Hello, I messaged DabbedOutNoI on skype and on Sythe. I am waiting for the 1 month response timer before I donate the money I owed to the...
Hello, you said I didn't reply to the post. It's because I couldn't reply on my pardon post. I messaged Idabboutout on skype and sythe. I was...
Hey, check your skype. I messaged you about paying you back for when I scammed you like 2 years ago. I am willing to pay you back 30m (20m for the...
I can't reply, but if I'm reading the reply correctly on my pardon message.. I'll have to repay the moderators for the community repayment fund...
Your profile link: Berkiee Report/post/reason that got you banned: I got banned because I used to do services at one point, I think it was 2 or 3...
Development services range from: Discord bots Botting scripts Web development RSPS development Database services How to utilize my services? 1....
Hello I'm selling a fully functional discord dicing bot. I coded it in .NET It has: -Games: 55x2 | 78x3 | 95x5 | Dice Duel | Numbers Game |...
I can. I got a full dicing system setup with dice duel/ 55x2/ 78x3/ 95x5/ numbersgame/ over and under. I'm gonna code flowergame soon aswell in...
You pay a portion upfront and a portion afterwards if they are not well credited. If they have enough credit/vouches then it's a full upfront payment.