul 13, 2011
    Sythe Gold:
    Discord Unique ID:
    Discord Username:

    Azie Time is money so I went and bought a Rolex


    Currently travelling. Will go through what I have gathered so far when I am available.
  5. Unread #3 - Aug 2, 2019 at 4:35 PM
  6. Hex
    Dec 3, 2014
    Sythe Gold:
    Discord Unique ID:

    Hex Take care and stay safe


    *You lied to @Azie saying you were not referring to my fiancée when its evident beyond reasonable doubt you did.

    Just over 1 week ago you sent a picture of my fiancée in sythe discord WITHOUT my consent. Also should have been a 1 month ban according to the rules
    Disclosure of Others' Personal Information: Posting information such as private emails/MSNs, private Skype accounts, Facebook accounts, addresses, phone numbers, private photos, etc. of someone other than yourself without explicit consent of that person will result in up to a 1 month ban regardless of whether or not the information is publicly available. If a picture was posted by its owner on Discord or Sythe, this rule still applies.

    You mentioned you'd send my fiancée a message telling her I'm gay

    As Discord is treated as Spam Forum, these are in affect, but let this be clear:
    • Threatening to dox a member/staff member

    So just in over 2 weeks you've managed to break two spam forum rules (both which should result up to 1 month ban).
    I was okay with @BlackBlasses giving you a second chance last report, but you were told to refrain from breaking any rules of this nature in the future.

    Although theres no denying my imature behavour in spam forum, I refrain from breaking the spam forum rules. You can't hold me and @Azie responseable from your own actions.

    All the screenshots have been sent to @Azie in DM.
    > Lies to staff member
    > Asking if he should send my fiancée a dm telling her that I am gay
    > Shares a photo of my girl in the discord without my consent
    > Reports me??? ...
  7. Unread #4 - Aug 2, 2019 at 4:50 PM
  8. Hex
    Dec 3, 2014
    Sythe Gold:
    Discord Unique ID:

    Hex Take care and stay safe


    Is that so?
    24th of july. You've talked to me multiple times since you said you'd refrain from talking to me/about my fiancée. But talking to me is not against the sythe rules, so I'm completely fine with that.

    FYI the stuff I post is not against the sf rules, I'm fine with you trolling me, talking about my girlfriend. But atleast stick to the sythe rules and refrain from reposting pics/threatening to msg her. You've now broken two serious doxing related SF twice in a weeks time.
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2019
  9. Unread #5 - Aug 2, 2019 at 5:20 PM
  10. Fear
    Jun 27, 2009
    Sythe Gold:
    Discord Unique ID:
    Discord Username:

    Fear Cba, send addy.


    Just a note:
    I don't think you were blocked then, it was really close in that time though as that was the last time i mentioned your name I imagine i blocked you sometime after.

    Kindly show me proof where I said I'll message your fiance.

    If you think the gay guy i said about you

    1. Why did you not make a report? You seem to be happy anytime a report is made on me, you even go as far as titling your spam forum thread about my reports that are marked as resolved later.
    2. if you contacted a mod then did he ask you to open a report?
    3. did i mention you or her by stating either party's name?
    4. Are you a closeted homosexual that you feel that it was about you?
    5. Have i contacted you outside of spam forums?
    6. Do you have any evidence that suggests that I've tried to contact you or your so called girlfriend/fiance?

    the conversation was already in contexts of girls and relationships where Laurie and I were discussing and here is my point of view when were,







    I've given proof that he's tagged me countless times after the report and i've not once responded to them or reacted to them or even go as close as say his name, is that not proof enough that i don't open or respond to blocked messages?

    I'll stick to it that I didn't mention him, even if it is a little thing as that.
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2019
  11. Unread #6 - Aug 2, 2019 at 5:26 PM
  12. Hex
    Dec 3, 2014
    Sythe Gold:
    Discord Unique ID:

    Hex Take care and stay safe


    Nothing unusual here.
    You not taking responsibility denying every claim. I contacted Azie in DMs as there is confidential images and personal information backing up my claims.

