Selling NA LoL Account!!

Discussion in 'MMO Account Trading' started by RubixTheCube, Sep 24, 2012.

Selling NA LoL Account!!
  1. Unread #1 - Sep 24, 2012 at 7:10 PM
  2. RubixTheCube
    Nov 25, 2011
    Sythe Gold:

    RubixTheCube Member

    Selling NA LoL Account!!

    Elo is 1441 in solo and the highest is 1521 I believe

    1424 IP and 926 RP

    Champions not owned: Brand, Caitlyn, corki, darius, diana, draven, fiora, galio, garen, hecarim, jayce, karma, katarina, kogmaw, leesin, leona, lulu, malzahar, maokai, Miss Fortune, nocturne, olaf, orianna, pantheon, renekton, rengar, riven, sejuani, shen, skarner, syndra, talon, trundle, urgot, veigar, viktor, vladimir, volibear, xerath, xin zhao, yorick, ziggs, zyra

    Skins owned:

    Surprise party fiddlesticks, vandal gragas, mad scientist singed, jurassic cho'gath, tyrant swain, valentines day Vayne

    and I think that's it

    I know its not the best, but if you are interested, feel free to offer.


    Also, I have 5 rune pages open. Support runes, AD runes, AP runes, jungle runes, and tank runes. (including AP quints, AD quints, movement speed quints, health quints, gold per/10 quints, and the various glyphs/marks/seals to go with each role)
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