DaRk NiGhT's scripts and tutorials - by DaRk NiGhT

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Six, May 12, 2007.

DaRk NiGhT's scripts and tutorials - by DaRk NiGhT
  1. Unread #1 - May 12, 2007 at 10:43 AM
  2. Six
    Jan 21, 2007
    Sythe Gold:

    Six Guru

    DaRk NiGhT's scripts and tutorials - by DaRk NiGhT

    Had to make 3 posts because its so freaking long :p


    This thread is all of my scripts and tutorials. I hope this helps people as i see posts asking about autospammers and world switchers all the time. Along with things people always want to know about I have a tutorial on how to use INI files which i find to be very useful, especially for a client. XCLIENT itself stores 22 settings and variables in an INI file.

    If you find errors make sure you tell me so i can fix them. If you have suggestions for tutorials PM/AIM/MSN me and i'll try to make it happen.

    *This thread is locked to keep people from asking things here. If you have a question or want to report an error PM/AIM/MSN me.

    Quick Links:
    [Tutorial #1] World Switcher
    [Tutorial #2] AutoSpammer
    [Tutorial #3] Reading/Writing INI Files
    [Tutorial #4] StealRS2
    [Tutorial #5] AutoClicker
    [Tutorial #6] Multi-User Auth System (PHP & MySQL)

    [Tutorial #1] World Switcher (might be out-dated)

    Alot of people want to include this in their client, and what would a client be without it. This tutorial explains how to make a world switcher two similar ways.

    Skill Level: Medium

    What you will need:
    Visual Basic Standard/Pro/Enterprise (Im Using Version 6 Enterprise)
    Basic Knowledge of Visual Basic
    About 15 Minutes


    Step 1: Setting up the Form

    You can set this up a few ways. You can use pictures, buttons, labels, alot of things. It doesnt matter what you use as long as they are named server1, server2, and so on.

    Step 2: The Code

    This is a function to get the worlds prefix. I recommend using this as its the easiest to update. You give this function a world number 1 through 121 and it returns that worlds prefix. (This method required you use the loadworld function given below and use the loadworld() code for the buttons/labels/whatever you use)

