I'm not on it. :D I can't wait until 2010. I mean that just sounds amazing. I wonder if it's true. o_O
^ That
ef- Epic Fail or just FAIL
So the highest hit possible right now is a 200? What is the highest hit you have hit?
What is the highest hit you've ever seen someone hit in your whole Runescape life? Also, what is the highest hit you have ever hit? Please include...
1.6 trillion- Russia We are not communist! We were communist but now we aren't. That just shows how much Americans don't know about other...
Holy crap, I never knew panda's do that. I thought they were peaceful bears that eat bamboo!
Lmfao, what's so scary bout pandas?
What were your favorite parts?
Use it on prayer. In my opinion, crafting is useless on F2P. Good luck! ;)
What did you guys think of all the action and killing and effects? It was pretty messed up when the early stages of the mutation began, it made me...
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