Selling NA account with 92 Champions and 78 Skins.

Discussion in 'MMO Account Trading' started by d122002, Jul 17, 2012.

Selling NA account with 92 Champions and 78 Skins.
  1. Unread #1 - Jul 17, 2012 at 2:22 PM
  2. d122002
    May 20, 2012
    Sythe Gold:

    d122002 Active Member

    Selling NA account with 92 Champions and 78 Skins.

    LEVEL: 30

    (got every champion except the following)


    Skins: 78

    stinger akali ( legacy )
    unchained alister
    pharaoh amumu ( legacy )
    goth annie ( rare )
    frostfire annie
    amethyst ashe
    definitely not blitzcrank ( legacy )
    cyrocore brand
    artic warefare caitlyn
    gentleman cho gath ( legendary )
    urfrider corki
    corporate mundo ( legendary )
    nottingham ezreal ( legacy )
    fiddle me timbers
    surprise party fiddlesticks
    nightraven fiora
    artlantean fizz
    tundra fizz
    enchanted galio
    gatekeeper galio ( legendary )
    minuteman gangplank
    sanguine garen
    dreadknight garen
    gragas, esq.
    hired gun graves
    mafia graves
    snowmerdinger ( limited )
    frostblade irelia
    darkforge jarvan IV
    angler jax ( legacy )
    judgement kayle ( limited )
    swamp master kennen ( legacy )
    artic ops kennen
    lion dance kogmaw
    deep sea kogmaw
    mistletoe leblanc ( limited )
    dragon fist lee sin
    marble malphite
    overlord malzahar
    totemic maokai
    assasin master yi
    ionia master yi
    lord mordekaiser
    galactic nasus
    dreadknight nasus
    french maid nidalee
    frozen terror nocturn
    haunting nocturn ( limited )
    brolaf ( legendary )
    ninja rammus
    bloodfury renekton
    rune wards renekton
    battlebunny riven
    professor ryze
    royal shaco
    asylum shaco
    yellow jacket shen ( legacy )
    boneclaw shyvana
    warmonger sion
    astronaut teemo ( legendary )
    riot girl tristana
    demonblade tryndamere ( legendary )
    museketeer tf
    gangster twitch
    black belt udyr
    primal udyr
    battlecast urgot
    dragonslayer vayne
    veigar greybeard
    blood lord vladimir ( legendary )
    northern storm volibear
    tundra hunter ww
    feral ww ( legacy )
    hyena ww
    battlecast xerath
    imperial xin zhao
    mad scientist ziggs
    time machine zilean ( legacy )

    Elo: 1250/ 500+ ranked games played.

    RP: none, IP: 6000

    Rune Pages: 4

    Marks: apen * 9, mpen * 9, AP * 9, AD * 9, Aspeed * 9
    Seals: AP * 9, Mregen/level * 9, Armor * 9
    Glyphs: Aspeed * 9, AP/level * 9, ARmor * 9 , AD * 9, MR/level * 9
    Quints: AD * 3, APen * 3, Health *3, AP * 3

    (they're all 3rd tier)

    I only accept Paypal. I expect to you go first, but you can hire a REAL middleman if you desire so. You will pay the fees.

    No low-ballers. Serious offers only. Post your offers here with skype name or add me on skype yourself: dannylee101

    My vouches on a different forum:
< Selling Molten-WoW acc | WTS - Battle.Net account with Diablo 3 and SC2. >

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