    However if you wanna lie to @Azie then go ahead, two mods already agreed on the fact that you were beyond a reasonable doubt referring to my girlfriend. I've quoted the spam forum rules + the report from a weeks time ago.You've now broken the rules 3 times this week (including lying to staff). And you're yet to take responsibility to any of it. You're a really unreliable source, I'm gonna let Azie handle this from this point moving forward. Have a g'day fellas
    ^ Dovis Gold Shop likes this.
  13. Unread #7 - Aug 2, 2019 at 5:46 PM
  14. Fear
    Jun 27, 2009
    Sythe Gold:
    Discord Unique ID:
    Discord Username:

    Fear Cba, send addy.


    Clear bullshit, youre trying to be the center of attention by taking anything remotely vague and try to pin it against me by seeking any mods approval to have me banned.

    Not to mention the fact that you agree on being gay just so i can be banned XD
  15. Unread #8 - Aug 2, 2019 at 9:23 PM
  16. Azie
    Jul 13, 2011
    Sythe Gold:
    Discord Unique ID:
    Discord Username:

    Azie Time is money so I went and bought a Rolex


    Nice try..

    So Hex spoke to me about Fear trolling him about his fiance. Fear had harassed Hex about sending messages to his fiance which was previously reported here - Reporting Fear for Disclosure of Others' Personal Information

    In the report above Fear was warned by @BlackBlasses for his actions and no punishment was given at the time.

    Meanwhile I was speaking to Hex and told him that unless Fear had actually sent a message to his fiance there isn't much I can do. I then told Hex that he was also trolling Fear back so if he is willing to give some he should take some too. We sometimes have to draw a line case by case so I spoke to Fear and told him not to make references to his fiance again. I also told Hex to stop trolling Fear and explained these reports are a waste of time and pathetic.

    I had intended no further action at this point but then Fear decided to lie about what he did and didn't do.

    Screenshot 1 - The reference being made and the evidence submitted by Hex


    Screenshot 2 - His response to me confronting him about the situation


    Screenshot 3 - His response to me confronting him about the situation


    Now at this point I had to go through all the facts before coming to a decision as to he is telling me the truth or not. His argument is he followed the advice given by @BlackBlasses because he never spoke to Hex directly or use his name.

    At this point because @BlackBlasses dealt with the previous report I wanted him to look at the facts and then decide whether he also believed that this was indeed a reference made to Hex's fiance or not. He felt that this was a reference made to Hex's fiance.

    Further screenshots to suggest my reasons for why Fear is lying -

    Part 1 - Several references made to Hex being gay

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Part 2 - Amount of times his fiance has been brought up


    I will not be performing any type of action related to this report because this was a report against me but below are issues that need to be addressed.

    1. Lying to a staff member when a report is being looked at is unacceptable and a very serious issue. Under no circumstances should any individual lie when questioned about a report against them.

    2. A staff member had warned him and he disregarded the warning

    3. This is simply a waste of staffs time.
    ^ Vul, Dovis Gold Shop, Soul and 3 others like this.
  17. Unread #9 - Aug 2, 2019 at 11:37 PM
  18. Fear
    Jun 27, 2009
    Sythe Gold:
    Discord Unique ID:
    Discord Username:

    Fear Cba, send addy.


    1. Lying to a staff member when a report is being looked at is unacceptable and a very serious issue. Under no circumstances should any individual lie when questioned about a report against them.

    Why is it a lie and difficult for you take an action on if it's not completely evident and beyond any reasonable doubt?

    You dm me saying 'stop trolling hex' which is basically a warning, i told you i have no idea what you're talking about and you showed me in a screenshot and i told you i was talking to laurie (i've posted my point of view to the post above yours with images).
    You said it was bullshit and you'll take an action. I said it's Completely understandable so I made a report.

    Firstly, you came in and presumed that i had been talking to hex or been in contact with him.
    There's no mention of him let alone his fiance in any way shape or form in the past 7 days after the report, I honored my word when i made it in the report. Even though it was about me not posting pictures, i've gone above and beyond to completely cutoff. You can see it from the pictures you posted that the last time I've never mentioned him or anything related to him completely cut off on the 24th of last month. Today is 3rd.

    I understand of point of view and i'm also saying that there was no ill intent towards anyone in discord and i've proved it through my posts here.

    Secondly, Hex is not the only person i've reffered to as gay. It's not literal and always been said to more people than hex, making it look like he's the only one I've said doesn't prove anything.

