I once had a dream...

Discussion in 'Dispute Forum Archive' started by Ponies & Dreams, Aug 22, 2011.

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I once had a dream...
  1. Unread #1 - Aug 22, 2011 at 12:54 AM
  2. Ponies & Dreams

    Ponies & Dreams Guest

    I once had a dream...

    ThugI once had a dream that when I turned 9 years old, I would have a colorful pony. I pleaded my father to take his unicorn out of the garage so we can adventure into the wonderful world and reach my destination at the pony shop at the end of the day. As my adventure began, my unicorn flew to the sky, seeing many things that the human eye can not see from the Earth such as dragons and cow dung. As we fly and fly, the day nearly comes to an end and we make a stop at the pony shop. Unfortunately, I only had 15 dollars to spend on a pony but, the most affordable pony was $2,300. I began to cry and weep until my father arrived on his magical dragon. As he brought an extra $2,285 so I can purchase a pink pony, I began to moon a few of the customers for my own pleasure. Anyhow, after purchasing my pony, the clerk tied a string around it's neck and gave me the end of the string to hold as a navigation for the pony to follow. I yank the string hoping the unicorn would follow me outside the store so I can settle on it and return home. As I hop on it, I notice the pony has no FUEL!!!! So, I become extremely aggravated and march back into the store and start yelling at the clerks. They offered to fill the pony with enough fuel to get me out of their parking lot. I accepted and I flew out of their parking lot with happiness until seconds later the pony needed fuel once more. I became aggravated and kicked the pony and returned it to the store. I went home with my unicorn as my father followed me with his magical dragon. I marched into my bedroom and unloaded my AK-47, flew back to the store and murdered all the clerks. Now to this day, I'm known as the Terminators of Ponies.Life


    Moral of the story:

    may I please be unbanned from the Spam Forum and Personal Support forum?

    I got banned from Spam Forum for "trolling too much" said by FireZ.

    I got banned from the Personal Support forum for asking for a thread about blowjobs and one of the moderators banned me from the support forum thinking I was trolling when I honestly wasn't...​
  3. Unread #2 - Aug 22, 2011 at 1:57 AM
  4. FireZ
    Dec 3, 2009
    Sythe Gold:
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    I once had a dream...

    I'm about to fall off my chair in laughter.
< Umm... | Won't let me make an account >

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