OSRS Main Accounts
OSRS main accounts go here
Low Level (Below 1500 total level) (3 viewing)
Mains with less than 1500 total level
- Discussions:
- 3,357
- Posts:
- 278,655
Med Level (1501-1999 total level) (7 viewing)
All mains between 1501-1999 total level
- Discussions:
- 5,351
- Posts:
- 252,913
High Level (2000+ total level) (2 viewing)
Mains with 2000 or higher total level
- Discussions:
- 3,111
- Posts:
- 179,890
Stakers/DM Accounts (4 viewing)
Max mains and other staker/DM account builds
- Discussions:
- 824
- Posts:
- 165,857
Subforums : OSRS Main Accounts
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