    "I knw a gay guy who's engaged" "should I tell his fiance" spare me brother, but this was directed towards no one here at sythe, if you think It was directed towards hex then half the discord should be banned because someone at some point has said something relatable to someone which can be considered as a threat. He simply happened to be there like he is 16 hours of the day tagging me but getting no response. I've been used to not reading his blocked messages, and I've gone ahead and proved that. I wont admit to something that you pin me for even if it is as little as this, next thing is if i say anything even remotely relatable i'm reported because someone felt offended?

    2. A staff member had warned him and he disregarded the warning

    Quite the opposite, I've honored my word with Blackblasses. All your pictures show my communication with him before I said I would not involve myself with the user hex and you clearly see that after the report it's completely negligible to the point of non-existent.

    3. This is simply a waste of staffs time.

    The main reason for the report here is that you are entertaining reports privately from poeple known to cause dramas namely Hex, how can someone defend himself if there's no proper evidence provided by both parties. You can ask a hundered mods how they feel about it but that doesn't mean the person being reported shouldn't be given a chance to defend. I'll reiterate the countless mistakes being made just solely on the fact that people have used the private report route to cause drama and a biased judgement which had been reverted. @Dank was banned and his ban lifted for a wrong report, @Laika was banned and i had to personally involve myself because of a private report, @BumBum literally said the same thing twice but he got his ban lifted for saying.

    Why did you not ask hex to make a report? he's been involved in countless reports like this while i have not once been involved except coincidentally with him.

    Here we go again (Hex)
    Hex IRL threats
    Reporting several offences from today
    Hex the tweeter! Kappa
    Hex leaking irls - Tweeting and IRL Threats.
    Reporting Hex violation of the Personal Info rule.
    Reporting Hex
    reporting hex for doxing.
    Reporting Hex 20th+ time and joshuag
    Flipz and Bulrog and hex

    It's what he does, and you are acting oblivious and defending his side. Which is more irritating knowing that I haven't done jack shit to him.
  19. Unread #10 - Aug 2, 2019 at 11:45 PM
  20. Fear
    Jun 27, 2009
    Sythe Gold:
    Discord Unique ID:
    Discord Username:

    Fear Cba, send addy.


    Also this is not a report about misusing your powers, you are still free to take any action you feel is necessary. I'm only reporting you for threatning to take action on a private report and taking pirvate reports without evidence to post.
  21. Unread #11 - Aug 3, 2019 at 6:27 AM
  22. Hex
    Dec 3, 2014
    Sythe Gold:
    Discord Unique ID:

    Hex Take care and stay safe


    It is reasonable to believe you did. Here are some of the loose ends that does not add up and makes it very reasonable to believe you're lying.


    Dodging a yes/no answer is always a good sign people are lying.
    You also call my girlfriend hot all the time, which you also did in the screenshot @Azie posted above where you threatened to msg her.

    Some of the times you've called me gay

    O, really?
    Lying are we?

    Sorry, but what exactly have you proved other than you being stubborn and not able to admit anything?

    The problem is you've broken THREE rules in just over a weeks time. You got warned from BlackBlasses and you've already disregarded it by threatening to send my girlfriend a message telling her I am gay? Too many "coincidences" and it all aligns perfectly. You're just too much of an asshole for admiting lying to @Azie
    No you've not honored shit. In fact you've deleted multiple messages from discord and left the server. You're just trying to manipulate the situation by lying and give me and @Azie the blame for something you did yourself.
    3. This is simply a waste of staffs time.
    I showed Azie images backing up some of my claims from my previous report on you, confirming the legitimacy of them. You can't report a mod for "entertaining private reports" you're beyond retarded lol.

    Now you're trying to put the blame back on me for something you did by linking reports where the majority of them did not even get me banned? Cmon, I even made one of them as a joke. Should I bring up the fact that you scammed 1.6b? You're out of line and you are legit blaming EVERYONE but yourself for your own actions, how pathetic.
    ^ Dovis Gold Shop likes this.
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2019
  23. Unread #12 - Aug 7, 2019 at 3:03 AM
  24. video
    Dec 22, 2007
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    Former OMM Extreme Homosex

    video Add video#0001 to sell gold or bitcoin many methods
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    Azie is a saint for putting up with this so there will be no punishment against him.

    @Fear has been banned for 2 weeks for wasting staff time and lying in a report. This may potentially be increased depending on what personal information was shared (pictures of fiance or w/e), I just want to have something posted for now
    ^ Neres, Assassin, Azie and 6 others like this.
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