I was wrongly banned - Proof Inside

Discussion in 'Dispute Forum Archive' started by Unregistered - XAQ, Feb 5, 2011.

I was wrongly banned - Proof Inside
  1. Unread #1 - Feb 5, 2011 at 10:47 AM
  2. Unregistered - XAQ

    Unregistered - XAQ Guest

    I was wrongly banned - Proof Inside

    So I found the report that I was banned for by bigdog18 and frankly thought it was hilarious.

    Here is the actual conversation

    [​IMG] - I do not have a screenie of where he accepted my 4.5m but he did take it then insta log.

    And Here is why his is a fake.


    1. - I Gained my first vouch only yesterday after trading with him, so at the time I had 0 vouches and did not claim to have any.

    2. This is the good one, If you looked closely at this (I know that you get tons of reports and cant analyze every single one) It says
    "Zach says:
    Alright it worked"
    Why would he tell me that? when he gave me the pin?

    3. In his picture of the after I "declined" the trade why isnt he saying something? why didn't I log out? thats how he did it so If i was a scammer wouldn't I have logged out right away ingame?

    4. He states that in his thread that "bc he didn't want me on his acc and he logged,"
    The convo is only about a pin nothing about him accessing my account.

    Here is his report thread - http://sythe.org/showthread.php?t=1004904

    Thank you and I hope that he is permantley banned.

    Note I can do teamviewer if someone would like to verify the actual convo.
< I have been wrongly banned - Ample proof inside. | Horseshoe >

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