Need help with a function in C. [Paid]

Discussion in 'Programming General' started by NathanW, Jul 2, 2015.

Need help with a function in C. [Paid]
  1. Unread #1 - Jul 2, 2015 at 10:02 PM
  2. NathanW
    May 6, 2015
    Sythe Gold:

    NathanW Newcomer

    Need help with a function in C. [Paid]

    I have been doing a hangman project that i have been trying to do in C. i have completed 90% of it but i am stuck on how to do the last two functions. I have tried to so many different ways but i cant seem to work it out.
    Any help is greatly appreciated.

    #include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>
    #include <string.h>
    int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
        char word[500];
        int len;
        int guessedLetters[26] = {
        len = init(word);
        printf("\nWord = %s", word);
        printf("\nGuessed:  ");
        displayWord(word, guessedLetters, len);
        return 0;
    //picks word for hangman game
    int init(char* word)
       int randomIndex = rand() % 50;
       const char* words[50] = {
          "array",      "auto",       "break",      "case",       "cast",
          "character",  "comment",    "compiler",   "constant",   "continue",
          "default",    "double",     "dynamic",    "else",       "enum",
          "expression", "extern",     "file",       "float",      "function",
          "goto",       "heap",       "identifier", "library",    "linker",
          "long",       "macro",      "operand",    "operator",   "pointer",
          "prototype",  "recursion",  "register",   "return",     "short",
          "signed",     "sizeof",     "stack",      "statement",  "static",
          "string",     "struct",     "switch",     "typedef",    "union",
          "unsigned",   "variable",   "void",       "volatile",   "while"
        strcpy(word, words[randomIndex]);
        int lengthOfWord = strlen(words[randomIndex]);
        return lengthOfWord;
    //Displays word with dashes over un-guessed letters
    void displayWord(char *word, int *guessedLetters, int length)
        int i;
        for (i = 0; i < length; i++ ){
            if(guessedLetters[word[i] - 97] == 1){
                printf("%c", word[i]);
    * Function guessLetter() prompts the user to enter one letter. The function
    * maintains an array of guessed letters. The function returns GOOD_GUESS
    * or BAD_GUESS depending on whether or not the letter is in the word.
    int guessLetter(char* word, int* guessedLetters)
    * Function isGameOver() is the final step in the program. The game is over
    * if either all letters in the word have been guessed, or the player has run
    * out of guesses. The player is congratulated if he/she wins. The word is
    * displayed to the player if he/she loses. This function returns either
    int isGameOver(char* word, int* guessedLetters, unsigned wrongGuesses)

    I have experience in Java but i cant seem to wrap my head around C. Any help with the last two functions (isGameOver() and guessLetter()) would be very much appreciated. Will send some $$ over as well.
  3. Unread #2 - Jul 3, 2015 at 1:21 AM
  4. Blupig
    Nov 23, 2006
    Sythe Gold:
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    Blupig BEEF TOILET
    $5 USD Donor

    Need help with a function in C. [Paid]

    I mean I'm not going to write the functions for you, but I'll give you a detailed outline on how to get them done.

    - Prompt use to enter a letter, store it as a temp char
    - Check entered char against array of chars already guessed so that the user can't duplicate guesses
    - A C-String is just an array of chars, so loop through the correct word like it's an array and check if the guessed char matches the currently selected char in the C-String
    - If the loop comes up empty, return BAD_GUESS (let's say an int value of 0), or 1 for GOOD_GUESS
    - Add 1 to a global "good guesses" variable, so we can keep track of how many good guesses we have. Make a "bad guesses variable" to keep track of wrong guesses too.

    - Run isGameOver every turn to check if the game is over yet or not
    - If our "good guesses" variable is equal to the length of the word we're playing with, the game is over
    - If our "bad guesses" variable is equal to the length of the word we're playing with, the game is over

    Feel free to PM with further questions
  5. Unread #3 - Jul 3, 2015 at 4:58 AM
  6. NathanW
    May 6, 2015
    Sythe Gold:

    NathanW Newcomer

    Need help with a function in C. [Paid]

    I just needed to be pointed in the right direction. I will use your advice tonight and let you know how i go
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