[Guide] Miss Fortune

Discussion in 'League of Legends' started by Terrankiller, Oct 19, 2011.

[Guide] Miss Fortune
  1. Unread #1 - Oct 19, 2011 at 5:36 PM
  2. Terrankiller
    May 7, 2005
    Sythe Gold:

    Terrankiller Ex-Administrator
    Retired Administrator Visual Basic Programmers

    [Guide] Miss Fortune

    This is a guide on how to build MF and use her.

    1. Mastery
    2. Runes
    3. Summoner Spells
    4. Skill Order
    5. Items
    6. Use

    1. Mastery


    2. Runes

    x9 Greater Mark of Desolation
    x9 Greater Seal of Resilience
    x9 Greater Glyph of Warding
    x3 Greater Quintessence of Strength or x3 Greater Quintessence of Desolation

    3. Summoner Spells

    Flash (Flash out of danger or to get kills)
    Exhaust (Slow people)

    4. Skill Order (Order by what level to get the skill)

    Strut (Passive)
    Double Up 1, 3, 5, 7, 9
    Impure Shots 2, 8, 10, 12, 13
    Make it Rain 4, 14, 15, 17, 18
    Bullet Time 6, 11, 16

    5. Items

    Starting Items:

    Boots of Speed, 3x Health Potion
    Beserker Greaves (If you do not need MR) or Mercury Tread's
    x3 Dorans Blade, Life Steal, Zeal
    Blood Thirster, Phantom Dancer

    Infinity Edge, Last Whisper, Frozen Mallet


    Guardian Angel, Banshee Veil, Frozen Mallet, Atma's Impaler,

    6. Use

    MF is a really good AD carry. I like to level double up first for harassment and burst damage. You can attack enemy champions while hiding behind minions with this skill. When you get them to low enough health you can flash in and exhaust for the kill. Impure shots is really good against champions with healing abilities as the effect will reduce the healing on them and increase your attack speed.

    Make it rain should only really be used to slow enemy champions or to check bushes. MF's ultimate bullet time is a really good AOE that can be used to clear a huge group of minions or use against grouped up enemies during a team fight. While playing MF be sure to poke enemy champions in your lane once in awhile and last hit minions for maximum gold farm.

    Getting the red buff with MF will add a dot to your attacks making you even more deadly. Sometimes you will have to make MF tanky as you will be a primary target because MF is an AD carry champion. MF's strut passive increases her movement speed but if hit it will disable it for a short amount of time. Be sure while early laning not to be hit when you poke the enemy champions.
  3. Unread #2 - Oct 19, 2011 at 8:33 PM
  4. Arashi
    Jun 14, 2011
    Sythe Gold:

    Arashi Free Middleman

    [Guide] Miss Fortune

    9/10 Build, the only thing i won't even consider is buying Mercury Treads or defensive items for MF, you should always build pure offense with MF even if things aren't going your way. X3 Doran's is not bad but i prefer just buying 1, then buy a zeal and infiniti edge.

    Good build thanks for sharing.
  5. Unread #3 - Oct 19, 2011 at 10:06 PM
  6. Terrankiller
    May 7, 2005
    Sythe Gold:

    Terrankiller Ex-Administrator
    Retired Administrator Visual Basic Programmers

    [Guide] Miss Fortune

    Thing is when you face against a team with mostly AP champions or a team with a lot of CC abilities you will need some MR and Resilience to reduce damage and durations on your champ. You should always build to counter the enemy team. 3 dorans blade is actually good early game as it will give you more dmg, life steal, and health. While you farm you can sell the dorans to buy items you need. You will see a lot of top tier players buying 3 dorans blades or rings early game because it is effective early game. Sometimes you wont even need armor or magic pen depending on the other teams build. Always pay attention the items enemy champions buy.
  7. Unread #4 - Oct 20, 2011 at 12:16 AM
  8. Matthew905
    Sep 23, 2008
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    [Guide] Miss Fortune

    Quicksilver Sach might be useful also as a defense item. If ww or malzahar were to suppress you with their ult, you could qss and walk alway. Or just basically use it to escape cc :D

    edit: It's just that it's more reliable then a banshee's veil if you think about it. If ww or mal were to ult you, they would want to break the veil off first before they ult.
  9. Unread #5 - Oct 20, 2011 at 3:01 PM
  10. Terrankiller
    May 7, 2005
    Sythe Gold:

    Terrankiller Ex-Administrator
    Retired Administrator Visual Basic Programmers

    [Guide] Miss Fortune

    Build items to counter your enemies.
  11. Unread #6 - Oct 20, 2011 at 9:34 PM
  12. Class
    Dec 17, 2008
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    [Guide] Miss Fortune

    For runes I don't suppose you could add what the runes do? For example, (Armor Penetration) or whatever. Idk about you - but I don't exactly remember all of the rune names.
  13. Unread #7 - Mar 28, 2012 at 5:38 PM
  14. NiceN&#1086;rway
    Mar 28, 2012
    Sythe Gold:

    NiceN&#1086;rway Member

    [Guide] Miss Fortune

    Miss Fortune is a very strong new champion in League of Legends. She's a ranged Carry, but she seems to perform very well early game for a Carry. She is one of the best champions in the game in terms of map control. She is able to go from the top lane to the bottom lane unbeliavably fast, defending multiple towers, where others could not. Late game, she can unleash enough damage to severely cripple an enemy team. Unlike Ashe and Tristana, Miss Fortune does great AoE damage. Her AoE really shines mid game though, and at a certain point, her auto attacks just outscale her abilities, and they become more of a complement rather than a focus.

    Passive: Miss Fortune gains an additional 25 movement speed after 7 seconds of not being attacked, increasing each second up to 80 maximum bonus speed.

    This passive is very strong, one of the strongest in the game. While it's not a direct combat passive, it lets you defend multiple towers, chase and escape, and generally provides you the kind of mobility other champions just do not possess.
  15. Unread #8 - Mar 28, 2012 at 5:40 PM
  16. NiceN&#1086;rway
    Mar 28, 2012
    Sythe Gold:

    NiceN&#1086;rway Member

    [Guide] Miss Fortune

    Double Up: Miss Fortune fires a bullet at an enemy, damaging them and a target behind them.

    This is Miss Fortune's least important ability in the long run, although it is the ability that you want to max first, since it's important for the laning phase and the midgame. It's useful for harassing enemy champions, and it really does take a nice little chunk out of someone early game. Since it hits a target behind the initial target, you can harass the enemy champion by hitting the back row of minions, letting you keep more range than you could with other ranged champions.
  17. Unread #9 - Mar 28, 2012 at 5:41 PM
  18. NiceN&#1086;rway
    Mar 28, 2012
    Sythe Gold:

    NiceN&#1086;rway Member

    [Guide] Miss Fortune

    Impure Shots: Miss Fortune passively increases damage dealt to a target with each strike. This ability can be activated to increase Miss Fortune's attack speed and cause her attacks to lower healing received by the target.

    While the passive aspect of this ability is nice, the active is what you are investing in. Although this does not need to be maxed until last, it is important to get one point in it early, so that you have access to a 30% attack speed steroid, which will basically be your tower killer. It maxes at 50% attack speed when activated, at rank 5
  19. Unread #10 - Mar 28, 2012 at 5:41 PM
  20. NiceN&#1086;rway
    Mar 28, 2012
    Sythe Gold:

    NiceN&#1086;rway Member

    [Guide] Miss Fortune

    Make It Rain: Miss Fortune unleashes a flurry of bullets at a location, dealing waves of damage to opponents and slowing them.

    While not as powerful as her ultimate, Make It Rain is just as important. This is a great ability that you should think of as a non-global, smaller version of Gangplank's ultimate. It is a targeted AoE, and a fire and forget, so you can place it and run. This is Miss Fortune's main farming ability, but more importantly, it gives her survivability with the slow, and also the ability to chase. The damage itself is also respectable enough, that no one is going to want to stand and eat it, so it also zones very well. This ability is the reason that you should average 20+ assists with her.
  21. Unread #11 - Mar 28, 2012 at 5:43 PM
  22. NiceN&#1086;rway
    Mar 28, 2012
    Sythe Gold:

    NiceN&#1086;rway Member

    [Guide] Miss Fortune

    Bullet Time: Miss Fortune channels a flurry of bullets into a cone in front of her, dealing large amounts of damage to enemies.