    Private Sub getprefix(ByVal server As String)
    Select Case server
    Case 1
    tempprefix = "ul2"
    Case 2
    tempprefix = "ul4"
    Case 3
    tempprefix = "po3"
    Case 4
    tempprefix = "po4"
    Case 5
    tempprefix = "po5"
    Case 6
    tempprefix = "po6"
    Case 7
    tempprefix = "above2"
    Case 8
    tempprefix = "above3"
    Case 9
    tempprefix = "above4"
    Case 10
    tempprefix = "jolt7"
    Case 11
    tempprefix = "jolt8"
    Case 12
    tempprefix = "jolt9"
    Case 13
    tempprefix = "nl3"
    Case 14
    tempprefix = "nl4"
    Case 15
    tempprefix = "uk2"
    Case 16
    tempprefix = "uk3"
    Case 17
    tempprefix = "tor1"
    Case 18
    tempprefix = "tor2"
    Case 19
    tempprefix = "nl7"
    Case 20
    tempprefix = "nl8"
    Case 21
    tempprefix = "nl11"
    Case 22
    tempprefix = "nl1"
    Case 23
    tempprefix = "uk4"
    Case 24
    tempprefix = "uk5"
    Case 25
    tempprefix = "nl12"
    Case 26
    tempprefix = "ul5"
    Case 27
    tempprefix = "nl5"
    Case 28
    tempprefix = "nl6"
    Case 29
    tempprefix = "ul6"
    Case 30
    tempprefix = "po7"
    Case 31
    tempprefix = "po8"
    Case 32
    tempprefix = "ul1"
    Case 33
    tempprefix = "at1"
    Case 34
    tempprefix = "at2"
    Case 35
    tempprefix = "at3"
    Case 36
    tempprefix = "at4"
    Case 37
    tempprefix = "tor3"
    Case 38
    tempprefix = "planet1"
    Case 39
    tempprefix = "planet2"
    Case 40
    tempprefix = "planet3"
    Case 41
    tempprefix = "planet4"
    Case 42
    tempprefix = "po2"
    Case 43
    tempprefix = "sl11"
    Case 44
    tempprefix = "at6"
    Case 45
    tempprefix = "planet5"
    Case 46
    tempprefix = "planet6"
    Case 47
    tempprefix = "above5"
    Case 48
    tempprefix = "above6"
    Case 49
    tempprefix = "ams1"
    Case 50
    tempprefix = "ams2"
    Case 51
    tempprefix = "ams3"
    Case 52
    tempprefix = "ams4"
    Case 53
    tempprefix = "ams5"
    Case 54
    tempprefix = "ams6"
    Case 55
    tempprefix = "ch1"
    Case 56
    tempprefix = "nl10"
    Case 57
    tempprefix = "ch3"
    Case 58
    tempprefix = "ch4"
    Case 59
    tempprefix = "ch5"
    Case 60
    tempprefix = "ch6"
    Case 61
    tempprefix = "se1"
    Case 62
    tempprefix = "se2"
    Case 63
    tempprefix = "se3"
    Case 64
    tempprefix = "se4"
    Case 65
    tempprefix = "se5"
    Case 66
    tempprefix = "se6"
    Case 67
    tempprefix = "jolt10"
    Case 68
    tempprefix = "jolt11"
    Case 69
    tempprefix = "jolt12"
    Case 70
    tempprefix = "sl10"
    Case 71
    tempprefix = "uk7"
    Case 72
    tempprefix = "sl1"
    Case 73
    tempprefix = "sl3"
    Case 74
    tempprefix = "sl4"
    Case 75
    tempprefix = "sl5"
    Case 76
    tempprefix = "sl6"
    Case 77
    tempprefix = "sl6"
    Case 78
    tempprefix = "sl7"
    Case 79
    tempprefix = "sl8"
    Case 80
    tempprefix = "jolt1"
    Case 81
    tempprefix = "jolt2"
    Case 82
    tempprefix = "jolt3"
    Case 83
    tempprefix = "jolt4"
    Case 84
    tempprefix = "jolt5"
    Case 85
    tempprefix = "ny1"
    Case 86
    tempprefix = "ny2"
    Case 87
    tempprefix = "ny4"
    Case 88
    tempprefix = "ny5"
    Case 89
    tempprefix = "ny6"
    Case 90
    tempprefix = "ny7"
    Case 91
    tempprefix = "ny8"
    Case 92
    tempprefix = "nl9"
    Case 93
    tempprefix = "mi1"
    Case 94
    tempprefix = "mi2"
    Case 95
    tempprefix = "mi3"
    Case 96
    tempprefix = "mi4"
    Case 97
    tempprefix = "mi5"
    Case 98
    tempprefix = "mi6"
    Case 99
    tempprefix = "mi7"
    Case 100
    tempprefix = "mi8"
    Case 101
    tempprefix = "at7"
    Case 102
    tempprefix = "at8"
    Case 103
    tempprefix = "at9"
    Case 104
    tempprefix = "at10"
    Case 106
    tempprefix = "uk9"
    Case 107
    tempprefix = "au1"
    Case 108
    tempprefix = "au2"
    Case 109
    tempprefix = "au3"
    Case 110
    tempprefix = "au4"
    Case 111
    tempprefix = "au5"
    Case 112
    tempprefix = "au6"
    Case 113
    tempprefix = "tor4"
    Case 114
    tempprefix = "tor5"
    Case 115
    tempprefix = "tor6"
    Case 117
    tempprefix = "swe1"
    Case 118
    tempprefix = "swe2"
    Case 119
    tempprefix = "swe3"
    Case 120
    tempprefix = "swe4"
    Case 121
    tempprefix = "swe5"
    End Select
    End Sub

    This code is for the buttons/menu. As stated above your buttons must be labeled to match the code. (server1, server2, and so on) The variable, quality, is an integer and if it is 1 low-quality is used and if it is 0 high-quality is used. (This must be defined before the buttons are clicked, on form load or something)

    There should be a peice of code like this for each button/menu item:

    Private Sub server1_Click()
    loadworld (1)
    End Sub

    The following code is for the loadworld function. This function takes a world number and loads the given world. Using this function requires you have the getprefix function from the beginning of the tutorial. As before, quality is either 1 for low-quality or 0 for high-quality. The tempprefix variable is created by the getprefix function and is a string.

