Reporting Pure scamming me for $250/250m 07

Discussion in 'Report A Scammer Archive' started by Luck, Oct 18, 2017.

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Reporting Pure scamming me for $250/250m 07
  1. Unread #1 - Oct 18, 2017 at 5:02 PM
  2. Luck
    Oct 13, 2016
    Sythe Gold:
    Discord Unique ID:
    Discord Username:
    Baby Yoda Hoover Nitro Booster (2) Heidy <3 n4n0 Extreme Homosex Gohan has AIDS

    Luck Click Here to join my Discord Server!
    $300 USD Donor New

    Reporting Pure scamming me for $250/250m 07

    Alright so after @Pure getting unbanned off sythe without him having to refund me/ other guy @SlayAndPk I am forced to make a scam report against him. Its sad to see scammers getting back into the community and I cant let such people stay in the community without them having to refund me.

    I will brief on what happened exactly. Before me doing the trade with @Pure I talked to alot of sythe mods/OMM or one of my swapper friends @Snail if pure is trusted or not. I got a favourable response from 1-2 ppl which included @veng that he is trusted but to go ahead with my own risk. I decided to sell them 500m 07 @$1/m but then decided to do 250m 07 increments which his worker said he was fine with. We met at edge bank and I sold him 250m 07 after which I linked my BTC address. His worker ''Caleb'' on livechat said that looks like coinbase is having issues and payment is taking time to be received by me. Anyways then I got banned from their livechat and I couldn't take the screenies or proof for the amount I got scammed for.

    Before the trade my coversations with alot of different sythe mods/OMM or other community members is as follows:

    Gyazo - 227e4d1171f7c839cb721e65b500f99e.png
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    Gyazo - 8abb091b73658f60ff68fe9a9436e0ea.png

    Alright here timestamps could be checked where I messaged alot of people at the same time asking them if @Pure is trusted or not. As for the amount I cant proof since I was banned from livechat so livechat disappeared

    Proof of me being banned from livechat and still I am banned.
    Gyazo - e4d4edae75eda9b9e019ea729775966c.jpg

    Now here @Pure claims chat logs have been deleted by his worker. Firstly I asked a few people if workers can delete chat logs on which they said worker cannot so firstly its @Pure who deleted them. Even if he didn't delete the chat logs he is responsible still since his name is being used and someone is representing him. So Pure brings scammers to sythe who use his reputation and vouches to get trust. Pure has clearly failed to provide chat logs or give a reason as to why I am banned from his livechat. This is really unjust to me and to the other guy @SlayAndPk that scammers are being allowed back into the community. If pure claims chat logs have been deleted by his worker or w/e thats his fault not mine. I demand my $250 to be returned back by @Pure and if he can't return it back then him staying as banned from sythe.

    Pure/Caleb/ scammed my 900m osrs

    In this above report @Pure failed to provide chat logs. He did browse forums yet ignored because obviously he was busy deleting chat logs. He didn't respond to the issue which is itself sketchy.

    I have even pmed @Pure why I am banned from livechat and even after him being active on sythe he didn't respond to me because he doesn't have a legitimate answer.

    Also @Pure was actively bumping his sythe threads before banning me from sythe but after he scammed me and the other guy he changed his website name to ''Coming Soon'' and closed it.

    Therefore, I request @video to relook on this matter and get him to provide chat logs. If he cannot provide them he should remain as banned on sythe until I am paid $250 back he owes me because again thats his own fault not mine. He has failed to provide reason I am banned for from his livechat or provide chat logs. If @Pure isn't banned from sythe then other people will do the same. Just ban people from websites and delete logs. And if other party vids it /screenshots they can say their worker scammed.
  3. Unread #2 - Oct 18, 2017 at 5:12 PM
  4. Teeto
    Feb 24, 2015
    Sythe Gold:
    Discord Unique ID:
    Discord Username:
    Christmas 2016 Gohan has AIDS Snowflake Poképedia (2) Lion King Pokémon Trainer (2) Poké Prizebox

    Teeto Grand Master
    $5 USD Donor New

    Reporting Pure scamming me for $250/250m 07

    This is what happened in the last report. Pure never provided chat logs or reasons on why all his customers were banned. He just disputed “no proof” and they unbanned him...
  5. Unread #3 - Oct 18, 2017 at 5:44 PM
  6. Snail
    Aug 16, 2014
    Sythe Gold:

    Snail Best Rates at

    Reporting Pure scamming me for $250/250m 07

    Chat logs aren't that hard to retrieve and if the accusation are pretty thorough than as a seller you should be able to provide the evidence with forinstance chat logs that you did not scam. I can't imagine why we would let someone back in the community if they can't even provide evidence that they did not scam decent amounts of gp. Especially regarding the evidence...
    ^ SlayAndPk, RS4Me, John Devola and 9 others like this.
  7. Unread #4 - Oct 18, 2017 at 7:32 PM
  8. Pure
    Sep 13, 2015
    Sythe Gold:

    Pure Legend

    Reporting Pure scamming me for $250/250m 07

    "He didn't reply because he doesn't have a legitimate answer"


    I didn't reply because you called me a nigger.

