Make your own RS Client in Delphi 7 - by MittenZ

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Six, May 12, 2007.

Make your own RS Client in Delphi 7 - by MittenZ
  1. Unread #1 - May 12, 2007 at 11:22 AM
  2. Six
    Jan 21, 2007
    Sythe Gold:

    Six Guru

    Make your own RS Client in Delphi 7 - by MittenZ

    Well, to start off with if you know how to script in Scar, you will be able to make a client in Delphi 7, no probs.
    No need for learning VB, pascal is the thing for you.
    Second point is
    Clash < my pascal

    EDIT: Instead of using the Webbrowser control, you're going to need to use this: ... (Thank you Cruel for telling me about this) - Install steps.

    Getting straight into it,

    First off BTW I like men. Add this after your Var

      i: integer;
      prefix: string;


    ^ On the top tab, where all your controls are - scroll over and find the Internet tab, click on it and select a webbrowser.

    Click on it and drag it to the form you are working on.

    BTW I like men. The form name for this tut is called TForm1.
    BTW I like men. Name the Webbrowser rs
    To name things, click on the object and look to the left for a textbox called name

    Now, go to the first tab where all your controls are and select a Textbox (call it Edit1 and a command button. Call the command button Button1)

    Drag both in, like you did with the webbrowser.

    By now you should have something like so;

    Double click on Button1.

    Now, add the following code to procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
    (After Begin)

      case i of
       1 : prefix := 'ul2';
       2 : Prefix := 'ul4';
       3 : prefix := 'po3';
       4 : prefix := 'po4';
       5 : prefix := 'po5';
       6 : prefix := 'po6';
       7 : prefix := 'above2';
       8 : prefix := 'above3';
       9 : prefix := 'above4';
       10: prefix := 'jolt7';
       11: prefix := 'jolt8';
       12: prefix := 'jolt9';
       13: prefix := 'nl3';
       14: prefix := 'nl4';
       15: prefix := 'uk2';
       16: prefix := 'uk3';
       17: prefix := 'tor1';
       18: prefix := 'tor2';
       19: prefix := 'nl7';
       20: prefix := 'nl8';
       21: prefix := 'nl11';
       22: prefix := 'nl1';
       23: prefix := 'uk4';
       24: prefix := 'uk5';
       25: prefix := 'nl12';
       26: prefix := 'ul5';
       27: prefix := 'nl5';
       28: prefix := 'nl6';
       29: prefix := 'ul6';
       30: prefix := 'po7';
       31: prefix := 'po8';
       32: prefix := 'ul1';
       33: prefix := 'at1';
       34: prefix := 'at2';
       35: prefix := 'at3';
       36: prefix := 'at4';
       37: prefix := 'tor3';
       38: prefix := 'planet1';
       39: prefix := 'planet2';
       40: prefix := 'planet3';
       41: prefix := 'planet4';
       42: prefix := 'po2';
       43: prefix := 'sl11';
       44: prefix := 'at6';
       45: prefix := 'planet5';
       46: prefix := 'planet6';
       47: prefix := 'above5';
       48: prefix := 'above6';
       49: prefix := 'ams1';
       50: prefix := 'ams2';
       51: prefix := 'ams3';
       52: prefix := 'ams4';
       53: prefix := 'ams5';
       54: prefix := 'ams6';
       55: prefix := 'ch1';
       56: prefix := 'nl10';
       57: prefix := 'ch3';
       58: prefix := 'ch4';
       59: prefix := 'ch5';
       60: prefix := 'ch6';
       61: prefix := 'se1';
       62: prefix := 'se2';
       63: prefix := 'se3';
       64: prefix := 'se4';
       65: prefix := 'se5';
       66: prefix := 'se6';
       67: prefix := 'jolt10';
       68: prefix := 'jolt11';
       69: prefix := 'jolt12';
       70: prefix := 'sl10';
       71: prefix := 'uk7';
       72: prefix := 'sl1';
       73: prefix := 'sl3';
       74: prefix := 'sl4';
       75: prefix := 'sl5';
       76: prefix := 'sl6';
       77: prefix := 'sl6';
       78: prefix := 'sl7';
       79: prefix := 'sl8';
       80: prefix := 'jolt1';
       81: prefix := 'jolt2';
       82: prefix := 'jolt3';
       83: prefix := 'jolt4';
       84: prefix := 'jolt5';
       85: prefix := 'ny1';
       86: prefix := 'ny2';
       87: prefix := 'ny4';
       88: prefix := 'ny5';
       89: prefix := 'ny6';
       90: prefix := 'ny7';
       91: prefix := 'ny8';
       92: prefix := 'nl9';
       93: prefix := 'mi1';
       94: prefix := 'mi2';
       95: prefix := 'mi3';
       96: prefix := 'mi4';
       97: prefix := 'mi5';
       98: prefix := 'mi6';
       99: prefix := 'mi7';
       100: prefix := 'mi8';
       101: prefix := 'at7';
       102: prefix := 'at8';
       103: prefix := 'at9';
       104: prefix := 'at10';
       106: prefix := 'uk9';
       107: prefix := 'au1';
       108: prefix := 'au2';
       109: prefix := 'au3';
       110: prefix := 'au4';
       111: prefix := 'au5';
       112: prefix := 'au6';
       113: prefix := 'tor4';
       114: prefix := 'tor5';
       115: prefix := 'tor6';
    rs.navigate('http://' + prefix + '');

    NOTE: These worlds could be wrong. If so, update yourself

    You now have your world switcher working.

    Next thing to do is to stop redirection.

    Click on rs (Your WebBrowser)

    Click on the events tab, and double click on the first option (OnBeforeNavigate)

    Now, add the following code after
    procedure TForm1.rsBeforeNavigate2(Sender: TObject; const pDisp: IDispatch;
      var URL, Flags, TargetFrameName, PostData, Headers: OleVariant;
      var Cancel: WordBool);

    -- ADD THIS
    If URL = '' Then
    Cancel := True;

    There you go, you now have a working client.


    -- Comments: rs.SetFocus; - Without this your client would be fucked. NEVER remove it.

    I'll add a StealRS function here soon.

    This client was made by Clashfan and MittenZ.
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