    Private Sub loadworld(ByVal worldnum As String)
    getprefix (worldnum)
    WebBrowser.Navigate ("http://" & tempprefix & ".runescape.com/lang/en/aff/runescape/game.ws?lowmem=" & quality & "&plugin=0&affiliate=runescape")
    End Sub

    The advantage of the loadworld() version is you can assign other variables at the same time you load the world. For example, in XCLIENT I use the loadworld function and at the same time I load the world i do some other operations like below:
    currentworld.caption = worldnum

    (this is much easier then adding that line of code for every world button u have)

    This tutorial might be a little confusing for some but i tried to write it so it wouldnt be. Enjoy :)
  3. Unread #2 - May 12, 2007 at 10:50 AM
  4. Six
    Jan 21, 2007
    Sythe Gold:

    Six Guru

    DaRk NiGhT's scripts and tutorials - by DaRk NiGhT

    [Tutorial #2] AutoSpammer Using SendKeys

    This topic is commonly confusing for people. In the end its a very simple thing to use but there is sometimes a bit of confusing regarding where to put whatcode. This is what I intend to clear up.

    Skill Level: Easy

    What you will need:
    Visual Basic Standard/Pro/Enterprise (Im Using Version 6 Enterprise)
    Basic Knowledge of Visual Basic
    About 10 Minutes


    Step 1: Setting up the Form
    In this example we are going to make 2 autospammers. In your form you will need the following:

    A Timer with the following properties:
    Name: SpamTmr
    Enabled: True
    Interval: 300

    A Textbox with the following properties:
    Name: SpamTxt1
    Text: AutoSpammer 1

    A Textbox with the following properties:
    Name: SpamTxt2
    Text: AutoSpammer 2

    If you want you can put labels next to the textboxes to show which key you push to use them. In this example SpamTxt1 will be F10 and SpamTxt2 will be F11.

    Step 2: The Code
    Now we will add the autospammer's code. Its very simple code but everything must be in the right place.

    The first peice of code sets up the key listener. This allows the timer to know when you push keys. (In this case F10 and F11) This code goes at the very top of your forms code:

    Option Explicit
    Private Declare Function GetAsyncKeyState Lib "user32" (ByVal vkey As Long) As Integer

    The next code tells the timer which keys to look for and what to do when they r pressed. This code goes in your forms code pretty much anywhere.

    Private Sub SpamTmr_Timer()
        If GetAsyncKeyState(vbKeyF10) Then
            SendKeys SpamTxt1.Text
            SendKeys "{Enter}"
        End If
        If GetAsyncKeyState(vbKeyF11) Then
            SendKeys SpamTxt2.Text
            SendKeys "{Enter}"
        End If
    End Sub

    Thats it! Its very simple but yet very useful. Enjoy.

    [Tutorial #3] Reading and Writing INI Files

    This is a VERY useful thing to know. XCLIENT uses an INI files to store 150 settings.

    Arrow Skill Level: Medium/Easy

    Arrow What you will need:
    Visual Basic Standard/Pro/Enterprise (Im Using Version 6 Enterprise)
    Basic Knowledge of Visual Basic
    Basic Knowledge of INI Files
    About 10 Minutes


    Step One: Setting up the Form
    This example will show you how to:
    Read values from an INI file and put them in textboxes.
    write values from textboxes to an INI file.
    In your form you will need the following:

    A Textbox with the following properties:
    Name: TextBox1

    A Textbox with the following properties:
    Name: TextBox2

    A Textbox with the following properties:
    Name: TextBox3

    A Button with the following properties:
    Name: SaveButton
    Caption: Save

    Step 2: The Class Module
    The easiest way I have found to use INI files is with a Class Module. (This might be the only way for all I know) Dont be afraid if you dont know what a Class Module is.

    In Visual Basic go to Project and then Add Class Module (In the menu bar).
    Select Class Module and then click Open.
    Name the new Class Module ClsIniFile (This is important).
    Paste the following code:

    Private Declare Function GetPrivateProfileString Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetPrivateProfileStringA" (ByVal lpApplicationName As String, ByVal lpKeyName As Any, ByVal lpDefault As String, ByVal lpReturnedString As String, ByVal nSize As Long, ByVal lpFileName As String) As Long
    Private Declare Function GetPrivateProfileSection Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetPrivateProfileSectionA" (ByVal lpAppName As String, ByVal lpReturnedString As String, ByVal nSize As Long, ByVal lpFileName As String) As Long
    Private Declare Function WritePrivateProfileString Lib "kernel32" Alias "WritePrivateProfileStringA" (ByVal lpApplicationName As String, ByVal lpKeyName As Any, ByVal lpString As Any, ByVal lpFileName As String) As Long
    Private Declare Function WritePrivateProfileSection Lib "kernel32" Alias "WritePrivateProfileSectionA" (ByVal lpAppName As String, ByVal lpString As String, ByVal lpFileName As String) As Long
    Private Const BufferSize As Long = 4096
    Private strIniFile As String
    Public Property Get file() As String
        file = strIniFile
    End Property
    Public Property Let file(Value As String)
        strIniFile = Value
    End Property
    Public Function GetValue(strSection As String, strKey As String) As Variant
        Dim strBuffer As String
        Dim lLength As Long
        strBuffer = Space(BufferSize)
        lLength = GetPrivateProfileString(strSection, strKey, vbNullString, strBuffer, BufferSize, strIniFile)
        GetValue = Left(strBuffer, lLength)
    End Function
    Public Sub WriteValue(strSection As String, strKey As String, vntValue As Variant)
        WritePrivateProfileString strSection, strKey, CStr(vntValue), strIniFile
    End Sub
    Public Function GetSection(strSection As String) As Variant
        Dim strBuffer As String
        Dim lLength As Long
        strBuffer = Space(BufferSize)
        lLength = GetPrivateProfileSection(strSection, strBuffer, BufferSize, strIniFile)
        GetSection = Split(Left(strBuffer, lLength), vbNullChar)
    End Function
    Public Function GetSectionKeys(strSection As String) As Variant
        Dim strBuffer As String
        Dim lLength As Long
        strBuffer = Space(BufferSize)
        lLength = GetPrivateProfileString(strSection, vbNullString, vbNullString, strBuffer, BufferSize, strIniFile)
        GetSectionKeys = Split(Left(strBuffer, lLength), vbNullChar)
    End Function

    The class module is now done and you shouldn't have to edit it anymore.

    Step 3: Reading from the INI File
    First we're going to read values from the INI file and put them in textboxes. For simplicity we're going to do this on Form_Load:

    Private Sub Form_Load()
    Dim Ini As ClsIniFile
    Set Ini = New ClsIniFile
    With Ini
    .file = App.Path & "\Messages.ini"
    message1 = .GetValue("Messages", "message1")
    message2 = .GetValue("Messages", "message2")
    message3 = .GetValue("Messages", "message3")
    End With
    Textbox1.Text = message1
    Textbox2.Text = message2
    Textbox3.Text = message3
    End Sub

    Before we move on, lets explore this code a bit. (You can skip this if you understand whats happening)

    First we are stating what Ini is. Its being declared as a ClsIniFile here.
    Then we are stating which INI file to use. In this case, Messages.ini (\Messages.ini means that Messages.ini is in the same directory as the programs exe)
    Next we are doing a few things:
    message1 = .GetValue("Messages", "message1")
    1. We state we want to assign the value to message1
    2. State we want to GetValue (Get the value from the INI file)
    3. State which section of the INI file the value is in, in this case, Messages.
    4. State which value we want, in this case, message1.
    We have a line like this for every value we want to get from the INI file. In this example there are 3 of these lines, one for each message.

    After we have assigned the values from the INI files to visual basic variables we can fill the textboxes with code like this:
    Textbox1.Text = message1

    Step 4: Writing to the INI File
    Now that we have read values from the INI file, we will probably want to write new ones. This can be done with the following code:

    Private Sub Save()
    Dim Ini As ClsIniFile
    Set Ini = New ClsIniFile
    With Ini
    .file = App.Path & "\Messages.ini"
    .WriteValue "Messages", "message1", Textbox1.Text
    .WriteValue "Messages", "message2", Textbox2.Text
    .WriteValue "Messages", "message3", Textbox3.Text
    End With
    End Sub
    (In this example, instead of putting the save code right in the button, im putting it in its own function called Save.)

    Before we move on, lets explore this code a bit. (You can skip this if you understand whats happening)

    First we do the same as when we read the INI file. (Stating that Ini is a ClsIniFile and stating which INI file to use.)
    Next we do a few things:
    .WriteValue "Messages", "message1", Textbox1.Text
    1. We state that we want to Write to the INI file. (WriteValue)
    2. We state which section we want to write to, in this case, Messages.
    3. We state which value to write to, in this case, message1.
    4. We state which value to write to the file. Here, we are writing the contents of Textbox1 directly to the INI file.

    Thats pretty much all there is to the Save function. You could put the same code for a buttons action if you wanted.