    I'll pay back anyone who actually has proof, otherwise I'll be paying back a lot of people who "got scammed"

    If you actually got scammed, I am sorry for your loss. If you have any proof, please bring it forward and I will undoubtedly repay you.
    ^ Milotic and Pendulum like this.
  9. Unread #5 - Oct 18, 2017 at 8:54 PM
  10. John Devola
    Nov 2, 2015
    Sythe Gold:
    Discord Unique ID:
    Two Factor Authentication User Stay a while and listen Twitter Tier 1 Prizebox (7) Dolan Duck (2) Member of the Month Winner Creamy Tier 5 Prizebox Tier 4 Prizebox Tier 3 Prizebox
    Tier 6 Prizebox Baby Yoda Nitro Booster Hey... this isnt a fun rank Garchomp Pikachu Lawrence Chansey Penguin Dragon Claws
    Tier 2 Prizebox

    John Devola Apprentice
    $500 USD Donor

    Reporting Pure scamming me for $250/250m 07

    Well this is a pickle, just want to get my 2 cents out there.

    Undoubtedly people were scammed on Pure's site, there is really no question of that.

    When a buyer comes to a site, they are under the impression that if a worker is on the site (not the owner), then there is accountability for that worker. Hence if the worker scams, the owner will pay.

    If the owner is negligent enough to leave it in a position to where a worker could cover his tracks and delete the chat logs, then I believe that the owner should be responsible. As much as I like @Pure he doesn't get a free pass just because his worker deleted the chat logs. He fucked up.

    It sucks that no one has proof, who can really tell how much was scammed. We all know scams occurred, but who got scammed is the problem.

    Because of this, I believe. @Pure should have to answer for any report that staff deem legitimate. With the following 3 criteria based on previous reports.

    • They are banned on Pure's livechat
    • They have filed a report immediately (or close to it) after being scammed
    • @Pure is unable to provide a reason for why that user is banned on his site, or chat logs of their convos.
    It's only fair.

    ^ crissbronks, Lrug Dord, RS4Me and 7 others like this.
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2017
  11. Unread #6 - Oct 18, 2017 at 11:23 PM
  12. Pure
    Sep 13, 2015
    Sythe Gold:

    Pure Legend

    Reporting Pure scamming me for $250/250m 07

    I ban a lot of spammers/ban evaders/trolls. I am paying anyone back who has proof they were scammed. Please stop slandering my name and please stop posting your cents on a report that isn't yours.
  13. Unread #7 - Oct 18, 2017 at 11:29 PM
  14. John Devola
    Nov 2, 2015
    Sythe Gold:
    Discord Unique ID:
    Two Factor Authentication User Stay a while and listen Twitter Tier 1 Prizebox (7) Dolan Duck (2) Member of the Month Winner Creamy Tier 5 Prizebox Tier 4 Prizebox Tier 3 Prizebox
    Tier 6 Prizebox Baby Yoda Nitro Booster Hey... this isnt a fun rank Garchomp Pikachu Lawrence Chansey Penguin Dragon Claws
    Tier 2 Prizebox

    John Devola Apprentice
    $500 USD Donor

    Reporting Pure scamming me for $250/250m 07

    So then you should have proof and chat logs why these people should be banned right? Or do you delete logs of these people you ban off your live chat as well.
    ^ xJumpman, SlayAndPk, crissbronks and 3 others like this.
  15. Unread #8 - Oct 18, 2017 at 11:34 PM
  16. Champ
    Aug 28, 2011
    Sythe Gold:
    Sythe's 10th Anniversary Gohan has AIDS Pokémon Trainer

    Champ Happy Holidays!

    Reporting Pure scamming me for $250/250m 07

    This situation is under review.

    Any post that does not add additional proof to the report will be infracted/temp banned from RAS.
    ^ xxrain, HNCdice and Luck like this.
  17. Unread #9 - Oct 29, 2017 at 2:24 AM
  18. video
    Dec 22, 2007
    Sythe Gold:
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    Former OMM Extreme Homosex

    video Add video#0001 to sell gold or bitcoin many methods
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    Reporting Pure scamming me for $250/250m 07

    There's nothing stopping you from taking screenshots/videos of your trades, this is base proof that we require of scam victims to produce when they make reports and I have seen nothing that actually proves the amount that was lost here. Pure has stated he is willing to repay anyone who has proof of loss, he cannot be expected to repay people for supposed losses that there isn't sufficient proof of. Burden also does not fall to Pure to produce evidence to defend himself, it falls to the victim to prove they were scammed.

    That said, he is remaining dnt as I am waiting a response from him regarding this matter
< [Resolved] | Add to ban reason >

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