    Miss Fortune's ultimate is a team killer. It has range that will probably be nerfed, and it is great to fire into a crowd, and it absolutely eats up squishes. It is channeled, so you want to make sure you fire it when you feel safe from stuns and disables, but if it is able to fire for its full duration, you will scatter the enemy team, as long as you haven't killed them first.
  23. Unread #12 - Mar 28, 2012 at 5:43 PM
  24. NiceN&#1086;rway
    Mar 28, 2012
    Sythe Gold:

    NiceN&#1086;rway Member

    [Guide] Miss Fortune

    Bullet Time: Miss Fortune channels a flurry of bullets into a cone in front of her, dealing large amounts of damage to enemies.

    Miss Fortune's ultimate is a team killer. It has range that will probably be nerfed, and it is great to fire into a crowd, and it absolutely eats up squishes. It is channeled, so you want to make sure you fire it when you feel safe from stuns and disables, but if it is able to fire for its full duration, you will scatter the enemy team, as long as you haven't killed them first.
  25. Unread #13 - Mar 28, 2012 at 5:44 PM
  26. NiceN&#1086;rway
    Mar 28, 2012
    Sythe Gold:

    NiceN&#1086;rway Member

    [Guide] Miss Fortune

    Skill Order:

    1: Q --- Double Up
    2: E --- Make It Rain
    3: Q --- Double Up
    4: W --- Impure Shots
    5: Q --- Double Up
    6: R --- Bullet Time
    7: Q --- Double Up
    8: E --- Make It Rain
    9: Q --- Double Up
    10: E --- Make It Rain
    11: R --- Bullet Time
    12: E --- Make It Rain
    13: W --- Impure Shots
    14: E --- Make It Rain
    15: W --- Impure Shots
    16: R --- Bullet Time
    17: W --- Impure Shots
    18: W --- Impure Shots
  27. Unread #14 - Mar 28, 2012 at 5:45 PM
  28. NiceN&#1086;rway
    Mar 28, 2012
    Sythe Gold:

    NiceN&#1086;rway Member

    [Guide] Miss Fortune




    3/3 Deadliness
    2/3 Archmage's Savvy

    4/4 Alacrity

    3/3 Sunder
    2/2 Offensive Mastery

    3/3 Brute Force

    3/3 Lethality

    1/1 Havoc


    3/3 Perserverance
    1/1 Haste

    1/1 Awareness

    1/2 Utility Mastery

    Miss Fortune, besides her slow, does not really have any kind of survivability ability, and she great relies on Summoner Spells to stay alive, so I use Flash and Ghost. If you feel that you are able to stay alive with only one of those, put only 1 point in Archmage's Savvy, and put the extra point into Improved Ignite, and use that instead.
  29. Unread #15 - Mar 28, 2012 at 5:47 PM
  30. NiceN&#1086;rway
    Mar 28, 2012
    Sythe Gold:

    NiceN&#1086;rway Member

    [Guide] Miss Fortune


    Marks: Greater Mark of Desolation x9
    Armor Pen is the industry standard for physical damage dealers, and it's no different here.

    Seals: Greater Seal of Clarity x9
    I'm not a big fan of slowing down my build with mana regen on Carries, so I use mana regen seals and try to get Golem as much as I can.

    Glyphs: Greater Glyph of Focus x9
    Pretty standard, I use this glyph on every champion pretty much, abilities coming up faster is always a good thing.

    Quintessences: Quintessence of Fortitude x3
    The extra health early game is too much for me to pass up.
  31. Unread #16 - Mar 28, 2012 at 5:47 PM
  32. NiceN&#1086;rway
    Mar 28, 2012
    Sythe Gold:

    NiceN&#1086;rway Member

    [Guide] Miss Fortune

    Item Build:

    Start with a Doran's Blade and a Mana Potion. The extra damage is great for last hitting early, and the Health and Lifesteal let you stay in the lane longer. The potion is also for staying power early.