    Since we have writing to the INI file as its own function, we have to tell the program what to do when we click the Save button:

    Private Sub SaveButton_Click()
    Call Save
    End Sub

    Step 5: The INI File
    Here is this examples INI file:


    [Messages] is the section of the file and Message1, Message2, and Message3 are the different values. INI files are very simple. (Every value goes on its own line.)


    I hope this helps anyone wanting to utilize INI files. Enjoy.

    [Tutorial #4] StealRS2

    Anyone wanting to make a Visual Basic client should know how to use StealRS2. StealRS2 removes the add from the top of the page and also removes the Jagex bar. (with the links to join members and such)

    Skill Level: Easy

    What you will need:
    Visual Basic Standard/Pro/Enterprise (Im Using Version 6 Enterprise)
    Basic Knowledge of Visual Basic
    About 5 Minutes


    Step One: Setting up the Form
    For this example you will need a WebBrowser and a button.

    Step 2: The Code
    The following code goes in a module. (Go to Project and then Add Module) Name the module StealRS2

    Public Const SWP_NOSIZE = &H1
    Public Const HWND_TOP = 0
    Public Const SWP_NOOWNERZORDER = &H200
    Declare Function FindWindowEx Lib "user32" Alias "FindWindowExA" (ByVal hWnd1 As Long, ByVal hWnd2 As Long, ByVal lpsz1 As String, ByVal lpsz2 As String) As Long
    Declare Function SetWindowPos Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal hWndInsertAfter As Long, ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long, ByVal cx As Long, ByVal cy As Long, ByVal wFlags As Long) As Long
    Declare Function SetParent Lib "user32" (ByVal hWndChild As Long, ByVal hWndNewParent As Long) As Long
    Public Function StealRS2(Frm As Form)
        On Error Resume Next
        Dim RSHwnd As Long
        Dim RSSunJava As Long
        RSHwnd = FindWindowEx(Frm.hwnd, 0, "shell embedding", vbNullString)
        RSHwnd = FindWindowEx(RSHwnd, 0, "shell docobject view", vbNullString)
        RSHwnd = FindWindowEx(RSHwnd, 0, "internet explorer_server", vbNullString)
        RSSunJava = FindWindowEx(RSHwnd, 0, "Java Plug-in Control Window", vbNullString)
        RSSunJava = FindWindowEx(RSSunJava, 0, "sun.plugin.viewer.frame.IExplorerEmbeddedFrame", vbNullString)
        'RSSunJava = FindWindowEx(RSSunJava, 0, "SunAwtCanvas", vbNullString)
        'RSSunJava = FindWindowEx(RSSunJava, 0, "SunAwtCanvas", vbNullString)
        RSHwnd = FindWindowEx(RSHwnd, 0, "microsoft vm for java(tm) host window class", vbNullString)
        RSHwnd = FindWindowEx(RSHwnd, 0, "msawt_comp_class", vbNullString)
        If RSHwnd = 0 Then RSHwnd = RSSunJava
        If RSHwnd = 0 Then Exit Function
        SetParent RSHwnd, Frm.hwnd
    End Function

    The next peice of code goes in the forms code. This code is executed when the WebBrowser's progress changes. Make sure that this code matches the name of your WebBrowser.

    Private Sub WebBrowser_ProgressChange(ByVal Progress As Long, ByVal ProgressMax As Long)
    On Error Resume Next
    StealRS2 Me
    End Sub


    This code is fairly simple and very powerful/useful. Enjoy.

    [Tutorial #5] AutoClicker

    Another common task for anyone wanting to make a client.

    Skill Level: Easy

    What you will need:
    Visual Basic Standard/Pro/Enterprise (Im Using Version 6 Enterprise)
    Basic Knowledge of Visual Basic
    About 5 Minutes


    Step 1: Setting up the Form

    You can do this a variety of ways but in this example we will need:

    A Timer with the following properties:
    Name: ClickTimer
    Enabled: False

    A Button with the following properties:
    Name: StartButton
    Caption: Start

    A Button with the following properties:
    Name: StopButton
    Caption: Stop

    A Textbox with the following properties:
    Name: ClickInterval
    Text: 5

    Step 2: The Code
    Now we will add the core to the autoclicker. It's rather simple code.

