Need Eye Of Newt Script!!

Discussion in 'Archives' started by i berange u, Feb 18, 2009.

Need Eye Of Newt Script!!
  1. Unread #1 - Feb 18, 2009 at 6:34 PM
  2. i berange u
    Dec 25, 2008
    Sythe Gold:

    i berange u Member

    Need Eye Of Newt Script!!

    hey guys i need the eye of newt script il b giving away a lvl 68 pure if u give to me!!!! so post here ill message u back with info about accounT!!!!!!!!!
  3. Unread #2 - Feb 18, 2009 at 7:07 PM
  4. Jimmy
    Jun 24, 2008
    Sythe Gold:

    Jimmy Ghost
    Retired Sectional Moderator $5 USD Donor

    Need Eye Of Newt Script!!

    I doubt you'll give it, and I really don't want to report you for scamming, so here it is, and I don't want the account.

    EDIT: Leachproofed!

    import com.speljohan.rsbot.accessors.Client;
    import com.speljohan.rsbot.event.EventManager;
    import com.speljohan.rsbot.event.listeners.PaintListener;
    import com.speljohan.rsbot.script.Bank;
    import com.speljohan.rsbot.script.InputManager;
    import com.speljohan.rsbot.script.Script;
    import com.speljohan.rsbot.script.wrappers.RSInterface;
    import com.speljohan.rsbot.script.wrappers.RSObject;
    import com.speljohan.rsbot.script.wrappers.RSPlayer;
    import com.speljohan.rsbot.script.wrappers.RSTile;
    import java.awt.Color;
    import java.awt.Graphics;
    import java.util.Map;
    public class DPNewtEyesPro extends Script {
      int waitAfterMoving;
      int failCount;
      boolean cameraMoving;
      int loads;
      boolean spinningView;
      public RSTile bankTile;
      public RSTile shopTile;
      public int coinID;
      public static int bankBoothID = 2213;
      public RSTile[] bankToShopPath;
      public RSTile[] shopToBankPath;
      public RSTile[] walkBackPath;
      int i;
      public DPNewtEyesPro() {
        this.waitAfterMoving = -1;
        this.failCount = 0;
        this.cameraMoving = false;
        this.loads = 0;
        this.spinningView = false;
        this.bankTile = new RSTile(3092, 3245);
        this.shopTile = new RSTile(3015, 3259);
        this.coinID = 995;
        //this.bankToShopPath = new RSTile[] { new RSTile(3092, 3245) new RSTile(3087, 3249), new RSTile(3083, 3254), new RSTile(3082, 3260), new RSTile(3078, 3266), new RSTile(3075, 3272), new RSTile(3070, 3276), new RSTile(3064, 3276), new RSTile(3058, 3276), new RSTile(3052, 3276), new RSTile(3046, 3276), new RSTile(3040, 3276), new RSTile(3034, 3276), new RSTile(3030, 3271), new RSTile(3025, 3267), new RSTile(3021, 3262), new RSTile(3017, 3259) };
        //this.shopToBankPath = new RSTile[] { new RSTile(3017, 3259), new RSTile(3021, 3265), new RSTile(3027, 3267), new RSTile(3032, 3272), new RSTile(3037, 3276), new RSTile(3043, 3276), new RSTile(3049, 3276), new RSTile(3055, 3276), new RSTile(3061, 3276), new RSTile(3067, 3276), new RSTile(3072, 3271), new RSTile(3077, 3267), new RSTile(3080, 3261), new RSTile(3081, 3255), new RSTile(3086, 3250), new RSTile(3092, 3247), new RSTile(3092, 3245) };
        //this.bankToShopPath = new RSTile[] { new RSTile(3092, 3245) new RSTile(3087, 3249), new RSTile(3083, 3254), new RSTile(3082, 3260), new RSTile(3078, 3266), new RSTile(3075, 3272), new RSTile(3070, 3276), new RSTile(3064, 3276), new RSTile(3058, 3276), new RSTile(3052, 3276), new RSTile(3046, 3276), new RSTile(3040, 3276), new RSTile(3034, 3276), new RSTile(3030, 3271), new RSTile(3025, 3267), new RSTile(3021, 3262), new RSTile(3017, 3259) };
        this.shopToBankPath = new RSTile[] { new RSTile(3017, 3259), new RSTile(3021, 3265), new RSTile(3027, 3267), new RSTile(3032, 3272), new RSTile(3037, 3276), new RSTile(3043, 3276), new RSTile(3049, 3276), new RSTile(3055, 3276), new RSTile(3061, 3276), new RSTile(3067, 3276), new RSTile(3072, 3271), new RSTile(3077, 3267), new RSTile(3080, 3261), new RSTile(3081, 3255), new RSTile(3086, 3250), new RSTile(3092, 3247), new RSTile(3092, 3245) };