    When you go back, if you've been laning extremely well, pick up a Brutalizer and begin working towards your Youmou's Ghostblade. This item has everything you want, AD, Crit, ArPen, CD Reduction, and the active perfectly synergizes with what you already have. It doubles as a second Ghost, for either chasing, or escaping, and popping it with Impure Shots sends your Attack Speed through the roof. Now some people will say here, isn't the active movement speed overkill with Strut as a passive? Strut is entirely canceled by ANY damage. A minion could turn and shoot you, and you're back at normal speed. And her base speed relatively average.

    Pick up Boots of Speed when it's appropriate. If you find yourself being pressured and chased, then pick them up before the Brutalizer. If not, pick them up after. Upgrade the boots depending on the enemy composition, and the context of the game. If you see a Sion, an Amumu, a Morgana, a Rammus or a Shen, (disablers), then get Mercury Treads. If you see an Annie, a Vlad, an Akali, (burst magic damage), then get Mercury Treads. If not, then get Boots of Swiftness. You'll never be in auto attack range if you're doing it right, so don't get Ninja Tabi vs. a physical team. Boots of Swiftness will provide more survivability in the form of escaping. You're not going to be tanking Tryn or Yi, Tabi or not.

    Next, you reach a crossroads. If you are clearly in the advantage, go to Infinity Edge to finish the deal.

    If you are down or under pressure, pick up a Banshee's Veil or a Guardian Angel for extra survivability. A Frozen Mallet works too, with some damage, raw health, and a very good slow to kite and chase with.

    Finish off with a Last Whisper vs. an armor heavy team, a Wit's End vs. a caster heavy team, or a Madred's vs. an HP stacking team. Notice that we are itemizing for attack speed.

    It's also extremely viable, if your opening lane phase was EXTREMELY strong, as in multiple kills, no deaths, and thousands of gold before you go back, to rush Infinity Edge.

    In conclusion core items for Miss Fortune are:

    Doran's Blade, Boots, Youmou's Ghostblade, Infinity Edge, Last Whisper, Banshee's Veil, Frozen Mallet
  33. Unread #17 - Mar 28, 2012 at 5:48 PM
  34. NiceN&#1086;rway
    Mar 28, 2012
    Sythe Gold:

    NiceN&#1086;rway Member

    [Guide] Miss Fortune

    I build Miss Fortune for speed, given that Impure Shots and Malady stack to do enormous amounts of additional magic damage per attack (helpful for fighting champions with loads of armor). Combine that with Malady's life steal, and Miss can effectively stay in the field for long periods of time. I grab Make it Rain first for the slow factor, which can help when fighting melee heroes, but I max out Impure shots first. Combine that with Phage (it's not worth getting Frozen Hammer), Phantom Dancer, and Mercury's boots, and you have a hero designed to do boatloads of damage very quickly, and pursue fleeing champions with ease.
  35. Unread #18 - Mar 28, 2012 at 5:49 PM
  36. NiceN&#1086;rway
    Mar 28, 2012
    Sythe Gold:

    NiceN&#1086;rway Member

    [Guide] Miss Fortune

    No question, AP is not better. Anyone building Miss Fortune as AP is failing badly. Thats like building Ashe AP because her arrow deals magic damage. She is a physical ranged carry, and she needs to be built as such. You max Double Up first because no other ability matches what it can give you at that point in the game. By the end game it's the least useful ability, but by the end game, you've already got the other skills.
  37. Unread #19 - Mar 28, 2012 at 5:49 PM
  38. NiceN&#1086;rway
    Mar 28, 2012
    Sythe Gold:

    NiceN&#1086;rway Member

    [Guide] Miss Fortune

    I just tried out this AP nonsense just to make sure my information was accurate. And it was total garbage. Make it rain brought creeps to a sliver of life instead of half life. Impure Shots had a little more bonus damage. Double Up and Bullet Time hit a little harder if even. But her auto attacks hit for nothing! She's a carry guys! Not a caster. Period.
  39. Unread #20 - Mar 28, 2012 at 5:55 PM
  40. NiceN&#1086;rway
    Mar 28, 2012
    Sythe Gold:

    NiceN&#1086;rway Member

    [Guide] Miss Fortune

    Sorry for spamming. Miss fortune is the best!
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