    The first peice of code goes at the top of your project and declares some mouse functions:

    Private Const MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN = &H2      ' left button down
    Private Const MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP = &H4        ' left button up
    Private Declare Sub mouse_event Lib "user32" (ByVal dwFlags As Long, ByVal dx As Long, ByVal dy As Long, ByVal cButtons As Long, ByVal dwExtraInfo As Long)

    The following code goes in the Start button:

    The next code goes in your timer:

    mouse_event MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN, 0, 0, 0, 0
    mouse_event MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP, 0, 0, 0, 0

    The last peice of code goes in your Stop button:

    ClickTimer.enabled = False

    Thats all there is to it. Put how often, in seconds, you want the clicker to click and hit start.
  5. Unread #3 - May 12, 2007 at 10:52 AM
  6. Six
    Jan 21, 2007
    Sythe Gold:

    Six Guru

    DaRk NiGhT's scripts and tutorials - by DaRk NiGhT

    [Tutorial #6] Multi-User Auth System Using PHP and MySQL

    With so many people creating clients and various other programs, there is a need for auth systems. Some stupid people just use text files on webservers while other smart people, who want people to actually buy auths, use various other methods. This tutorial will explain how to create a secure, multi-user auth system with 3 common things, PHP, MySQL, and of course Visual Basic.

    Skill Level: Medium

    What you will need:
    Visual Basic Standard/Pro/Enterprise (Im Using Version 6 Enterprise)
    Basic Knowledge of Visual Basic
    Basic Knowledge of PHP
    Basic Knowledge of MySQL
    About 10 Minutes


    Step 1: Setting Up MySQL
    This tutorial requires that you have a MySQL database somewhere and access to it through something like phpMyAdmin.

    For this example, we'll create a database called TestAuths. Below is a query you can run to create the database. Basic MySQL knowledge is required and in the PHP steps you NEED to know your MySQL server's address, database password, and database username.

    CREATE DATABASE testauths

    Next, we need to add a table called Licenses. Below is a query you can run to create the table.

    CREATE TABLE licenses (username varchar(200), code varchar(200))

    Now lets create a test auth. Below is a query you can run to add a test auth.

    INSERT INTO licenses VALUES ('bob', '5555555')

    Now that we have a database with a table and a test auth, we can move on. If you have problems with the above queries, make sure you check you have copied everything correctly. Different versions of MySQL might use different syntax so you might need to modify the code i have supplied.

    Step 2: The PHP File
    The PHP file is like a middleman. Visual Basic uses the PHP file to connect to the database and verify the auth. Below is a link to a sample PHP file which you could use. Its basic and could be modified to include things like IP checks. You will need to the following code into a file called checkauth.php and put it on a webserver. MAKE SURE YOU REMEMBER WHERE YOU PUT IT AND READ THE INSTRUCTIONS BELOW THE CODE BLOCK.

    Click Here for the PHP

    This code might look intimidating but its not that bad. MAKE SURE YOU CHANGE THE CONNECTION VARIABLES TO YOUR OWN. I filled in the name of the database we created before, if you did something else, make sure you put your databases name in.

    Step 3: Using the above in Visual Basic
    Now we'll integrate the above into Visual Basic. Remember, this is a basic example, you can add things like IP checks and other stuff later if you know how.

    SubStep A:
    In Visual Basic, create a form with the following:

    A Textbox with the following properties:
    Name: usernametxt

    A Textbox with the following properties:
    Name: codetxt

    A Button with the following properties:
    Name: checkauth
    Caption: Check Auth

    A Inet with the following properties:
    Name: Inet1

    SubStep B:
    Now for the code! The following code must be modified. Below the code block is instructions on what to modify.

    Private Sub checklic_Click()
    Dim licurl as String
    Dim authresult as String
    licurl = "http://webserver.com/checkauth.php?name=" + usernametxt.Text + "&code=" + codetxt.Text
    authresult = Inet1.OpenURL(licurl)
    If authresult = "1" Then
    MsgBox "Auth Accepted!"
    MsgBox "Auth Denied!"
    End If
    End Sub

    You must change the following in the above code:
    -- Change http://webserver.com to where you put your checkauth.php file.
    -- Where MsgBox "Auth Accepted!" is you can do things like set variables to true so things that require an auth work. In XCLIENT for example, your auth is saved to an INI file here.
    -- Where MsgBox "Auth Denied!" is you can do things like close the program or just leave it the way it is and allow people to retry.

    The above steps are complicated but if you get it to work its worth it. Please keep in mind that auth codes are sent in plain text and could be phised (or w/e its called). If you want to add encryption like MD5, you can encrypt the auth codes before you put them in the database and before they are sent from visual basic. A tutorial on using MD5 in visual basic might come soon.....

    Hope this helps some people!
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