        this.bankToShopPath = reversePath(shopToBankPath);
        this.walkBackPath = new RSTile[] { new RSTile(3222, 3219), new RSTile(3232, 3224), new RSTile(3227, 3234), new RSTile(3222, 3244), new RSTile(3211, 3246), new RSTile(3200, 3247), new RSTile(3189, 3246), new RSTile(3178, 3243), new RSTile(3168, 3238), new RSTile(3157, 3236), new RSTile(3146, 3232), new RSTile(3136, 3227), new RSTile(3125, 3227), new RSTile(3114, 3228), new RSTile(3108, 3238), new RSTile(3103, 3248), new RSTile(3092, 3245) };
      public double getVersion() {
        return 2.2;
      public String getName() {
        return "Dontpanic's Newt Eye Buyer - Pro Version";
      public String getAuthor() {
        return "Dontpanic - [email protected]";
      public String getScriptCategory() {
        return "Dontpanic Scripts";
      public String getScriptDescription() {
        String str = "";
        str = str + "<html>\n";
        str = str + "<body>\n";
        str = str + "<h2>" + getName() + " v" + getVersion() + "</h2><br>\n";
        str = str + "Author: " + getAuthor() + "<br><br>\n";
        str = str + "Start anywhere with money in your inventory.  (Notice: If you are lower than 30hp, you should start at the draynor bank to avoid being killed by jail guards)<BR><BR>Script sold by [email protected]";
        str = str + "</body>\n";
        str = str + "</html\n";
        return str;
      //public boolean onStart(String[] paramArrayOfString) {
      public boolean onStart (Map<String, String> args) {
        /*URL localURL;
        try {
          localURL = new URL("");
          BufferedReader localBufferedReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(localURL.openStream()));
          String str = localBufferedReader.readLine();
          if (!(str.equals("1"))) {
            log("You are not authenticated to run this script.");
            return false;
        } catch (Exception localException) {
          return false;
        Bot.getEventManager().addListener(PaintListener.class, this);
        return true;
      public void onFinish() {
        Bot.getEventManager().removeListener(PaintListener.class, this);
      public int loop()
        if (!(isLoggedIn()))
          return random(100, 200);
        if (checkSpinningView())
          return random(200, 300);
        if (checkCamera())
          return random(500, 800);
        if (getMyPlayer().isMoving())
          return random(50, 100);
        if (this.waitAfterMoving != -1) {
          i = this.waitAfterMoving;
          this.waitAfterMoving = -1;
          return i;
        if (checkAttack())
          return random(800, 1000);
        int i = work();
        if (i != -1) {
          this.failCount = 0;
          return i;
        if (walkBack()) {
          this.failCount = 0;
          return random(500, 800);
        this.failCount += 1;
        if (this.failCount >= 10) {
          this.failCount = 0;
          return random(2000, 3000);
        return random(1000, 2000);
      public boolean checkCamera()
        if (this.cameraMoving) {
          if (Bot.getClient().getCameraCurveY() >= 380) {
            this.cameraMoving = false;
          return true; }
        if (Bot.getClient().getCameraCurveY() < 380) {
          this.cameraMoving = true;
          return true;
        return false;
      public boolean checkAttack() {
        if (getMyPlayer().isInCombat())
          return runFromCombat();
        return false;
      public boolean runFromCombat()
        return false;
      public void onRepaint(Graphics paramGraphics)
        paramGraphics.drawString("Dontpanic's Newt Eye Buyer", 260, 20);
        paramGraphics.drawString("Loads: " + this.loads, 260, 38);
      public int work() {
        if (getInventoryCount() != 28)
          return buy();
        return bank();
      public void runOn()
      public int buy() {
        if (atShop()) {
          if (shopOpen()) {
            return random(800, 1000);
          if (openDoor())
            return random(500, 800);
          if (openShop()) {
            this.waitAfterMoving = random(200, 300);
            return random(500, 800);
          this.waitAfterMoving = random(300, 400);
          return random(500, 800);
        if (bankToShop())
          return random(500, 800);
        return -1;
      public int bank()
        if (atBank()) {
          if (RSInterface.getInterface(762).isValid()) {
   int[] { this.coinID });
            this.loads += 1;
            return random(500, 800);
          if (distanceTo(this.bankTile) > 1) {
            if (dpWalkTile(this.bankTile)) {
              this.waitAfterMoving = random(200, 300);
              return random(500, 800);
            return -1;
          RSObject localRSObject = findObject(new int[] { bankBoothID });
          if (atObject(localRSObject, "uickly"))
            return random(500, 800);
          return -1;
        if (openDoor())
          return random(500, 800);
        if (shopToBank())
          return random(500, 800);
        return -1;
      public boolean dpWalkPath(RSTile[] paramArrayOfRSTile)
        for (int i = paramArrayOfRSTile.length - 1; i >= 0; --i)
          if (dpWalkTile(randomizeTile(paramArrayOfRSTile[i], 1, 1)))
            return true;
        return false;
      public boolean dpWalkTile(RSTile paramRSTile) {
        if (distanceTo(paramRSTile) <= 16) {
          return true;
        return false;
      public void homeTele()
      public boolean walkBack() {
        return dpWalkPath(this.walkBackPath);
      public boolean shopToBank() {
        return dpWalkPath(this.shopToBankPath);
      public boolean bankToShop() {
        return dpWalkPath(this.bankToShopPath);
      public boolean shopOpen() {
        return RSInterface.getInterface(620).isValid();
      public boolean openShop() {
        return atNPC(getNearestNPCByID(new int[] { 583 }), "Trade");
      public boolean openDoor() {
        RSObject localRSObject = findObject(new int[] { 40108 });
        if ((localRSObject != null) &&
          (distanceTo(localRSObject) <= 5)) {
          if (shopOpen()) {
            return true;
          if (!(atDoor(localRSObject, "West", "Open")))
          return true;
        return false;
      public void spinView() {
        this.spinningView = true;
      public boolean checkSpinningView()
        if (this.spinningView) {
          this.spinningView = false;
          return true;
        return false;
      public void openStock()
        int i = 61 + random(0, 3);
        int j = 72 + random(0, 3);
        moveMouse(i, j);
        clickMouse(i, j, true);
        wait(random(800, 1000));
      public void buyFromShop() {
        int i = 384 + random(0, 3);
        int j = 105 + random(0, 3);
        moveMouse(i, j);
        clickMouse(i, j, false);
        wait(random(150, 200));
        if (atMenu("Buy X")) {
          wait(random(1400, 1500));
          sendText(Integer.toString(random(27, 99)), true);
        } else {
      public boolean atShop() {
        return (distanceTo(this.shopTile) < 6);
      public boolean atBank() {
        return (distanceTo(this.bankTile) < 5);
  5. Unread #3 - Feb 18, 2009 at 10:55 PM
  6. leinad
    Feb 18, 2009
    Sythe Gold:

    leinad Newcomer

    Need Eye Of Newt Script!!

    this is a non leaked script plz remove? the prices r already way down
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